Multiplication Excel reusable spreadsheetsQuick View

Multiplication Excel reusable spreadsheets

<p>Reusable mixed ability spreadsheets for Excel / Open Office, covering partition method; repeated addition link with grouping of tens and ones; factors, multiples and products; multiples of five strategy practice by finding multiples of ten and doubling to find the product; multiplying integers and decimals by 10, 100 and 1000; grid method up to hundreds multiplied by tens and ones; long method (ladder method) involving working models for exchange. I.W.B. versions to give children practice as required. All sheets can be reused time and again with the press of the F9 key to generate new numbers with answers (can be displayed on I.W.B. for self-marking and repeated demonstration) and print to A4 to allow as much practice as required with additional sheets for lessons or extra homework practice.</p>
Excel spreadsheet reusable Coordinates practice sheetsQuick View

Excel spreadsheet reusable Coordinates practice sheets

<p>This set of Excel files print to A4 and randomise locations on a map of an island in one, two and all four quadrants so you can choose the level of difficulty and involve drawing of subjects and coordinate plotting. Can be used over and over for additional practice by simply pressing the F9 key. Useful for demonstration on the I.W.B., classroom and homework practice.</p>
Excel Fractions mixed ability spreadsheet reusable resourcesQuick View

Excel Fractions mixed ability spreadsheet reusable resources

<p>Reusable mixed ability Excel spreadsheets for Excel / Open Office covering fractions and associated links: addition, subtraction and multiplication of fractions; times table link strategies for practice; improper and mixed fractions conversion; conversion to decimals and percentages by making the denominator 10, 100 and 1000; finding a percentage of a number strategies e.g. finding 1, 10, 50 percent and multiplying, halving, etc.; ordering fractions by use of a common denominator; fraction parts in whole numbers; fractions of numbers where the numerator is one and greater than one; equivalent fractions and lowest terms included. I.W.B. versions with working models to show improper and mixed fraction links and conversions. All sheets can be reused time and again with the press of the F9 key to generate new numbers with answers (can be displayed on I.W.B. for self-marking and repeated demonstration) and print to A4 to allow as much practice as required with additional sheets for lessons or extra homework practice.</p>
Excel  Compound Areas  and Perimeter ActivitiesQuick View

Excel Compound Areas and Perimeter Activities

<p>Reusable mixed ability spreadsheets for Excel / Open Office covering skills involved with finding simple and compound perimeters and areas; involves finding perimeters and areas of overlapping lines that form a rectangle within two rectangles; uses technical terms such as congruent and bisect, etc.; worksheet and I.W.B. versions. I.W.B. versions with working models to help children see how what happens elsewhere within the shape effects other parameters in ‘real time’. All sheets can be reused time and again with the press of the F9 key to generate new numbers with answers (can be displayed on I.W.B. for self-marking and repeated demonstration) and print to A4 to allow as much practice as required with additional sheets for lessons or extra homework practice. Whilst using this resource with a Year 6 class one boy said to me he hadn’t understand this but now he did and two Year 6 teachers in another school told me they had used the files “quite a lot”.</p>
Decimals-4 rules of number reusable spreadsheetsQuick View

Decimals-4 rules of number reusable spreadsheets

<p>Reusable Excel spreadsheets for Excel / Open Office covering decimals: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; times table link strategies for practice; number square practice for tenths and hundredths place value; multiplication and division by 10, 100 and 100; ordering decimals with fractions; place value involving mixed numbers, fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents included. All sheets can be reused time and again with the press of the F9 key to generate new numbers with answers (can be displayed on I.W.B. for self-marking and repeated demonstration) and print to A4 to allow as much practice as required with additional sheets for lessons or extra homework practice.</p>
Angle, Measures and Ratio Excel spreadsheetsQuick View

Angle, Measures and Ratio Excel spreadsheets

<p>Reusable mixed ability spreadsheets for Excel / Open Office covering finding angles around lines, in triangles and rectangles using knowledge of the degrees in a straight line, right-angle, triangle and circle. I.W.B. versions with working models to demonstrate changing angles and how one impacts an angle elsewhere in the model. All sheets can be reused time and again with the press of the F9 key to generate new numbers with answers (can be displayed on I.W.B. for self-marking and repeated demonstration) and print to A4 to allow as much practice as required with additional sheets for lessons or extra homework practice.</p>
Arithmetic-Multiplication & DivisionQuick View

Arithmetic-Multiplication & Division

<p>Reusable Excel spreadsheets for Excel / Open Office covering multiplication and division. Long and short division with and without remainders; long and short multiplication column methods; inverse links; word problems; and repeated subtraction lines included. All sheets can be reused time and again with the press of the F9 key to generate new numbers with answers (can be displayed on I.W.B. for self-marking and repeated demonstration) and print to A4 to allow as much practice as required with additional sheets for lessons or extra homework practice.</p>
Tables/Number bonds for Excel reusable spreadsheetsQuick View

