Mes vacances de reveQuick View
Ilid WilliamsIlid Williams

Mes vacances de reve

Created for an observation lesson for a top end GCSE class building up to writing a Controlled Assessment. Lesson plan included. The text was cut up as per the boxes. The class was split into groups of 4, all of whom were given a different country and at the end they had to write about their ideal holiday in their given place.
Dans mon sac & coloursQuick View
Ilid WilliamsIlid Williams

Dans mon sac & colours

A complete lesson for Year 7 French (beginner level)pupils describing the contents of their bag using As-tu..?/J'ai/ Je n'ai pas de...colours. Opportunity for group, pair and individual tasks. Focus on oral, reading work & working out grammatical patterns with adjective agreements. Support supplied for weaker pupils(French provided for the oral task). x3 forms of differentiated homework.
Asking questions & discussing school timetableQuick View
Ilid WilliamsIlid Williams

Asking questions & discussing school timetable

A lesson for GCSE higher ability students practising /recapping the essential skill of asking questions as well as providing more complex and extended answers about their school timetable(emploi de temps). Lesson split into 2 parts (Q&A). Challenge provided for MAT students. Collaborative success criteria (for the responses) discussed before putting on the screen, this could be easily adapted to incorporate ideas with which your class is familiar.
Discussing family relationshipsQuick View
Ilid WilliamsIlid Williams

Discussing family relationships

A lesson for GCSE pupils to discuss family relationships using reflexive verbs eg s'entendre/se disputer/ s'amuser etc with reasons. Opportunity for group tasks as pupils identify useful and adaptable structures to be able to use themselves in an oral exam/CAT situation. Technique provided for them to build up amount of detail in their responses. Markscheme is for WJEC CA -Structured Conversation (focusing on variety of language required for the higher bands of marks) but can be easily amended to suit another exam board. 2 sets of dominoes provided to cater for differentiation.
Comment mener une vie activeQuick View
Ilid WilliamsIlid Williams

Comment mener une vie active

A lesson designed for Yr 12 students consolidating work done on the reasons for doing sport. Based on the idea of responding to an agony aunt letter. Markscheme is for WJEC FN1 but could be adapted to suit another board's requirements. Emphasis put on the importance of a range /variety of language/ structures (bridging the gap from GCSE level)
Des solutions a la pollution atmosphériqueQuick View
Ilid WilliamsIlid Williams

Des solutions a la pollution atmosphérique

A Yr13 lesson consolidating work on transport & air pollution. Based on the idea of having to sustain an argument in an exam situation é trying to get your partner to come to your way of thinking using a range of structures é techniques to provide evidence / ideas.
Pour ou contre Internet?Quick View
Ilid WilliamsIlid Williams

Pour ou contre Internet?

To be used with Yr12 into 13 students to enable them to provide a balanced point of view when discussing the pros and cons of the internet. Opportunity for peer / self assessment to feedback best answer with justification.Some overlap in the 2nd ppt as I used it to start off where I left off after lesson 1.
Wie ist das Wetter in  + town?Quick View
Ilid WilliamsIlid Williams

Wie ist das Wetter in + town?

A range of activities to enable pupils to describe the weather in a town using correct word order. Revision at the start as a Question of Sport game board. Plenty of opportunity for team, pair and individual tasks as well as problem solving activities with a quiz to be completed at the start & end of the lesson to gauge their progress é understanding. Can be easily adapted for more able pupils by adding months/seasons into the plenary to see if they can apply their understanding of word order rules elsewhere (or even to different topics eg sports)
Justifying opinions & changes to school timetableQuick View
Ilid WilliamsIlid Williams

Justifying opinions & changes to school timetable

A lesson designed for higher ability GCSE students enabling them to provide balanced and justified comments about changes to their timetable. They build up gradually by comparing the 2 timetables provided justifying their preferences by using comparatives & superlatives. Recap of the formation of the conditional tense so as to suggest possible improvements/changes to their own timetable. Opportunity for spontaneous use of language by agreeing é justifying their comments always with the aim of responding in enough detail to gain the highest bands of marks for communication é range. Markscheme is for WJEC CAS - Structured conversation but can be easily amended to suit another board's criteria.
Problemes pendant les vacancesQuick View
Ilid WilliamsIlid Williams

Problemes pendant les vacances

2 slightly different worksheets for GCSE classes on the topic of holidays. To enable students to discuss problems they may have had on previous breaks. Could be adapted to introduce different tenses.
Recap of Chapter 1 l'Etranger, CamusQuick View
Ilid WilliamsIlid Williams

Recap of Chapter 1 l'Etranger, Camus

Designed for a Yr13 class at the end of chapter 1. In view of what students have gleaned at the end of the first chapter they need to consider the extent to which Meursault is an outsider in the novel and therefore the appropriateness of the title.
La routine & time zonesQuick View
Ilid WilliamsIlid Williams

La routine & time zones

A worksheet designed with Year 8 pupils in mind. Task falls in line with the Yr8 LNF as pupils have to work out the times and daily routines done in francophone countries.
Sports & weatherQuick View
Ilid WilliamsIlid Williams

Sports & weather

This lesson was created for an end of Year 7 class to bring together work on hobbies and weather using Quand... The categorising grid needs to be printed and cut up and can then be used as support for the remainder of the lesson. There are 2 battleships tasks to allow for slight differentiation.
Les couleurs & numeracyQuick View
Ilid WilliamsIlid Williams

Les couleurs & numeracy

An activity designed for Year 7 pupils who have just learned their colours in French. It falls in line with the LNF in particular interpreting tally charts and working out percentages.
Colours &items in a school bag/ pencil caseQuick View
Ilid WilliamsIlid Williams

Colours &items in a school bag/ pencil case

I use this with Yr7 to practise asking and answering the question. They need to use the correct word order and form of the adjective. Every pupil is given a picture of the the item in the grid which they keep secret until asked. Their answers are therefore based on this picture rather than reality. Change to a sondage! Can then be used to feed back in the 3rd person depending on the ability of your group.