Multiply and divide decimalsQuick View

Multiply and divide decimals

<p>Full lesson with examples + questions and answers on multiplying and dividing decimals. Used with all classes KS3 and KS4</p>
HCF and LCM using venn diagramsQuick View

HCF and LCM using venn diagrams

<p>Complete lesson on HCF and LCM using prime factors and venn diagrams. on Active inspire.<br /> examples with differentiated questions and answers.</p>
Algebraic ProofQuick View

Algebraic Proof

<p>Complete lesson on Active inspire on algebraic proof, includes examples and questions</p>
Algebra  7 complete lessonsQuick View

Algebra 7 complete lessons

7 Resources
<p>Complete lessons with examples and differentiated questions on active inspire boards. Lessons on Algebraic Proof, Collecting like terms, expand and simplify brackets, Expanding double brackets, Solving equations with brackets, Solving equations with unknowns on both sides.</p>
Divide a ratio into an amount + worksheetQuick View

Divide a ratio into an amount + worksheet

<p>Complete lesson on dividing a ratio into a given amount, examples and differentiated questions on an active inspire board include worksheet. goes onto harder ratio question as well. (flipchart). include more than questions and exam style questions</p>
EstimationQuick View


<p>Active inspire lesson on estimating answers, with examples and differentiated questions.</p>
Number bundle  8 complete lessons. Save 50%Quick View

Number bundle 8 complete lessons. Save 50%

8 Resources
<p>Number bundle all on active inspire all lessons have examples and differentiated questions for each. Lessons include Add and subtract fractions different denominators, Estimation, HCF and LCM using venn diagrams,Product rule for counting , Percentage increase and decrease using multipliers. Calculating with standard form divide into a ratio and law of indices</p>
Collecting like termsQuick View

Collecting like terms

<p>Active inspire lesson with examples and a few different sets questions on collecting like terms.</p>