Created for use within Year 4 Living Things and their Habitats and Animals, Including Humans. <br />
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A simple pets key for lower ability children and a rainforest animals key for others in the class.
Differentiated worksheets allowing children to apply their abilities to find change. <br />
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Also includes a document containing pictures of priced fruit for SEN/BA children to play shops using plastic coins.
Unit of work looking at seasonality of the Stone Age diet, designing and creating a Stone Age fruit stew moving on to designing and producing clothing for an Iron Age doll.
Worksheets in which children work on forming food chains from given animals.<br />
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LA - Picture cards with names of animals and arrows to make food chains.<br />
MA - muddled up names of animals for children to make three food chains from. <br />
HA - same as MA but encouraged to label the animals with key terms such as producer, consumer, predator and prey.
Worksheets with a range of activities to help children recognise and spell phase 3 sight word. Activities include; tracing, colouring, finding amongst other words and cutting out the correct letters and sticking them in the right order to form the word.
Sight word look, cover, write activity in cursive to enable handwriting practise at the same time as practising spellings.<br />
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Print double sided and fold to make booklet.
Medium Term Plan for LKS2 in which they draw a country (linked to The World Cup) from a hat to research over the half term. By the end of the unit the children should have a presentation to share with the class about their chosen country.<br />
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Also included the challenge sheet which tells the children what to do and a checklist of expected content for their presentation.
Unit of work containing cross curricular work for LKS2 on keeping healthy. Lessons cover: science, geography, history and PE. Links with Local Area Study.
Worksheets with a range of activities to help children recognise and spell phase 2 sight word. Activities include; tracing, colouring, finding amongst other words and cutting out the correct letters and sticking them in the right order to form the word.
Worksheets to encourage practise of phase 2-4 sight words. <br />
Activities include; tracing, colouring, finding amongst other words and cutting out the correct letters and sticking them in the right order to form the word.
Worksheets with a range of activities to help children recognise and spell phase 4 sight word. Activities include; tracing, colouring, finding amongst other words and cutting out the correct letters and sticking them in the right order to form the word.
<p>A curriculum map with ideas for Working Scientifically across the primary year groups. Each unit has a suggestion for an avenue of investigation. The idea of this document was to ensure that each year group is covering each of the five types of enquiry. It also has suggestions of how the investigations could be measured and recorded - breaking the WS statements up between the two year groups of each age phase.</p>