Adverbial ExplorationQuick View

Adverbial Exploration

Essentially a piece of modelling, looking at how to develop adverbial openers. The activity encourages pupils to work collaboratively, consider their word choices more carefully and recognize the impact these choices can have on meaning.
Daedalus and IcarusQuick View

Daedalus and Icarus

Great opportunity to extend pupils' word and sentence level understanding through exploration of a narrative text. The activity encourages partner work and engagement with the text through activity
The Happy PrinceQuick View

The Happy Prince

An integrated text. A re-telling of The Happy Prince containing hyperlinks to word and sentence level activities. These links and activities are designed to really 'force' engagement with the text, exploring it in a little more depth, always driven by the teacher.
Varying Sentence OpenersQuick View

Varying Sentence Openers

A few files that look at how to develop varied openers. The fragmented sentence activity is deceptively simple but hugely powerful. Cut the fragments out and ask pupils to re-arrange, creating different openers with each new change.
Name That Decimal! (Tenths, Hundredths and Thousandths)Quick View

Name That Decimal! (Tenths, Hundredths and Thousandths)

Essentially a “show me” activity, where pupils have to identify decimals when placed on a number line. There is huge scope for so much more if you begin to unpick the relative value of the decimal in the “grand scheme of things”. How much greater than a half is this? How far from one whole? How much less than three quarters? etc…
Build Your Own Function Machines!Quick View

Build Your Own Function Machines!

An activity that looks at constructing a complete number sentence, plugging gaps with a variety of operations. Working individually, or in pairs, pupils move from input to output selecting the appropriate function to ensure the number sentence is correct.
Llewelyn and GelertQuick View

Llewelyn and Gelert

A rich text containing embedded word and sentence level activities, accessed via hyperlinks. Sets of questions designed to interrogate the text and an activity allowing pupils to address the complexities of sentence structure.
Angle Pack - to support pupils in estimating, drawing and measuring anglesQuick View

Angle Pack - to support pupils in estimating, drawing and measuring angles

A collection of three files addressing angles. In my view, the files could be used anywhere across Key Stage Two, although measurement is specifically aimed at the upper end (Y5&6). The drawing and measuring files show a step by step approach. As such, they require teacher explanation/commentary but the visuals are clear. The estimation file can be used quite nicely as a game, once pupils are fairly comfortable with the nature of an angle. Ask them to estimate the size of each angle as it appears (a whiteboard activity?). The margin of error becomes the pupil's score and this is then added to as each new angle appears. The lower the score when all angles have been viewed, the more accurate the pupil's estimation skills. Across all files, questioning can lead to an enhanced understanding - How much more than a right angle? How much less? How many more degrees for a full turn? How much more than half a turn? Y3: recognise angles as a property of shape or a description of a turn identify right angles, recognise that two right angles make a half-turn, three make three quarters of a turn and four a complete turn; identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle Y4: identify acute and obtuse angles and compare and order angles up to two right angles by size Y5: know angles are measured in degrees: estimate and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles draw given angles, and measure them in degrees identify: angles at a point and one whole turn (total 360 degrees) angles at a point on a straight line and 1/2 a turn (total 180 degrees)
A Collection of Files Addressing AdditionQuick View

A Collection of Files Addressing Addition

A couple of dartboard activities that ask pupils to add three numbers to a total of 100 and 1000. Some modelling of addition using expanded column method and number lines and a rapid fire activity, asking pupils to add four one digit numbers at speed
Multiplication CollectionQuick View

Multiplication Collection

A rapid-response starter - Pupils multiply single digits (2 or 3) at speed. Multiplication models - Grid multiplication and an expanded column method, leading to more formal layout.
Adverbial Sentence DevelopmentQuick View

Adverbial Sentence Development

Files that explore how to include adverbial detail in order to develop a simple sentence. The files get pupils to think about how, why, when, where and how often the action being described is done. Pupils can work collaboratively to develop relevant vocabulary so that their sentence is able to really 'pack a punch'.
A Collection of Subtraction ModelsQuick View

A Collection of Subtraction Models

A collection of subtraction methods modelled. Some informal column work and some number lines covering a range of different numbers. As the model progresses, so there is ample opportunity for pupil/teacher dialogue before the next stage of each calculation is completed.
Shared Texts for Exploration and Development (2)Quick View

Shared Texts for Exploration and Development (2)

A collection of short passages, exploring author's intent and use of language. Hyperlinks lead away from the main passage to various talking points/activities that will ensure that pupils fully engage with the content of the text itself. These pieces could be used as part of an 'old fashioned' shared session with a class or as a stimulus for guided reading.
Identify Word ClassesQuick View

Identify Word Classes

Pupils, working alone or collaborating, will be asked to identify the parts of speech contained within a sentence. A file that looks at the building blocks of sentence construction. Rich discussion will bring this activity to life, really challenging and extending pupils’ understanding.
Division - A Couple of ModelsQuick View

Division - A Couple of Models

The first file looks at how we might tackle division using a number line. The second file looks at a more formal method, using a vertical expanded approach.
An Exploration of Word ClassesQuick View

An Exploration of Word Classes

A resource that is primarily aimed at upper key stage two, but could be used a little lower as the new curriculum properly embeds itself. A collection of sentences which pupils are encouraged to explore on a 'word level'. Individual words are highlighted and pupils need to be able to identify the 'job' of that particular word. As confidence develops, so pupils will make links between words within the same sentence, which will hopefully have an impact on the quality of their own writing. To this point, I have largely used this resource as a 'show me' activity, but I have found that the conversation that flows naturally as we further explore the sentence is of far greater value than simply identifying the word classes!
Shared Texts for Exploration and Development (1)Quick View

Shared Texts for Exploration and Development (1)

A collection of short passages, exploring author's intent and use of language. Hyperlinks lead away from the main passage to various talking points/activities that will ensure that pupils fully engage with the content of the text itself. These pieces could be used as part of an 'old fashioned' shared session with a class or as a stimulus for guided reading.
Theseus & The Minotaur - Part One Of FourQuick View

Theseus & The Minotaur - Part One Of Four

Grammar addressed…author’s use of vocabulary, identifying parts of speech, clause manipulation, identifying subject and object, active and passive sentences, relative clauses and relative pronouns. Shared text with grammar-based extensions. Comprehension included, to further develop understanding through straight retrieval, inference and deduction.
Theseus & The Minotaur - Part Two Of FourQuick View

Theseus & The Minotaur - Part Two Of Four

Grammar links…clauses within sentences, identifying subject and object, active and passive voice, clause manipulation and identifying the parts of speech. Shared text, looking at inference and deduction skills, together with author intent.