Internet SafetyQuick View

Internet Safety

A PowerPoint, worksheet and video resources where students can discuss and explore the impact of the social media statuses on their future careers, safety as well as becoming aware of how online sources can track their movements online - makes use of the Ghostely app for Chrome - so may need adapting depending on your centres primary web browser.
Pub Quiz - Christmas 2016Quick View

Pub Quiz - Christmas 2016

Made a Christmas quiz (some Q's are christmas related - others aren't) if anyone is struggling for an activity for the end of term. Only thing you need to do is make a 10 song playlist for the music quiz.<br /> <br /> Merry Christmas!
Evaluation: What Went Well, Even Better If TemplateQuick View

Evaluation: What Went Well, Even Better If Template

A nice, easily adaptable template to use when asking students to evaluate their own work. Can be printed off or provided in electronic format to allow for spellchecking/proofreading.<br /> <br /> Edited - Images are now in footer of pages so that they don't interfere with the tables (as much).
Positive and Negative Impact of MediaQuick View

Positive and Negative Impact of Media

A rolling powerpoint to display in class that shows and gives examples of the positive and negative impact that the media can have on an audience (useful for display as a class completes an activity as staff move around the room to facilitate). <br /> <br /> Also a PDF handout of said terms.
Pub Quiz - June 2023Quick View

Pub Quiz - June 2023

<p>A general knowledge, picture and music round for use in end of year activities. The only thing you need to make is a 10 song playlist for the music round.</p> <p>Enjoy!</p>
Pub Quiz 17Quick View

Pub Quiz 17

A quiz to use for end of term activities. Picture round and General knowledge provided - you'll need to make your own playlist for the music round. Takes about 45 minutes to do (with some maths if you get the students to total up their own scores etc)
Pub Quiz June 2021Quick View

Pub Quiz June 2021

<p>A quiz to run when it’s nearly summer and you just want to wind down. Takes about 40 minutes to run. Music round will have to be done by you. But otherwsie it’s ready to go.</p>
Skills WheelQuick View

Skills Wheel

A visual activity that allows students to self assess various skills and generate clear targets to improve upon. <br /> Includes formula use so good for embedding Maths into tutorial sessions.
Christmas Quiz 2021Quick View

Christmas Quiz 2021

<p>A short quiz with a general knowledge, music, picture and bonus round.</p> <p>The only thing you need to plan is the music round (10 songs appropriate to your cohort).</p> <p>Enjoy and merry Christmas!</p> <p>edit: turns out I had mixed Liam and Chris Hemsworth up in the picture round. Now fixed. Apologies to those who downloaded this and for any aggro this caused in your classes. My kids KICKED OFF!</p>
Twitter WorksheetsQuick View

Twitter Worksheets

Short writing activity:<br /> <br /> Students write a short paragraph at the top on a chosen subject and then stick the sheet onto the board at the front of the class - teacher assesses and looks for key words - Staff then shares key words with class.<br /> <br /> Students then choose someone elses work and refine the original paragraph using key words given previously. Staff then reassess and repeat as needed. <br /> <br /> Good opportunity to give immediate feedback as well as to allow students to write more concisely. Useful for plenaries or for exam practice.
Pub Quiz 18Quick View

Pub Quiz 18

<p>A short, three round pub quiz with general knowledge, music round (which must be made by the teacher) and a picture round.</p>
Storyboarding PackQuick View

Storyboarding Pack

Some templates and worksheets to model and help out as students storyboard their work<br /> <br /> Images found on
Technical Terms DictionaryQuick View

Technical Terms Dictionary

Students can input technical terms as they cover them and then they google definitions before rewording it into their own words. Can be easily adapted to suite different subjects. Using excel allows for filtering so that terms are easily sorted into alphabetical order. <br /> Useful as an extension task.