CIE and AQA compatible, tried and tested and developed over 3 years teaching demanding A2 students.<br />
<br />
Covers the concept of government failure, with thorough explanations and good examples, including discussions of the following reasons for government failure:<br />
Imperfect Information<br />
Conflicting Objectives<br />
Administrative Cost<br />
Market Distortions<br />
and introduction to Public Choice Theory<br />
<br />
Very concise (only 11 slides total), this is a good introductory PPT at a good introductory price!
A complete table of marks allocated by topic and question type for all Cambridge International Economics A Level Past Papers 3 and 4 (code 9708) since 2010.<br />
<br />
This amazing and thoroughly-researched resource can be used to identify the frequency with which different key topics appear on the exam paper, and to compare and identify trends in the type of questions chosen (for example, if a question on Economies of Scale appears on Paper 4 it is then highly unlikely that a question on Economies of Scale would appear on Paper 3).<br />
<br />
This resource will give any teacher or student an advantage as they prepare for exams.
34 superior quality A Level Economics PPTs. 16:9 ratio to fit beautifully with modern screen ratios, but will easily adjust to other screen dimensions. Packed full of diagrams, examples and easy-to-understand explanations.<br />
<br />
These PPTs correspond to the following learning objectives from the current CIE syllabus:<br />
The fundamental economic problem<br />
The meaning of scarcity and the inevitability of choices at all levels (individual, firms,<br />
governments)<br />
The meaning of the term, ‘ceteris paribus’<br />
Positive and normative economics - the distinction between facts and value judgements<br />
The rewards to the factors of production: land, labour, capital and enterprise<br />
The gains from specialisation/division of labour and trade, using an excellent worked example that brings the topic to life!<br />
The production possibility frontier, including diagrams demonstrating movements along and shifts in a production possibility frontier.<br />
<br />
The PPTs also introduce economics as a social science the social scientific method - important foundation work for students beginning an economics course.<br />
<br />
Can be easily complemented with any standard A Level (e.g. Anderton), IB (e.g. Tragakes) or AP (e.g. Krugman) texts for effective delivery of the unit.<br />
<br />
Tried and tested in various learning environments (including non-native users of English) with strong results in terms of student understanding.
34-slide superior quality A Level Economics PPTs. 16:9 ratio to fit beautifully with modern screen ratios, but will easily adjust to other screen dimensions. Packed full of diagrams, examples and easy-to-understand explanations.<br />
<br />
These PPTs correspond to the following learning objectives from the current AQA syllabus:<br /> Economic methodology, including detailed coverage of economics as a social science, the social scientific method and the difference between positive and normative statements.<br /> The nature and purpose of economic activity<br /> Economic resources (includes effective explanations of the rewards to the factors of production)<br /> Scarcity, choice and the allocation of resources<br /> Production possibility diagrams, including diagrams and examples<br />
<br />
Can be easily complemented with any standard A Level (e.g. Anderton), IB (e.g. Tragakes) or AP (e.g. Krugman) texts for effective delivery of the unit.<br />
<br />
Tried and tested in various learning environments (including non-native users of English) with strong results in terms of student understanding.
18 well-organised, beautifully presented slides for the topic Organisational Structure.<br />
<br />
Tried, tested and improved over 3 years teaching Business in an English as a second language environment - these slides are very straightforward for students to understand!<br />
<br />
Diagramatically demonstrates how Organisational Structures (including Matrix, Hierarchical / Bureaucratic and Entrepreneurial), Chain of Command and Span of Control work, using effective examples.<br />
<br />
Sets out clearly the advantages and disadvantages of each Organisational Structure.<br />
<br />
The concepts of Delegation, Delayering and Decentralisation are then clearly and accurately presented.
