<p>Costume design sheets for Bertozzo, Pissani, Constable and Feletti. Notes link to historical information, colour and Commedia. The facts are listed on the left hand side with a box on the right to draw the picture- or stick a picture in. Resource also includes a picture of the matching Commedia character and pointers on how to answer a 10 mark question on costume using Eduqas criteria.</p>
<p>A booklet full of rehearsal techniques that I thought would be appropriate to explore Accidental Death of an Anarchist (Eduqas spec). Techniques include Commedia, Brecht, Boal and status games. Ideally you would use the tehniques in class to give the students a full understanding of not only the technique but also the context of the scene.</p>
<p>The revision/ planning booklet covers the design aspects of the Curious Incident extract for 2022 for Eduqas A Level Drama. Students will revise the four stage configurations, plan costumes, lights and sound. The booklet includes a past question and an exemplar essay.</p>
<p>These lessons were originally written for A Level pupils but the lessons can easily be adapted for GCSE. The lessons would work well for the new Eduqas set text study. There are 14 lessons, most of them are longer than an hour so could be used for two lessons or can be cut down. The lessons are designed to be taught after reading the play. They cover context, NVC, Language, Actioning, Stanislavski techniques (Hotseating, Emotion Memory, Through Line of Thought, subtext), Freeze Frames, Thought Tracking, Soundscapes and Vocal Exploration. The rehearsal techniques lead into performance tasks so you cover rehearsals and acting in one lesson. The lessons cover much of the play, focusing on specific scenes and characters.</p>
<p>The resources are photocopies of theatre reviews from Sam Walter’s production at the Orange Tree which was the first professional production. The quality is not brilliant but they can be read. You won’t find these anywhere else. The ‘Station’ resource gives the pupils context about the original production, Olwen Wymark , Broadmoor and Rampton and newspaper articles. Pupils are set tasks in response to the context. These are designed to further their understanding of the play and its context.</p>
<p>This powerpoint covers a lot of information about The Trojan Women, Euripides, Greek Theatre and Society, who is who in Greek Myths, a guide to key theatrical/ Greek words, background to the Trojan War and the structure of The Trojan Women. The powerpoint is to help students understand why The Trojan Women was written and to introduce them to the ideas and characters in the play. A great introduction if you are teaching The Trojan Women for the Eduqas A Level Spec. I removed all images but you will be able to add your own to make the powerpoint more visually interesting.</p>
<p>This resource gives students plenty to think about when preparing to answer a question on costume. I have broken up the Eduqas mark scheme and bullet pointed things to consider. The guide helps put the character in context and students will need to consider what they want to communicate through the costume choices. It also includes a good YouTube link showing how to destress costumes.</p>
<p>The grid is designed for the pupils to break up the character of Helen from The Trojan Women into 3 sections and then find appropriate quotes and relevant rehearsal techniques. It includes justification boxes. The grid provides an essay structure for a rehearsal technique question for the Eduqas paper. There is no set format but this is how I teach my students. The use of quotes makes the exercise relevant and keeps the essay in context.</p>
<p>This can be adapted for any character.</p>
<p>This information sheet and grid allows students to plan their Acting question response. It looks at the different aspects of Helen’s personality. Students will need to consider how an actress will use their voice and movement to persuade Menelaus. Includes an example question for an Eduqas paper. The question was written by me and not the board based on past papers.</p>