<p>Twenty-five facts about dolphins: appearance, senses, communication, social life, facts about their body structure with the use of technical vocabulary.</p>
<p>Number Maze:<br />
Start with number 10. Work through the number maze, filling in all the squares. What is the last number in the right bottom conner?<br />
Sutable from Y3 onwards as a warm up, main task or exit ticket.<br />
Print four on the same page.</p>
<p>Twenty-five facts about dolphins: appearance, senses, communication, social life, facts about their body structure with the use of technical vocabulary.</p>
<p>A story starter about the Pink Unicorn and the Black Unicorn<br />
with a unicorn theme background.<br />
There are four small paragraphs already written<br />
and the pupil also needs to fill in the gaps with adjectives and adverbs.</p>