Reference guide of the key points to the theories. Includes quotes that can be used, and critique of some of the theories. Topics covered are age, gender, ethnicity and class.
Reference guide of the key points that students can include in 20 mark questions. Points them to statistics and concepts that they can use. Includes age, gender, ethnicity and class.
Designed for the Edexcel Geography B, however many of the key words will be transferable to all exam boards. Click on the number, which takes you to a key word. The student then has to tell you the meaning of the key word. Click on the square button, to take you back to the main page. I aware house points for the correct answer. Students can then be used to select the next person, or pick students based on target groups. A great revision game.
Revision activity to revise the key concepts linked to family. Based on the key words linked to AQA A Level Sociology, but many of these words will be similar for all exam boards. Key words included from the following topic areas: couple, childhood, theories, demography, changing family patterns, family diversity, families and social policies.<br />
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You can turn this into a game. I divided my class into 2 groups (boys vs girls) and they took in turn and I allocated points for the correct answers. (Girls won!) You can also divide groups according to target groups, target grades etc.
Quiz to get students thinking about how key points to conjugal roles link together. Allows students to try and link statistics, a topic, concepts and sentence linking words.
I am using this for the AQA new specification and the OCR G674 unit for revision. Students pick a number to show a key word. They have to provide a definition for that key word. Each correct word earns a point. Can turn this into a competition and reward a prize, or even competition between groups. Includes the methods of data collection and terms linked to each method e.g. reliability