Halving odd numbers and finding fractions of a numberQuick View

Halving odd numbers and finding fractions of a number

Use these cards as a refresher in a starter or as a plenary to a lesson. Print them back to back so they have the answers on the reverse for self-checking. There are 16 questions for each set so you have more than one of the same question so children can become familiar with the process and how to solve them. Pupils take their first card and work out the answer - this can be checked on the back of the card. Then they move around the class and find a ‘partner’. They then attempt each other’s questions, check each other’s solutions using the back of the card and then find a new partner repeating the process.
Fair test scramble activityQuick View

Fair test scramble activity

This pack includes resources to enhance and test children's understanding of fair tests. Give children the question and factor cards in small groups. They need to match the factors to the questions under three headings - change, measure and keep the same. There is a table for the children to record their answers with the questions already typed. I have also included larger labels for the classroom so they can play a splat game with the answers so you can discuss their thinking and explanations as a class. Happy playing!
French Bingo Numbers 1-20 and coloursQuick View

French Bingo Numbers 1-20 and colours

This activity has enough bingo cards for a class of 32. It also works well in small groups, if you print more sets of the number cards. The number cards have numerals and the number in French so one of the more confident children can be the caller. The number cards need to be printed back to back (pages 17-22) so the children can not see through the cards and therefore have to understand the spoken word. A simple but effective game to enhance confidence and engage learners.<br /> <br /> The colours bingo works exactly the same for groups of 3-6.
Snakes and Ladders multiply by 10 and 100Quick View

Snakes and Ladders multiply by 10 and 100

This game of snakes and ladders can be played in pairs or threes. A simple but effective game to enhance confidence and engage learners. Children love to answer a question correctly before they can have their go and roll the dice. Print the questions cards back to back so the answers are there for the children to check for themselves. This works well in mixed ability groups so the more able can offer their support when needed and consolidate their understanding as well as in ability groups as they are able to self mark and assess their learning.<br /> <br /> These cards can also be used inversely as dividing by 10 and 100
Snakes and Ladders division (by 2-10)Quick View

Snakes and Ladders division (by 2-10)

This game of snakes and ladders can be played in pairs or threes. A simple but effect game to enhance confidence and engage learners. Children love to answer a question correctly before they can have their go and roll the dice. Print the questions cards back to back so the answers are there for the children to check for themselves. This works well in mixed ability groups so the more able can offer their support when needed and consolidate their understanding as well as in ability groups as they are able to self mark and assess their learning.
Snakes and Ladders times tables (x2-10)Quick View

Snakes and Ladders times tables (x2-10)

This game of snakes and ladders can be played in pairs or threes. A simple but effective game to enhance confidence and engage learners. Children love to answer a question correctly before they can have their go and roll the dice. Print the questions cards back to back so the answers are there for the children to check for themselves. This works well in mixed ability groups so the more able can offer their support when needed and consolidate their understanding as well as in ability groups as they are able to self mark/assess their learning.
Connect 4 - Times tablesQuick View

Connect 4 - Times tables

Just like the original game Connect 4 children play in pairs to get 4 counters in a row. The difference being that they can pick the square they wish to answer. If they answer correctly they can put a counter on that square. I also give the children a multiplication square so they can check their answers if they do not agree with each other. To more it slightly more challenging and competitive we have also adapted the rules so that if you get the answer incorrect the other person can put a counter on this square.<br /> <br /> Happy playing!
Times table Treasure Hunt - x2, 5 and 10Quick View

Times table Treasure Hunt - x2, 5 and 10

Print out each page and stick randomly around your classroom. Children can start at any question and solve the answer recording on the answer sheet. They then find the answer on another card around the room. This allows them to check their answers and seek help if finding it difficult. They repeat until they get back to their starting card.<br /> <br /> This activity allows children to have fun whilst learning maths. Great for classes that find maths tricky as, in my experience, walking around the classroom allows them to be more engaged and focused on their learning. It also allows those who can do it to share their knowledge and understanding with those who are struggling.
Adding 10 snakes and ladders cardsQuick View

Adding 10 snakes and ladders cards

This game of snakes and ladders can be played in pairs or threes. A simple but effective game to enhance confidence and engage learners. Children love to answer a question correctly before they can have their go and roll the dice. Print the questions cards back to back so the answers are there for the children to check for themselves. This works well in mixed ability groups so the more able can offer their support when needed and consolidate their understanding as well as in ability groups as they are able to self mark and assess their learning.<br /> <br /> Differentiation - some cards are adding 10 to a 2 digit numbers and then increases in difficulty to adding 10 to 3 digit numbers.
Snakes and Ladders adding 1, 2 and 3 digit numbersQuick View

Snakes and Ladders adding 1, 2 and 3 digit numbers

This game of snakes and ladders can be played in pairs or threes. A simple but effective game to enhance confidence and engage learners. Children love to answer a question correctly before they can have their go and roll the dice. Print the questions cards back to back so the answers are there for the children to check for themselves. This works well in mixed ability groups so the more able can offer their support when needed and consolidate their understanding as well as in ability groups as they are able to self mark and assess their learning.<br /> <br /> These selection includes adding 2 1 digit numbers, adding 2 2 digit numbers and 2 3 digit numbers.
Connect 4 divisionQuick View

Connect 4 division

Just like the original game Connect 4 children play in pairs to get 4 counters in a row. The difference being that they can pick the square they wish to answer. If they answer correctly they can put a counter on that square. I also give the children a multiplication square so they can check their answers if they do no agree with each other. To more it slightly more challenging and competitive we have also adapted the rules so that if you get the answer incorrect the other person can put a counter on this square.<br /> <br /> Happy playing!
Secret Spy gameQuick View

