Wie hilfst du im Haushalt?
A worksheet to get pupils to give information on how to help at home. The sheet is also designed to help them begin to make their work more complex using a variety of clauses such as wenn and um... zu...
Was trägst du zur Schule?
A simple worksheet to assist pupils with describing their school uniform. It provides a model which can easily be followed allowing pupils to use the accusative case, adjective endings and the tenses correctly.
Describing people with relative clauses
An activity to introduce relative clauses with basic descriptions
Was hast du für die Umwelt gemacht?
PowerPoint to help improve the use of tenses whan talking or writing about the environment.
Song: Ich muss ins Krankenhaus
Song worksheet to go with Echo 2 unit 4 Krankheiten.
The material has been adapted from the Goethe Instiute materials.
Link to song on You Tube
There is a mistake at the end and I have put the word Arzt in when it should be Doktor. I ask pupils if they can listen for the mistake.
Year 8 Wenn Clauses
Simple exercises to practise grammar point. Can be used independently as answers are included.