12 well-organised, beautifully presented slides for the AS Level topic Business Size.<br />
<br />
Tried, tested and improved over 3 years teaching Business in an English as a second language environment - these slides are very straightforward for students to understand!<br />
<br />
These PPTs would be suitable for A Level (various exam boards including CIE and OCR) Business, IB Business Managament, GCSE, IGCSE or any other Business Studies course and covers the following classifications of business size:<br />
Number of Employees<br />
Revenue<br />
Capital Employed<br />
Market Capitalisation<br />
Market Share<br />
Profit<br />
Number of Outlets<br />
EU Classifications of Business Size
12 well-organised, beautifully presented slides for the A Level topic Capacity Utilisation / Capacity Utilization / Outsourcing.<br />
<br />
Tried, tested and improved over 3 years teaching Business in an English as a second language environment - these slides are very straightforward for students to understand!<br />
<br />
These PPTs would be suitable for A Level (various exam boards including CIE and OCR) Business, IB Business Managament, GCSE, IGCSE or any other Business Studies course and covers the following learning goals:<br />
1. Explain the meaning and calculation of capacity utilisation<br />
2. Analyse the problems of excess capacity and capacity shortages<br />
3. Evaluate the different approaches to overcoming these problems<br />
4. Assess the reasons for the growth of outsourcing <br />
5. Evaluate the benefits and limitations of outsourcing
29-slide superior quality IB Higher Level / Standard Level Economics PPTs. 16:9 ratio to fit beautifully with modern screen ratios, but will easily adjust to other screen dimensions. Packed full of easy-to-understand explanations, in a striking visual style.<br />
<br />
These PPTs correspond to the following learning objective from the current IB syllabus:<br />
Explain that the three basic economic questions that must be answered by any economic system are: “What to produce?”, “How to produce?” and “For whom to produce?”<br />
These excellent PPTs cover the significant topic of resource allocation in different economic systems (including extensive presentation of the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of free market, mixed and command / planned economies) and issues facing economies in transition<br />
<br />
Can be easily complemented with any standard IB (e.g. Tragakes) text for effective delivery of the unit.<br />
<br />
Tried and tested in various learning environments (including non-native users of English) with strong results in terms of student understanding.
Beautifully presented PPTs for A Level Economics (49 slide megapack!) covering the following topics all in one package: Budget Lines, Indifference Curves and the Equimarginal Principle, as well as clear, accurate and easy-to-follow explanations and examples to effectively demonstrate these difficult topics.<br />
<br />
Includes 10 high quality diagrams (see preview for an example) and ensures all necessary parts of these topics are covered, including the cases of perfect complements, perfect substitutes, inferior goods and Giffen goods. Also demonstrates the Equimarginal principle using a simple numerical example that all students can follow.<br />
<br />
Tried and tested even in English as a second language environments and subsequently improved through a number of previous versions.
This Model Essay answer could be used in A Level or IB classes to demonstrate how to write an effective essay in the Business Economics/Theory of the Firm unit. <br />
<br />
It comprises the following two-part question, answered to a standard likely to score top marks in CIE, AQA, IB or other syllabuses' marking rubrics:<br />
In production, a distinction is made between short-run cost curves and long-run cost curves. Using appropriate cost curve diagrams, explain this distinction. (12 marks)<br />
Evaluate the view that productive and allocative efficiency is more likely to be achieved in perfectly competitive industries than monopolies. (13 marks)
This Model Essay answer could be used in A Level or IB classes to demonstrate how to write an effective essay in the Developed and Less Developed Countries / Measures of Living Standards / Economic Growth and Development area of the syllabus. The Essay includes relevant examples and diagrams such as the Kuznets Curve.<br />
<br />
It comprises the following two-part question, answered to a standard likely to score top marks in CIE, AQA, IB or other syllabuses' marking rubrics:<br />
Explain how economic development might be measured. (12 marks)<br />
