Scottish Wars of Independence: King Hob - Robert the Bruce in 1306Quick View

Scottish Wars of Independence: King Hob - Robert the Bruce in 1306

<p>This PowerPoint covers events from Bruce’s coronation through a succession of military defeats and the loss of his family to his eventual flight into exile.</p> <p>It links directly to the Higher History and National 5 History Scottish topic on the Wars of Independence, through key issue 4: The rise and triumph of Robert Bruce.</p>
Scottish Wars of Independence: A king is fallen - the death of Edward IQuick View

Scottish Wars of Independence: A king is fallen - the death of Edward I

<p>This PowerPoint covers Robert the Bruce’s return to Scotland in 1307, his campaigns against English forces in south-west Scotland (including the battles of Glen Trool and Loudoun Hill) and culminates with the death of King Edward I on his march north to deal with the resurgent Bruce threat.</p> <p>It links directly to the Higher History and National 5 History Scottish topic on the Wars of Independence, through key issue 4: The rise and triumph of Robert Bruce.</p>
Scottish Wars of Independence: Scotland's civil war, Bruce's campaigns 1307-08Quick View

Scottish Wars of Independence: Scotland's civil war, Bruce's campaigns 1307-08

<p>This PowerPoint covers the campaigns of Bruce against the Comyns and his Scottish enemies in the north-east of Scotland, in the winter of 1307-08. It links to Higher History and National 5 History courses on the Scottish Wars of Independence, key issues 4: The rise and triumph of Robert Bruce.</p> <p>Learning objective – Learn how Bruce took the war to his Scottish enemies in 1307-08.</p>