Falling Cupcake Cases InvestigationQuick View

Falling Cupcake Cases Investigation

<p>Structure for an investigation taking 2~3 lessons. Suitable for KS3, 4 or 5 depending on how deep down the rabbit hole you want to go, colour-coded slides steer you to KS3/4 or KS5.<br /> Method: drop a cupcake case. Measure the speed of fall.<br /> Now put another cupcake case inside the first. has the speed of fall changed? How much?<br /> What about 3, 4, 5, …10 cupcake cases? Is there a relationship between number of cases and speed of fall? Is it proportional?</p> <p>Simple on the surface, but gets students into independent/dependent/control variables, measurement, uncertainties, anomalies…the lot.</p> <p>Shamelessly based on an idea from the Physics teaching Podcast at <a href="https://twitter.com/physicstp" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://twitter.com/physicstp</a></p>
Lenses - how to draw ray diagramsQuick View

Lenses - how to draw ray diagrams

<p>This powerpoint and worksheet walks students through the procedure for drawing ray diagrams for gcse.<br /> It refers to the AQA OUP textbook, but the activity itself is self-contained.</p>
Intro to the gcse wave equationQuick View

Intro to the gcse wave equation

<p>The wave equation “velocity = frequency x wavelength” tends to terrify students.<br /> This activity takes most of a lesson, and walks them through it so they can interpret exam questions and know what they’re looking at.</p>
A level Skills practical - mass of a metre rulerQuick View

A level Skills practical - mass of a metre ruler

<p>A whole lesson to teach problem-solving, practical technique &amp; data processing to new A-level students.</p> <p>You have a metre ruler.<br /> You have a 100g mass.<br /> Nothing else.<br /> Your mission is to determine the mass of the metre ruler.</p> <p>(Hint - principle of moments)</p> <p>The powerpoint walks the class through how to do it, how to get reliable results rather than just make one measurement and then claim that you’ve done it, how to use graphical techniques to get those reliable results, and how to calculate the uncertainties.</p> <p>Adapted from an idea I heard on <a href="https://twitter.com/physicstp" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://twitter.com/physicstp</a><br /> You should subscribe and listen too!</p>
Radioactivity-  changes in the nucleus when alpha, beta or gamma are emitted.Quick View

Radioactivity- changes in the nucleus when alpha, beta or gamma are emitted.

<p>What happens in a nucleus when an alpha particle is emitted?<br /> What about beta or gamma?<br /> This presentation and worksheet walks students through the processes and equips them to answer gcse questions.<br /> I’d been teaching this for ages, and eventually wrote this sheet so I could make a proper job of it and not lose students along the way.</p>
Calculating kiloWatt-hours lessonQuick View

Calculating kiloWatt-hours lesson

<p>This would take most of a lesson, or a whole lesson if you have a follow-up discussion and compare results.<br /> An A3 sheet with a picture of a house and activity instructions, page 2 is a selection of appliances for students to choose from and put in their house.</p>
Intro to the photoelectric effectQuick View

Intro to the photoelectric effect

<p>A-level physics.<br /> The powerpoint scaffolds the lesson. You’ll need to do the demo with the various light sources, electroscope and 5kV power supply. It’ll be fine…<br /> The other powerpoint file is a printable worksheet that saves a lot of writing.</p>
Puzzle - measure the mass of a metre rulerQuick View

Puzzle - measure the mass of a metre ruler

<p>Each group gets a metre ruler and a 100g mass. Nothing else.<br /> Challenge - how are you going to measure the mass of the ruler?<br /> This resource is structured to begin with GCSE ideas, then move on to A-level handling of graphs, gradients and uncertainties.</p>
Where do electrons sit in atoms?Quick View

Where do electrons sit in atoms?

<p>A level physics students will probably have a confused notion of where electrons are - something about orbiting…but only in shells…some of the shells can take 2 electrons, others 8…<br /> This is a quick explanation of what the terminology means.<br /> A level chemistry students often have this as part of their course, so it’s handy for them to refer to as well.</p>
National grid intro, and electrical safetyQuick View

National grid intro, and electrical safety

<p>Pretty much a whole lesson.<br /> A quick qualitative intro to the National Grid (no calculations).<br /> Then a walk through fuses, RCDs, earthing etc to give an overview of electrical safety.</p>
V-I characteristic of a lampQuick View

V-I characteristic of a lamp

<p>To do this properly, students would need a whole lesson.<br /> The worksheet walks them through the procedure, gives instructions about plotting the graph and scaffolds the conclusion.</p>
Half life lessonQuick View

Half life lesson

<p>This is pretty much an whole lesson, but you’ll need to insert your own half life calculations worksheet (I have one that I like, but i didn’t write it so can’t include it here).<br /> The lesson centres around eating chocolate M&amp;Ms. Or Skittles if you prefer or if anyone in the room has a peanut allergy. The idea is to have something that gives you ‘heads’ or ‘tails’ when tipped out onto the desk.</p>
Radioactivity - Properties of alpha, beta and gammaQuick View

Radioactivity - Properties of alpha, beta and gamma

<p>An overview of the properties of alpha, beta and gamma radiation.<br /> The sheet consists of a blank table with jumbled answers underneath for pupils to sort.<br /> I use it during the first lesson of the topic where I show the class radioactive sources and what happens when you put paper/aluminium/lead in front of them.</p>