War HorseQuick View

War Horse

<p>I created many of these materials for when I did some 1-to-1 tutoring (English) with some students. We focussed on Michael Morpurgo’s War Horse as a means of improving creative and non-fictional writing skills. Other resources here are taken from other sites, e.g.: www.scholastic.com/bookfairs/books.</p>
Edexcel writing student-friendly markschemeQuick View

Edexcel writing student-friendly markscheme

This is a student-friendly version of the markscheme for the Edexcel French GCSE 5FR04. The grade boundaries are approximate, having been taken from the 2010 exams. Please let me know if you think it needs tweaking in any way and I will look into it.
FCSE French Unit 11 Media (Mon portable)Quick View

FCSE French Unit 11 Media (Mon portable)

FCSE French Unit 11 Media (Mon portable). A selection of ppts and activities on the theme of mobile phones ('les portables') which work well with FCSE Unit 11 (French). I am particularly proud of the Dragon's Den groups speaking activity ('le baratin'). The students liked this activity and it helped with their speaking assessment.
Edexcel German GCSE Module 1 units 1-4Quick View

Edexcel German GCSE Module 1 units 1-4

I have just started GCSE German with my Y9 class and these are the materials I have created for Edexcel GCSE German (Foundation) Module 1 units 1-4. We use a lot of Kagan structures at our school. Let me know if you spot any errors (as German is my third langauge!)
Role Play QA speaking practiceQuick View

Role Play QA speaking practice

These QA cards need to be carefully put into a ring binder folder so that the interviewer has the questions in front of the them and the interviewee has the Q and A sheet in front of them. The idea is to practise turning the question starter into the answer starter.
Pearson GCSE German 2016 (1-9) Module 4 Higher book pp70-77 - Willkommen bei mirQuick View

Pearson GCSE German 2016 (1-9) Module 4 Higher book pp70-77 - Willkommen bei mir

Here is what I have used for Module 4 of the Higher book (as the Foundation book is not out yet and Module 4 is not yet on ActiveTeach!!!). These cover the two Startpunkt sections and units 1 and 2. I'm doing unit 2 in November. I do feel I'm planning in the dark at the moment and have had to use some of the existing Pearson text book materials, especially for the listenings. As usual, let me know if you spot any typos or grammar errors. My Y10s loved the "vegetable" speaking game I devised for pratcising separable verbs in the "Leckerbissen" part. Let me know if you need further explanation of it but the instructions in the ppt are clear enough.
So jung und schon gestresstQuick View

So jung und schon gestresst

UPDATED PPT JUNE 2016 - I'VE ADDED A FEW BITS AT THE BEGINNING. I had real fun doing this topic with my y11. They loved the dice game using the 'wenn' and imperfect subjunctive and conditional tenses. I have adapted some other people's ppts too - thank to them. Let me know if you spot any mistakes as German is my third language or if you need any ideas on how to run the lessons.
New Edexcel Module 1 Unit 2 Mes parentsQuick View

New Edexcel Module 1 Unit 2 Mes parents

<p>A powerpoint introducing parents’ jobs and the prectising the third person singular of relevant verbs. It goes with the new Edexcel GCSE coursebook and covers the starters in the Foundation and Higher text books. It is a 2007 powerpoint but email me at parkert@towers.kent.sch.uk if you want a 97-2003 version. It would be good to share resources for this new course. perhaps we could put a similar title to the one I’ve used so that we could all easily find them.</p>