Angles in parallel lines - missing angle and reason quiz quiz tradeQuick View

Angles in parallel lines - missing angle and reason quiz quiz trade

<p>A set of quiz quiz trade cards for angle lessons on finding missing angles in parallel lines. A fun and active way for students to assess their knowledge of the types of angles in parallel lines and finding the missing angle in parallel lines. Skills include finding one missing angle and giving a reason. There are a set of 32 cards included so there should be enough for an entire class.</p> <p>Difficulties include:<br /> ★ Gold (medium) finding one missing angle in a set of parallel lines and giving a reason</p> <p>How to:</p> <ul> <li>Students have a card each</li> <li>They quiz someone (about what the missing angle is and the reason for it) who also quizzes them</li> <li>If both students get it correct they swap cards and go to find someone else to quiz</li> </ul> <p>Click <a href=";q=parallel%20lines&amp;shop=MissEHoney&amp;subjects=GB%7C0%7CMathematics%7C">here</a> for more parallel lines resources, including foldables, worksheets, lessons and tick or trash activities.</p> <p>U6FE</p>
Angles in Quadrilaterals lessonQuick View

Angles in Quadrilaterals lesson

<p>Powerpoint lesson for finding missing angles with all resources included. Resources include a work booklet, assessment for learning activities, starter and plenary. Skills covered include – finding angles in quadrilaterals and special quadrilaterals, finding multiple angles using angle facts including straight lines and at a point and forming and solving equations using knowledge of angle facts.</p> <p>Time saving resource for busy teachers! You should be able to teach a lesson with hardly any preparation (mainly printing and maybe some cutting!). Fully differentiated objectives:<br /> Blue: Find a missing angle in quadrilaterals and special quadrilaterals<br /> Gold: Solve harder problems using properties of angles<br /> Red: Form and solve equations using knowledge of angle facts</p> <p>This resource includes:<br /> • A PowerPoint<br /> •Answers on the powerpoint<br /> • A differentiated Work booklet that includes self-assessment sections and help boxes<br /> • A problem solving activity where students have to find 4 angles that add up to 360 (2 different versions)<br /> •A card sort starter for properties of special quadrilaterals.</p> <p>The PowerPoint includes everything you need to teach right away. The lessons use the following format:<br /> •Starter<br /> • Objective and levels<br /> • A “how to teaching portion” with animated examples<br /> • Assessment for learning activities<br /> • Answers to all the booklet questions<br /> • Plenary (with answers)</p> <p>The powerpoint and booklet are currently set up for GCSE maths grades, however you can edit the grades to reflect KS3 or your own schools assessment criteria. In the word booklet if you change any grade (e.g the blue section) it should automatically change the rest of that colour into the same grade.</p> <p>This will take up a whole lesson.</p> <p>This lesson would be appropriate to use as part of the Pearson Edexcel Foundation textbook unit 6, find more resources for that <a href=";q=U6FE&amp;shop=MissEHoney">here</a>.</p> <p>This is the second lesson in the series and follows on from this lesson which you can find <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p>U6FE</p>
Angles in parallel lines - Finding one angle treasure huntQuick View

Angles in parallel lines - Finding one angle treasure hunt

<p>A fun 10 card treasure hunt for a finding angles in parallel lines lesson. Skills covered are: finding one missing angle in a set of parallel lines. Student record card and solutions included. Use as a starter, assessment for learning activity or a plenary in a lesson on parallel lines or angles.</p> <p>Difficulties include<br /> ★ Blue (easy)finding one missing angle in a set of parallel lines</p> <p>Students need to start on any random card and note down the letter on their recording card (first page). They answer the question on that card then find another card that has the answer on (they then note down that letter and so on).</p> <p>Suggestions for use:<br /> ★Print them off on A4 and scatter them around the room (students love getting out of their seats!)<br /> ★Print the cards off 4 to a page and give them to students individually to do on their desk</p> <p>Click <a href=";q=parallel%20lines&amp;shop=MissEHoney&amp;subjects=GB%7C0%7CMathematics%7C">here</a> for more parallel lines resources, including foldables, worksheets, lessons and tick or trash activities.</p> <p>U6FE</p>
Angles in parallel lines: finding a missing angle and giving reasons Treasure huntQuick View

Angles in parallel lines: finding a missing angle and giving reasons Treasure hunt

<p>A fun 10 card treasure hunt for a finding angles in parallel lines lesson. Skills covered are: finding one missing angle in a set of parallel lines and giving reasons. Student record card and solutions included. Use as a starter, assessment for learning activity or a plenary in a lesson on parallel lines or angles.</p> <p>Difficulties include<br /> ★ Gold (medium)finding one missing angle in a set of parallel lines and giving reasons</p> <p>Students need to start on any random card and note down the letter on their recording card (first page). They answer the question on that card then find another card that has the answer on (they then note down that letter and so on).</p> <p>Suggestions for use:<br /> ★Print them off on A4 and scatter them around the room (students love getting out of their seats!)<br /> ★Print the cards off 4 to a page and give them to students individually to do on their desk</p> <p>Click <a href=";q=parallel%20lines&amp;shop=MissEHoney&amp;subjects=GB%7C0%7CMathematics%7C">here</a> for more parallel lines resources, including foldables, worksheets, treasure hunts, lessons and tick or trash activities.<br /> U6FE</p>
Angles in parallel lines: find multiple missing angles and give reasons Treasure huntQuick View

Angles in parallel lines: find multiple missing angles and give reasons Treasure hunt

