Metric Conversion DifferentiatedQuick View

Metric Conversion Differentiated

<p>A Bronze/Silver/Gold differentiated sheet focusing on converting between metric units, with some problem solving as an extension.</p>
Simplifying Ratio DifferentiatedQuick View

Simplifying Ratio Differentiated

Simple simplifying ratio worksheet - split into Bronze/Silver/Gold. Suitable for a weak KS3 as a main activity or a stronger class for a short recap/starter activity. Done in the style of MathsBot and MathsBox differentiated questions.
Basic Sequences DifferentiatedQuick View

Basic Sequences Differentiated

<p>A short Bronze/Silver/Gold worksheet for KS2/3 (or a weak KS4) based on basic sequences without going as far as the nth term. Extension on finding the next term with square numbers/Fibonacci/triangle numbers.</p>
Ratio & Proportion Revision/RecapQuick View

Ratio & Proportion Revision/Recap

<p>A few questions to revise a Ratio &amp; Proportion topic, including questions on simplifying ratio, dividing in a ratio, unitary method, recipes and enlargement. Suitable for KS3 or a weak KS4 class.</p>
Product Rule for CountingQuick View

Product Rule for Counting

<p>Semi-differentiated worksheet on the Product Rule for Counting, focusing on numbers of combinations for locks/groupings/set menu meals etc.</p>
Growth & Decay with Iterative Processes RevisionQuick View

Growth & Decay with Iterative Processes Revision

<p>A roundup resource to finish a series of lessons on Growth, Decay and Iteration (specifically the AQA syllabus). Lots on compound interest and exponential decay, with questions on iteration notation included.</p>
Rearranging Formulas WorksheetQuick View

Rearranging Formulas Worksheet

A worksheet for summarising changing the subject of a formula for a higher-attaining KS3 class or middle-attaining KS4. Differentiated into Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. All questions are to make x the subject.
Linear Graphs y=mx+c DifferentiatedQuick View

Linear Graphs y=mx+c Differentiated

<p>A Bronze/Silver/Gold worksheet based on finding the gradient of lines, the equation of lines given 2 co-ordinates and a difficult problem-solving extension. Best used towards the end of a linear graphs topic as a recap or round-up.</p>
Nth term basics revisionQuick View

Nth term basics revision

A simple worksheet to consolidate learning on the basics of using the nth term and rules of sequences. Suitable for KS3 or low-ability KS4. Adaptable for VI.
Solving Equations Graphically (DESMOS)Quick View

Solving Equations Graphically (DESMOS)

<p>A worksheet that utilises the desmos graphing software in order to save time when solving equations graphically.<br /> The first section gets the students used to plotting graphs on desmos before getting them to solve equations using it.</p>
Equivalent fractions matchQuick View

Equivalent fractions match

<p>Students use the lower table to match with the fractions in the upper table. Answers are included. Aimed at lower-attaining KS3.</p>