Tables/Number bonds for Excel reusable spreadsheets

<p>Reusable mixed ability spreadsheets for Excel / Open Office covering simple weekly times table and number bond tests; times tables and their relationship to fraction parts; consecutive tables link to fraction parts of a number (e.g. 3 x 4 = 12 so 4 is 1/3. 8 is 2/3, etc.) emphasis on inverse relationship number families; algebraic tasks where factors, products or fraction of amounts have to be found; table grid practice for integers and decimal values. I.W.B. versions with working models to give children practice as required with consecutive or random multiplication/division tables. All sheets can be reused time and again with the press of the F9 key to generate new numbers with answers (can be displayed on I.W.B. for self-marking and repeated demonstration) and print to A4 to allow as much practice as required with additional sheets for lessons or extra homework practice.</p>
Excel reusable spreadsheets covering arithmeticQuick View

Excel reusable spreadsheets covering arithmetic

<p>Reusable Excel spreadsheets for Excel / Open Office covering arithmetic, mainly addition and subtraction, but with some multiplication and division; adding and subtracting near mulitiples of 10, 20, 30, etc; effect of mulitplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 including integers and decimals. I.W.B. working models involving exchanging/ renaming/‘carrying’; arithmetic word problems. All sheets can be reused time and again with the press of the F9 key to generate new numbers with related answers (can be displayed on I.W.B. for self-marking) and print to A4 to allow as much practice as required with additional sheets for lessons or extra homework practice.</p>
Algebra Excel reusable spreadsheet  activitiesQuick View

Algebra Excel reusable spreadsheet activities

<p>This is a pack of mixed ability Excel spreadsheets that generate countless worksheets with answers that print to A4. Includes all 4 rules of number; finding missing numbers in column method; covers the concept of the equal symbol acting like a balance to both sides of the equation. Just press F9 to generate new numbers with related answers. IWB versions included that can be used within lessons.</p>
Partition method Excel reusable spreadsheetsQuick View

Partition method Excel reusable spreadsheets

<p>Reusable mixed ability spreadsheets for Excel / Open Office, covering addition and subtraction partition method; includes working models for exchanging / decomposition examples that show the partition method alongside the ‘short’ method. All sheets can be reused time and again with the press of the F9 key to generate new numbers with answers. Larger versions can be displayed on I.W.B. for self-marking and repeated demonstration and comparing partition with the shorter method where, for example, you can see the ‘1’ is actually a ten or a hundred, etc.) . Sheets have been sized to ensure printing to A4 to allow as much practice as required with additional sheets for lessons or extra homework practice.</p>
Money and Word Problems reusable Excel resourcesQuick View

Money and Word Problems reusable Excel resources

<p>A set of Excel spreadsheets for Excel and Open Office covering Money (£) and Word Problems. All sheets can be reused time and again with the press of the F9 key to generate new numbers with related answers (can be displayed on IWB for self-marking) and print to A4 to allow as much practice as required with additional sheets for lessons or extra homework practice.</p>
Excel Number Pattern mixed ability reusable spreadsheetsQuick View

Excel Number Pattern mixed ability reusable spreadsheets

<p>Reusable mixed ability Excel spreadsheets for Excel / Open Office covering number pattern and associated activities: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; inverse operations including multiplication and division by 10; halving and doubling; makes use of differentiated function machines, number lines and magic square puzzles; enter you own starting numbers for generated patterns and work out missing numbers. I.W.B. versions with working models to demonstrate number patterns. All sheets can be reused time and again with the press of the F9 key to generate new numbers with answers (can be displayed on I.W.B. for self-marking and repeated demonstration) and print to A4 to allow as much practice as required with additional sheets for lessons or extra homework practice.</p>
Excel Place Value mixed ability reusable spreadsheetsQuick View

Excel Place Value mixed ability reusable spreadsheets

<p>Reusable mixed ability spreadsheets for Excel / Open Office covering place value tables with exercises involving partition, ordering and most significant place holders; place value from thousandths to a million, depending on chosen ability; fractions with denominators of 10, 100 and 1000 to show decimal place value relationships; filling in missing decimals using tenths and hundredths with reusable number squares; place value exercises multiplying and dividing to decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. I.W.B. versions with working models to show place value columns with partition links. All sheets can be reused time and again with the press of the F9 key to generate new numbers with answers (can be displayed on I.W.B. for self-marking and repeated demonstration) and print to A4 to allow as much practice as required with additional sheets for lessons or extra homework practice.</p>
SATs style and test style type questions for ExcelQuick View

SATs style and test style type questions for Excel

<p>Maths test style type questions for use with MS Excel or Open Office that are usable time and time again as pressing F9 generates new numbers with answers and some words like names and genre allowing repeated practice or additional sheets for a lesson as required. Files are formatted to print to A4 with an answer sheet to save valuable time for the teacher. Sheets are numbered if a whole test paper was desired to be put together or for individual use.</p>