<p>Planning, powerpoint and worksheets for the Understanding Christianity unit about Easter/ Holy week. This is designed for Lower Key Stage 2 and I taught it to Year 4</p>
<p>A detailed medium term plan for year 3/4 children with the overall outcome of writing a persuasive letter.<br />
The plan includes a rich variety of drama activities and uses the resource ice trapped (a book about Shackleton’s adventures)</p>
<p>Include NC references, L.O, KLO and assessment points.</p>
A quick powerpoint to explain how to find fractions of a quantity. Includes a few example questions which are related to George's marvellous medicine, but can be accessed without this focus. <br />
I have used this with year 4 children at the beginning of the topic.
A weekly plan for introducing the book Leon and the place between. The big write at the end of the week is a setting description of the big top. I have included a WABOLL (what a bad one looks like) for a description which can be edited as a class to support understanding. <br />
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My class loved this book and really got into the creative writing.
<p>Simple worksheets with various activities based on one area of SPAG each.<br />
Includes pronouns, fronted adverbials, possessive apostrophes and contractions.</p>
<p>I use these for early morning work or end of unit assessments.</p>
<p>A collection of texts and questions based around the Tudors<br />
Includes children in Tudor times, Tudor schools, Tudor food, Tudor explorers, Henry VIII and Shakespeare.</p>
<p>I used t as independent activities in Year 4</p>
<p>A differentiated maths worksheet where children must read the school timetable and then answer questions based on it. The times are written in 24 hour digital clock.</p>
<p>Three different levels - walk, jog, run</p>
<p>I used this with year 4</p>
<p>Plan and resources for teaching the time for year 4. Focuses on minutes, 12 hour and 24 hour analogue and digital time.</p>
<p>Follows the shanghai maths scheme but very easily adapted.<br />
Includes powerpoints, worksheets, starters and plenary</p>
A starter to introduce the un prefix in phonics used with year 1 children during summer term. <br />
I followed the power point with the attached worksheet which the children completed independently.
<p>Exit tickets used to assess knowledge.<br />
Tickets for time, money, decimals, fractions and multiplication and division.</p>
<p>I have used these in my year 4 class as challenges/ extensions and as a whole class assessment tool.</p>
A follow on from the Leon intro week however could stand alone as long as you have the book. The targeted write this week is to create their own performance/ act and then to write it up in the style of the author.<br />
I have included a WABOLL (what a bad one looks like) and our edited example to show what kind of thing they should be aiming to create and I've included the planning sheet. <br />
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My class loved this week of creative writing, 'bubble writing' is always a hit!
<p>A Dt project that I did with my year 4 class. They really enjoyed creating their own board games and playing them and the booklet lead them through the whole process</p>
<p>A whole week of english lessons with the outcome of writing instructions.<br />
We wrote instructions for how to make our own ‘marvellous medicine’ but can be used to write instructions for anythings - the more revolting the better!!</p>
<p>Simple worksheet with 3 different levels. Mostly arithmetic pratice, using a number line to find the difference between numbers.<br />
An extra challenge with some word problems</p>