<p>I got this from someone else on this website. A great help when revising with a class. Ak a question, everyone has to think of an answer before you press ‘s’ to see who’s name comes up. Very useful. Type in your class and then hit any key to start.</p>
<p>A sample Unit from GCSE Irish Revision Guide created by The Language Gym</p>
<p>This PDF is Unit 1 of the new GCSE Irish revision guide workbook which is available to buy on Amazon.<br />
This PDF includes all of Unit 1 of the workbook and answers, an ideal way to see if the book is right for you.</p>
<p>This book is suitable for Junior Cert and Leaving cert students, for GCSE and AS Level students and for adult learners of Irish. This is not a beginners book, some level of Irish is needed to use this book.</p>
<p>To purchase, email <a href="mailto:gaeilgesb@gmail.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">gaeilgesb@gmail.com</a> or look for GCSE Irish revision guide on Amazon.</p>
<p>Please feedback below and let us know what you think of the resource.</p>
<p>Go raibh maith agaibh</p>