Ma ville 90 words or 150 wordsQuick View

Ma ville 90 words or 150 words

I created this resource to help my Y11 group with their GCSE writing. It is a model answer but they are allowed to use parts of it in their own writing. I have a mixed ability group and they told me they found this resource useful.
Les nouvelles technologies - les réseaux sociauxQuick View

Les nouvelles technologies - les réseaux sociaux

I created this resource to help my Y11 group with their GCSE writing. It is a model answer but they are allowed to use parts of it in their own writing. I have a mixed ability group and they told me they found this resource useful.
Les activités caritativesQuick View

Les activités caritatives

I created this resource to help my Y11 group with their GCSE writing. It is a model answer but they are allowed to use parts of it in their own writing. I have a mixed ability group and they told me they found this resource useful.