<p>A topic covering:<br />
Solar system (naming planets, bodies, keywords)<br />
Models of the solar system (Geocentric and Heliocentric)<br />
Moon (definition and phases - I use Oreo cookies)<br />
Gravity, mass and weight<br />
Magnetism<br />
Please note: L2 race to space HMW is a FREE resource by<br />
<a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/race-to-space-neil-armstrong-6387692">https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/race-to-space-neil-armstrong-6387692</a><br />
Some phases of the moon slides and an accompanying worksheet are a FREE resource by<br />
<a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phases-of-the-moon-6040829">https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phases-of-the-moon-6040829</a><br />
(I have included them as they fit well into my SOW)</p>
<p>Includes some differentiated tasks and can be easily modified for higher and lower ability (I have delivered to a range of abilities with some modifications or scaffolding) and an in-built timer.</p>
<p>Chapter 11 in the AQA textbook<br />
Includes:<br />
Recap of key terms and structures<br />
Overview of photosynthesis<br />
The light dependent reaction (New spec without Photosystems)<br />
(Then we did RP7)<br />
The light independent reaction / Calvin cycle<br />
(Then we did RP8)<br />
Compensation point<br />
2 summary exam questions<br />
Summary / revision task</p>
<p>Please note: Limiting factors and Adaptations of each location given as home study tasks</p>
<p>A topic covering:<br />
The 7 nutrients<br />
Diet and balanced diet<br />
Malnutrition and examples (Rickets, Vit D deficiency, Obesity etc.)<br />
Food tests (Protein, starch, simple sugars)<br />
The digestive system structure<br />
The digestive system function<br />
Small intestine and Villi (inc. adaptations)<br />
Revision mindmap task</p>
<p>Includes some differentiated tasks and can be easily modified for higher and lower ability (I have delivered to a range of abilities with some modifications or scaffolding) and an in-built timer.</p>
<p>Lessons include:<br />
Types of forces<br />
How forces affect an object<br />
Balanced forces and diagrams<br />
Calculating resultant forces<br />
‘building a force meter’ and graphwork<br />
Friction and investigating friction</p>
<p>Includes some differentiated tasks and can be easily modified for higher and lower ability (I have delivered to a range of abilities with some modifications or scaffolding) and an in-built timer.<br />
N.B includes an exploring science force meter sheet</p>
<p>A topic covering:<br />
The Digestive system (structure and function)<br />
The Respiratory system (structure and function) - adaptations of alveoli and compositions of inhaled and exhaled air<br />
The Circulatory system (structure and function) - blood vessels, major vessels of the heart and composition of blood<br />
The Nervous system - nervous pathway and reflexes<br />
The Urinary system (structure and function)<br />
The Immune system - types of pathogens, physical barriers, action of WBCs.</p>
<p>Includes some differentiated tasks and can be easily modified for higher and lower ability (I have delivered to a range of abilities with some modifications or scaffolding) and an in-built timer.</p>
<p>Please view my ‘free’ lessons to see style of planning.</p>
<p>A topic covering:<br />
Hazards<br />
Everyday acids and alkalis<br />
Indicators<br />
pH scale<br />
Red cabbage practical<br />
Neutralisation and naming salts<br />
A revision mind map<br />
some practice qs that can be integrated in</p>
<p>Includes some differentiated tasks and can be easily modified for higher and lower ability (i have delivered to a range of abilities with some modifications or scaffolding) and an in-built timer.</p>
<p>Chapter 11 in the AQA textbook<br />
Includes:<br />
Recap of key terms and structures<br />
Overview of respiration<br />
Glycolysis and Anaerobic respiration<br />
The link reaction<br />
Krebs cycle<br />
Oxidative phosphorylation<br />
(Then we did RP9)</p>
<p>All worksheets included, can be differentiated easily</p>
<p>Please note: All sections given as home study tasks and these lessons were used to consolidate.</p>
<p>A topic covering:<br />
Luminous and non luminous objects / Sources of light<br />
Reflection<br />
Cameras and eyes (Pinhole camera)<br />
Ray diagrams<br />
Refraction<br />
Different lenses (Concave/convex and total internal reflection)<br />
Colours and filters (Rods and cones in the eye)</p>
<p>Includes some differentiated tasks and can be easily modified for higher and lower ability (i have delivered to a range of abilities with some modifications or scaffolding) and an in-built timer.</p>
<p>A series of lessons including:<br />
MRS GREN- 7 life processes<br />
Plant and animal cells and organelles<br />
Microscopes<br />
Tissues<br />
Plant organs<br />
Human organs<br />
Specialised cells</p>
<p>Includes some differentiated tasks and can be easily modified for higher and lower ability (I have delivered to a range of abilities with some modifications or scaffolding) and an in-built timer.<br />
N.B the sequence of lessons can be changed easily with a few modifications<br />
I have taught Organs --> tissues --> cells using these lessons</p>
<p>A topic covering:<br />
Gametes and specialisation<br />
Male and female reproductive system (structure and function)<br />
Journey of the sperm (I set a storyboard as homework)<br />
Gestation (organs and function)<br />
Quiz at the end</p>
<p>Includes some differentiated tasks and can be easily modified for higher and lower ability (I have delivered to a range of abilities with some modifications or scaffolding) and an in-built timer.</p>
<p>Journey into space Title<br />
Please note the title and planet information is FREE resource at:<br />
<a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/space-6179338">https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/space-6179338</a><br />
Phases of the moon<br />
Distinction between keywords<br />
<p>Print all on A3<br />
Cover image shows one possible layout</p>
<p>Atomic model inc how to calculate PEN<br />
History of the Atom<br />
The periodic table of elements<br />
History of the periodic table</p>
<p>Print all on A3<br />
Cover image shows one possible layout</p>