Secret Spy game

These cards are to be used as part of the talk-less teaching classroom strategies. Ensure that every child in your class has their name on a card then cut them up and randomly give them out to the class. For the rest of the day they are to secretly spy on the child on their card. They note down anything positive that their child has done during the day. At the end of the day they can either give the person their card so they finally find out who has been spying on them or you collect them in and give them out to keep the secret going. This works really well to make children think of their own behaviour and also to boost confidence of those that lack self confidence.
Treasure hunt number bonds to 10Quick View

Treasure hunt number bonds to 10

Print out each page and stick randomly around your classroom. Children can start at any question and solve the answer recording on the answer sheet. They then find the answer on another card around the room. This allows them to check their answers and seek help if finding it difficult. They repeat until they get back to their starting card.<br /> <br /> This activity allows children to have fun whilst learning maths. Great for classes that find maths tricky as, in my experience, walking around the classroom allows them to be more engaged and focused on their learning. It also allows those who can do it to share their knowledge and understanding with those who are struggling.
Treasure hunt number bonds to 20Quick View

Treasure hunt number bonds to 20

Print out each page and stick randomly around your classroom. Children can start at any question and solve the answer recording on the answer sheet. They then find the answer on another card around the room. This allows them to check their answers and seek help if finding it difficult. They repeat until they get back to their starting card.<br /> <br /> This activity allows children to have fun whilst learning maths. Great for classes that find maths tricky as, in my experience, walking around the classroom allows them to be more engaged and focused on their learning. It also allows those who can do it to share their knowledge and understanding with those who are struggling.
Multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit - Treasure Hunt GameQuick View

Multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit - Treasure Hunt Game

Print out each page and stick randomly around your classroom. Children can start at any question and solve the answer recording on the answer sheet. They then find the answer on another card around the room. This allows them to check their answers and seek help if finding it difficult. They repeat until they get back to their starting card.<br /> <br /> This activity allows children to have fun whilst learning maths. Great for classes that find maths tricky as, in my experience, walking around the classroom allows them to be more engaged and focussed on their learning. It also allows those who can do it to share their knowledge and understanding with those who are struggling.
Connect 4 - Times a multiple of 10Quick View

Connect 4 - Times a multiple of 10

Just like the original game Connect 4 children play in pairs to get 4 counters in a row. The difference being that they can pick the square they wish to answer. If they answer correctly they can put a counter on that square. I also give the children a multiplication square so they can check their answers if they do not agree with each other. To more it slightly more challenging and competitive we have also adapted the rules so that if you get the answer incorrect the other person can put a counter on this square.<br /> <br /> Happy playing!
Science Enquiry GamesQuick View

Science Enquiry Games

3 Resources
This bundle includes the games 'Green Plant word games', 'Fair Test Scramble' and 'Investigation Poser'. Happy Experimenting!
Treasure Hunt Games - Adding and Subtracting 3 digit numbersQuick View

Treasure Hunt Games - Adding and Subtracting 3 digit numbers

This includes two separate games - one for adding and one for subtracting.<br /> <br /> Print out each page and stick randomly around your classroom. Children can start at any question and solve the answer recording on the answer sheet. They then find the answer on another card around the room. This allows them to check their answers and seek help if finding it difficult. They repeat until they get back to their starting card.<br /> <br /> This activity allows children to have fun whilst learning maths. Great for classes that find maths tricky as, in my experience, walking around the classroom allows them to be more engaged and focused on their learning. It also allows those who can do it to share their knowledge and understanding with those who are struggling.
Snakes and Ladders dividing multiples of 10 by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10Quick View

Snakes and Ladders dividing multiples of 10 by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10

This game of snakes and ladders can be played in pairs or threes. A simple but effective game to enhance confidence and engage learners. Children love to answer a question correctly before they can have their go and roll the dice. Print the questions cards back to back so the answers are there for the children to check for themselves. This works well in mixed ability groups so the more able can offer their support when needed and consolidate their understanding as well as in ability groups as they are able to self mark and assess their learning. Those who struggle with recall of times tables can be given a multiplication grid to allow them to access this game.
French dominoes and pairs linked to Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Tout le Monde Level 2 module 4)Quick View

French dominoes and pairs linked to Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Tout le Monde Level 2 module 4)

These activities work well in groups of 2-4. I get the children to start with the dominoes to link them round in a complete rectangle. Once the children have completed this, I check it and get them to leave it on the table so they can then self check when playing pairs and I know they are matching the words and pictures correctly.<br /> <br /> Pairs cards have been created so that once printed back to back the cards can not been seen through. The words cards have a different colour backing to the images so children can easily tell the difference. Therefore, they can pick one of each type to match them more easily.
Quiz Quiz Trade - Multiplying by 10 and 100 with decimal pointsQuick View

Quiz Quiz Trade - Multiplying by 10 and 100 with decimal points

This games works really well at enhancing children’s confidence and allows them to move between levels easily. Print the cards back to back so they have the answers on the reverse which allows for self checking. Pupils take their first card and work out the answer - this can be checked on the back of the card. Then they move around the class and find a ‘partner’ working on the same level (colour). They then attempt each other’s questions, check each other’s solutions using the back of the card and then ‘trade’ cards. Pupils can ‘trade up’ to the next level by changing their card with the teacher, checking their solution before finding partners to trade with.<br /> <br /> The easiest level does not include decimal places but the yellow and green levels have numbers with up to 3 decimal places.