Personal hygiene products
Ppt to discuss different products and their uses. Worksheets for further discussion and follow up activities.
WW2 rationing
A powerpoint presenting basic information about rationing, with accompanying worksheet. I have used it with my Entry Level History class.
Spanish School Facilities - Mi instituto
A Spanish Powerpoint Tutorial to introduce the facilities in a school. Based on Listos 1 page 52.
Spanish Colours - Los colores
A Powerpoint Tutorial about Colours in Spanish. Easy to adapt to other languages.
Queen Victoria & Industrial Revolution
Various resources to introduce Queen Victoria & the Industrial Revolution. Thanks to original authors of the word documents!
Macbeth plot
A simplified version of a powerpoint, with vocabulary support. Many thanks to the original author.
Persuasive writing techniques
Adapted for my SEN GCSE English group - with thanks to the original author.
Adapted from other TES resources for my KS3 special needs class. Linked to news of recent panda births.
Etre in the present tense, with nationalities
Powerpoint to intruduce 'etre' in the present tense. Based on Avance 1.
Chicken Dinner by Valerie Bloom: KS4 poetry
Powerpoint, vocabulary matching, worksheets. I used this with my KS4 SEN group and they enjoyed it. We talked about our different relationships with animals (pet, food, farm, zoo, etc) as a further activity. Could link to PSHE Animal Rights topic.