Network Topology BingoQuick View

Network Topology Bingo

Automatically generated bingo cards and ready for print (24) Powerpoint with 15 questions which use a macro to randomly select a question. Covers the topology of Ring, Star, Mesh, Partial mesh and Bus. There is an advantage and disadvantage for each topology but you can add more. Great for the last 20 minutes of a lessons plenary
Binary and Hex Conversion using snakes and laddersQuick View

Binary and Hex Conversion using snakes and ladders

This resource is best used after an introductory lesson of converting binary to denary and binary to hex (and vise versa ) has been established. Here you will have: An interactive snakes and ladders resource. In the resource there is button which rolls a binary or hex number. The students convert these numbers themselves or they can use the grid on the resource. You could also print the board out and play it traditionally using the Roll feature of the resource for lower abilities A brief lesson plan has been provided. I can also modify the program to include Addition and subtraction A larger board (8 bits / KS4) Different Board numbering tiles (Denary, binary, hex) Binary is in the resource.