British Values - Respect, Tolerance and HomophobiaQuick View

British Values - Respect, Tolerance and Homophobia

These lessons were part of a PSHE British Values form activity. <br /> In lesson 1 pupils are introduced to the terms tolerance and respect, pupils are split into two groups and have to draw what the two words look like in 30 seconds. Pupils then are placed on a continuum as a class to determine whether tolerance and respect mean the same thing and whether the two words are positive and negative. For the main task pupils had to create a word cloud of synonyms for the words, as well as draw around their hands for a display later in the week. Pupils then reevaluate the word tolerance.<br /> <br /> In lesson 2, pupils listen to Same Love and analyse the lyrics, pupils then define homosexuality and homophobia. The class then have a discussion as to whether homophobia is an appropriate term and have the opportunity to create their own word. Pupils then look analyse homosexuality in the UK and discuss in groups. Finally pupils write on a rainbow piece of paper how they will respect the LGBTQ community which can be displayed.<br /> <br /> For the display pupils write in their hand cut outs how they will respect British Values in the future. <br /> <br /> All is editable for your individual class needs.<br /> <br /> Enjoy.
Slave AuctionsQuick View

Slave Auctions

This lesson includes a picture starter, definition and discussion of human rights, a video explaining slave auctions, an advert analysis, a main task comparing the style of auction and those involved, interpretation analysis and an exit ticket plenary. <br /> All tasks are differentiated. <br /> <br /> All is editable for your individual class needs.<br /> <br /> Enjoy.
Plantation LifeQuick View

Plantation Life

This resource focuses on the slave experience within the plantation setting. The lesson includes a recap of previous lessons with a 10 point starter, a differentiated information gathering task, a AQA GCSE questions, peer assessment and exit ticket plenary.<br /> <br /> Some resources have been adapted from TES. This lesson was rated outstanding. <br /> <br /> All is editable for your individual class needs.<br /> <br /> Enjoy.
Slave PunishmentsQuick View

Slave Punishments

This lesson includes a snowball starter about punishment, a recap of slave resistance, a class source analysis and a GSCE style question which is supported by a source analysis question.<br /> <br /> The sources used for the source analysis question have been adapted from TES.<br /> <br /> All is editable for your individual class needs.<br /> <br /> Enjoy.
Slave ResistanceQuick View

Slave Resistance

In this lesson, pupils aim to define the different types of slave resistance and evaluate the effectiveness.<br /> Included in this is a picture starter, definition of key terms, categorising examples of resistance and a main task of evaluating the effectiveness of resistance with a write up.<br /> <br /> This lesson was rated outstanding. <br /> <br /> All is editable for your individual class needs.<br /> <br /> Enjoy.
Conscientious ObjectorsQuick View

Conscientious Objectors

In this lesson, I asked all of the girls to step in the classroom first. They were all given a set of 3 white feathers. During the film clip they went up to all of the boys and gave them the feather whilst saying coward. <br /> Pupils then stuck the feather into their book, the lesson includes the reaction to the task, summarised information about the White Feather Movement, then created a revision tool in their books using information. Pupils then ended the lesson with a &quot;brainbox&quot; style game.<br /> <br /> All is editable for your individual class needs.<br /> <br /> Enjoy.
Nazi EducationQuick View

Nazi Education

The lesson includes a starter recapping pupil information on Himmler and Goebbels, a stereotypical Nazi timetable, writing a speech task, card sort with a cut and stick activity, a GCSE question and self assessment.<br /> <br /> Some resources have been adapted from TES. <br /> <br /> All is editable for your individual class needs.<br /> <br /> Enjoy.
Women in Nazi GermanyQuick View

Women in Nazi Germany

In this lesson there is an image starter, a discussion task on sexism, analysis of Hitler's speech in 1934, the main task of Blind Date which can be done in groups or as a class, pupils summarise the positive and negatives of each female candidate and how she &quot;fits&quot; the Nazi ideal. There is a GCSE 4 mark AQA question and self assessment.<br /> <br /> All is editable for your individual class needs.<br /> <br /> Enjoy.
Slavery and the British EmpireQuick View

Slavery and the British Empire

This resource is an introduction to slavery linking to the Empire. <br /> The presentation includes a starter task of matching key terms about change and continuity, an introduction to empire, a main task of information gathering and summarising, and a plenary of flags of the Empire.<br /> <br /> There is also a task of analysing Britannia in terms of usefulness to a historian. The image is included.<br /> <br /> <br /> All is editable for your individual class needs.<br /> <br /> Enjoy.
Christmas QuizQuick View

Christmas Quiz

This was done in the week before Christmas within form time. <br /> Pupils got into teams and answered all questions to 8 rounds. Answers are included. <br /> <br /> All is editable for your individual class needs.<br /> <br /> Enjoy.
The Middle Passage and the EmpireQuick View

The Middle Passage and the Empire

This lesson is on the Middle Passage. The lesson includes a recap of the Empire flags, a starter of materials linked to slavery, a video clip, a cut and stick exercise of the trade triangle. source inference square and source analysis question. The sources included are taken from TES and are not my own.<br /> <br /> I have also included a homework of a new GCSE style question for AQA. It is included in the lesson but I ended up setting the task for homework.<br /> <br /> Both the source inference square and homework are differentiated. <br /> <br /> All is editable for your individual class needs.<br /> <br /> Enjoy.