Remembrance LessonQuick View

Remembrance Lesson

<p>A stand-alone lesson with an accompanying worksheet which follows seamlessly through the powerpoint. This is designed for first use in 2018, but can be edited and slightly modified for future years. Great for all KS3 and KS4 classes of any ability.<br /> NB- YOu will need to provide your own link/copy to a suitable video of World War One in order for the students to complete a reflection poem entitled ‘ThankYou’.</p>
Conditions in the TrenchesQuick View

Conditions in the Trenches

Fully differentiated resources for use with KS3 or KS4 describing, analysing and judging the harshest conditions faced by soldiers during WW1. Carousel lesson involving literacy activity to begin with lesson. Stop at given points using post-its to recap learning periodically.
English Civil WarQuick View

English Civil War

Useful lesson outlining the accepted short and long term causes of the English Civil War. For use as card sort and arranging into defined groups such as 'Short vs Long' or 'Money, Power and Religion'. Also includes editable worksheet for use with powerpoint.<br /> Includes glossary for use with LA learners