Evaluate the view that the most effective way that a government could improve the living standards of its citizens is through the pursuit of faster economic growth. (13 marks)
34 slide megapack that covers the whole topic of Income and Wealth Inequality / Distribution / Redistribution / Government Solutions. Can be easily broken down into separate parts, which include accurate, concise and easy to understand full coverage of the following sub-topics:<br />
Absolute and Relative Poverty<br />
Distinction between Wealth and Income<br />
Causes of Inequality<br />
Inequality Metrics including the Lorenz Curve and how the GINI index (GINI coefficient) is derived<br />
GINI indices for major countries<br />
Kuznets Curve<br />
Government solutions including Negative Income Tax, welfare programmes and work incentives<br />
The 'Trickle-down' Theory
High quality 65-slide PPT megapack for A Level Economics (IB and AP compatible) Macroeconomics topics: Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy<br />
<br />
Fully demonstrates and explains (10 superb diagrams in total) the key points of this huge topic area including:<br />
Sources of government revenue<br />
Types of, and reasons for, government expenditure<br />
Budget surpluses and deficits, including the PSNCR/PSBR<br />
The multiplier effect of an increase in government spending<br />
Automatic stabilisers<br />
M0, M2, M4 and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism<br />
Functions of the Central Bank <br />
Open Market Operations<br />
How the banking system works, the reserve ratio and the credit multiplier<br />
Liquidity Preference Theory, Money Demand and how equilibrium in the Money Market is reached<br />
Interest rate and interest rate policy (including the Discount Rate)<br />
Quantitative Easing, Helicopter Drops and Expansionary Fiscal and Monetary Policy<br />
The Liquidity Trap<br />
The Market for Loanable Funds<br />
'Crowding Out'<br />
Savings and Investment Incentives and Policies<br />
The Fisher Equation, The Quantity Theory of Money and how an increase in the Money Supply can cause inflation<br />
Keynesian Theory / Policymaking Approaches vs. Monetarist Theory / Policymaking Approaches <br />
<br />
Can be easily complemented with any standard A Level (e.g. Anderton), IB (e.g. Tragakes) or AP (e.g. Krugman) texts for effective delivery of the unit.<br />
<br />
Tried and tested in various learning environments with strong results in terms of student understanding.
29-slide superior quality A Level Economics PPTs. 16:9 ratio to fit beautifully with modern screen ratios, but will easily adjust to other screen dimensions. Packed full of easy-to-understand explanations, in a striking visual style.<br />
<br />
These PPTs correspond to the following learning objectives from the Pearson Edexcel syllabus:<br />
The distinction between free market, mixed and command economies<br />
The advantages and disadvantages of a free market economy and a command economy<br />
The role of the state in a mixed economy<br />
The PPTs also outline the difficulties facing economies in transition from a command system to a more market-oriented system<br />
<br />
Can be easily complemented with any standard A Level (e.g. Anderton), IB (e.g. Tragakes) or AP (e.g. Krugman) texts for effective delivery of the unit.<br />
<br />
Tried and tested in various learning environments (including non-native users of English) with strong results in terms of student understanding.
Superior quality PPTs for A Level / IB / AP Economics Macroeconomics topic: Unemployment and the Phillips Curve (42 slides in total). Fully demonstrates, diagramatically and using text, the key points of the topic, including the Labour Force and how Unemployment is measured, the short-run and long-run Phillips curve and how this relates to the natural rate of unemployment and the Aggregate Demand / Aggregate Supply model, types of unemployment including Structural, Frictional and Cyclical (demand-deficient) and explores appropriate solutions to the problems of unemployment.<br />
<br />
Contains thorough demonstrations using appropriate diagrams and easily digestible points/explanations with appropriate amount of on-screen text that makes note taking easy for students of all abilities, whether native or non-native users of English.<br />
<br />
Can be easily complemented with any standard A Level (e.g. Anderton), IB (e.g. Tragakes) or AP (e.g. Krugman) texts for effective delivery of the unit.<br />
<br />
Tried and tested in various learning environments with strong results in terms of student understanding.