<p>A fun 10 card treasure hunt for a finding angles in parallel lines lesson. Skills covered are: finding multiple missing angles in a set of parallel lines and giving reasons. Student record card and solutions included. Use as a starter, assessment for learning activity or a plenary in a lesson on parallel lines or angles.</p> <p>Difficulties include<br /> ★ Red (hard)finding multiple missing angles in a more complex set of parallel lines and giving reasons</p> <p>Students need to start on any random card and note down the letter on their recording card (first page). They answer the question on that card then find another card that has the answer on (they then note down that letter and so on).</p> <p>Suggestions for use:<br /> ★Print them off on A4 and scatter them around the room (students love getting out of their seats!)<br /> ★Print the cards off 4 to a page and give them to students individually to do on their desk</p> <p>Click <a href=";q=parallel%20lines&amp;shop=MissEHoney&amp;subjects=GB%7C0%7CMathematics%7C">here</a> for more parallel lines resources, including foldables, worksheets, treasure hunts, lessons and tick or trash activities.</p> <p>U6FE</p>
Angles in a parallel line Tick or TrashQuick View

Angles in a parallel line Tick or Trash

<p>Identifying types of angles in parallel lines tick or trash activity. A great consolidation and problem solving exercise for identifying corresponding, alternate, co-interior and vertically opposite angles in parallel lines. Great to use in a lesson on parallel lines as an assessment for learning activity to see if students can identify the types of angles before moving onto finding angles in parallel lines. There are 32 different cards on 4 pages, some with correct answers and some without. Students have to put the correctly labeled angles in the “Tick” pile and the incorrectly labeled ones in the “Trash” pile.</p> <p>UPDATED - A couple of the answers were the wrong way around. This has now been solved. Please redownload if you have purchased this.</p> <p>How to use:</p> <ol> <li>Print off the 4 pages of activity cards</li> <li>Cut them out</li> <li>Students sort them into correctly labeled piles and incorrectly labeled piles</li> </ol> <p>Suggestions:</p> <ul> <li>Do the activity in groups, pairs or individually</li> <li>print the 4 pages off onto one A4 page and students can stick this into the books and use a green pen to “tick” the correctly labeled ones and a red pen to “cross” the incorrectly labeled ones.</li> </ul> <p><a href=";q=parallel%20lines&amp;shop=MissEHoney&amp;subjects=GB%7C0%7CMathematics%7C">Click here</a> for more angles in parallel lines resources</p> <p>U6FE</p>
Properties of quadrilaterals, triangles and congruent shapes lesson (GCSE foundation)Quick View

Properties of quadrilaterals, triangles and congruent shapes lesson (GCSE foundation)

<p>Powerpoint lesson for Edexcel GCSE foundation unit 6 with a work booklet and lots of assessment for learning activities. Skills covered include – Identify and using angle, side and symmetry properties of simple quadrilaterals and triangles. Identifying congruent shapes.</p> <p>This lesson was specially made to cover the objectives of the Pearson textbook section 6.1 (apart from angles in quadrilaterals- this is a separate lesson)</p> <p>Time saving resource for busy teachers! You should be able to teach a lesson with hardly any preparation (mainly printing and maybe some cutting!). Fully differentiated objectives:<br /> Blue: Identify angle, side and symmetry properties of simple quadrilaterals and triangles<br /> Gold: Identify congruent shapes<br /> Red: Identify and begin to use angle, side and symmetry properties of quadrilaterals</p> <p>This resource includes:<br /> • A PowerPoint<br /> •A pdf of the power point slides with some notes included on how to use some of the resources.<br /> •Answers on the powerpoint and on a separate pdf file (print off to give to students that aren’t able to see the board as well, or use to mark as you go)<br /> • A differentiated Work booklet that includes self-assessment sections<br /> • A card sort for properties of shapes(this could be done alone or in pairs, or in groups!)<br /> •<a href="">A properties of shape revision/foldable guide students can refer back to</a><br /> •<a href="">An identifying congruent shapes treasure hunt</a></p> <p>The PowerPoint includes everything you need to teach right away. The lessons use the following format:<br /> •Starter<br /> • Objective and levels<br /> • A “how to teaching portion” with animated examples<br /> • An AfL miniwhiteboard quiz<br /> • Answers to all the booklet questions<br /> • Plenary (with answers)</p> <p>The powerpoint and booklet are currently set up for GCSE maths grades, however you can edit the grades to reflect KS3 or your own schools assessment criteria. In the word booklet if you change any grade (e.g the blue section) it should automatically change the rest of that colour into the same grade.<br /> This will take up a whole lesson.</p> <p>I also have other resources for this unit available <a href=";q=U6FE&amp;shop=MissEHoney">here</a></p> <p>U6FE</p>
Angles in parallel lines: identifying angles foldable guideQuick View

Angles in parallel lines: identifying angles foldable guide

<p>This types of angles in parallel lines foldable reference guide is a exciting way of students displaying information and revision materials in their book. Great for use in a lesson finding angles in parallel lines. Students will find using this types of angles in parallel lines foldablefun and they could even personalise it!</p> <p>This types of angles in parallel lines foldable comes in 2 different versions so you can personalise for each class.</p> <ul> <li>With pictures and explanation, including space on the inside for students to draw examples</li> <li>With pictures and a blank inside for complete freedom</li> </ul> <p>Text instructions for use are included in the resource.</p> <p><a href=";q=parallel%20lines&amp;shop=MissEHoney&amp;subjects=GB%7C0%7CMathematics%7C">Click here</a> for more angles in parallel lines resources.</p> <p>U6FE</p>