12 well-organised, nicely presented slides for the A Level topic Business Communication.<br />
<br />
Tried, tested and improved over 3 years teaching Business in an English as a second language environment - these slides are very straightforward for students to understand!<br />
<br />
These PPTs would be suitable for A Level (various exam boards including CIE and OCR) Business, IB Business Managament, GCSE, IGCSE or any other Business Studies course and covers the following learning objectives:<br />
1. Explain what is meant by effective communication<br />
2. Appreciate the importance of feedback, choice of medium and clarity of message in achieving effective communication<br />
3. Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the different communication methods or media<br />
4. Explain the causes of ineffective communication – the barriers to communication and how to overcome them<br />
5. Evaluate the application of different communication methods
29-slide superior quality A Level Economics PPTs. 16:9 ratio to fit beautifully with modern screen ratios, but will easily adjust to other screen dimensions. Packed full of easy-to-understand explanations, in a striking visual style.<br />
<br />
These PPTs correspond to the following learning objectives from the current AQA syllabus:<br /> The nature and purpose of economic activity<br />
The central purpose of economic activity<br />
The key economic decisions are: what to produce, how to produce, and who is to benefit from the goods and services produced (specifically how these questions are answered in different economic systems)<br />
<br />
Can be easily complemented with any standard A Level (e.g. Anderton), IB (e.g. Tragakes) or AP (e.g. Krugman) texts for effective delivery of the unit.<br />
<br />
Tried and tested in various learning environments (including non-native users of English) with strong results in terms of student understanding.
34 superior quality A Level Economics PPTs. 16:9 ratio to fit beautifully with modern screen ratios, but will easily adjust to other screen dimensions. Packed full of diagrams, examples and easy-to-understand explanations.<br />
<br />
These PPTs complement the section 'Scarcity and Choice' of the current WJEC A Level Economics syllabus, covering the following topics:<br />
Scarcity, choice and opportunity cost<br />
The factors of production and their rewards<br />
Production possibility frontiers, including diagrams to demonstrate movements along, points inside (unemployment of resources / inefficiency), unattainable points outside, and outward shifts<br />
The benefits of specialisation and trade, including a worked example that really brings the topic to life for students!<br />
<br />
Importantly, these PPTs introduce Economics as a social science, the social scientific method (with a worked example that is easy for students new to the subject to comprehend) and other key foundations of economics as a subject, such as 'ceteris paribus' and positive and normative economics.<br />
<br />
Can be easily complemented with any standard A Level (e.g. Anderton), IB (e.g. Tragakes) or AP (e.g. Krugman) texts for effective delivery of the unit.<br />
<br />
Tried and tested in various learning environments (including non-native users of English) with strong results in terms of student understanding.
CIE and AQA compatible, tried and tested and developed over 3 years teaching demanding A2 students.<br />
<br />
Diagramatically demonstrates the concepts of transfer earnings and economic rent, with thorough explanations and good examples.<br />
<br />
Very concise (only 7 slides total), this is a good introductory PPT at a good introductory price!
Labour Markets Worksheet offering appropriate exercises to help students to fully understand this difficult A Level / AP Economics topic. Includes thorough coverage of the Backward Bending Individual Labour Supply Curve, Labour Demand in Competitive and Monopsony environments, MRPL and Wage Determination.<br />
<br />
Tried, tested and developed over 3 years teaching this challenging topic to demanding A Level and AP students in elite high schools.<br />
<br />
Includes a student handout and a full answer scheme for a simple-to-apply lesson that covers the topic concisely, accurately and in an easy-to-understand way. 6 pages total (student handout) 6 pages total (teacher's guide) = 12 pages of resources in this quality package.
Superior quality PPTs for A Level / IB / GCSE Economics PPTs for the Topic: Money, its Functions and Characteristics. Covers the following topics:<br />
Money, as distinct from 'income' and 'wealth'<br />
Functions of money<br />
Characteristics of money<br />
Credit cards, Debit cards, Electronic money and the concept of liquidity (whether assets are liquid or illiquid)<br />
Commodity money<br />
The barter system and the problem of double coincidence of wants<br />
<br />
Contains easily digestible points/explanations with appropriate amount of on-screen text that makes note taking easy for students of all abilities, whether native or non-native users of English.<br />
<br />
Can be easily complemented with any standard A Level (e.g. Anderton), IB (e.g. Tragakes) or AP (e.g. Krugman) texts for effective delivery of the unit.<br />
<br />
Tried and tested in various learning environments with strong results in terms of student understanding.