C3 AQA Topic 5 Organic ChemistryQuick View

C3 AQA Topic 5 Organic Chemistry

ppt covering the main spec points for this whole topic. can be used for revision, or demo's done if covering as 1 lesson - all chemical reactions detailed on slides can be demonstrated. Can be separated out into lessons on individual organic groups and student pracs done. alcohols, carboxylic acids, esters
Genetic Technologies: discussion stimulus materialQuick View

Genetic Technologies: discussion stimulus material

This presentation is to be played with the song 'If Everybody Looked the Same&' by Groove Armada. If you run it so that &';Genetic technologies are now a part of our society' (on slide 2) jumps across on the beat 8 secs into the song it *should* run perfectly to time so the last slide shows when the song ends. The information is purely intended to stimulate thinking (slides are not always visible for enough time for everything on them to be read - it is up to you if you change it) Hope it might be useful for someone. It took a while to compile!
C3 AQA Chemical Analysis 4.2 Negative Ion TestsQuick View

C3 AQA Chemical Analysis 4.2 Negative Ion Tests

ppt for lesson on tests for negative ions. I demonstrated the tests and then gave 2 mystery substances to be identified using these tests and the positive ion tests from the previous lesson. carbonates: acid sulfates: barium chloride test halides: silver nitrate test
Force arrowsQuick View

Force arrows

Forces arrow practice worksheet. Put the board truck on the whiteboard and get the kids to come up and draw on their answers around it. I usually show the kids this first: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuJhz3iV_34
making salts and calculating yields worksheetQuick View

making salts and calculating yields worksheet

Used for a H level year 11 class with varying ability following a practical lesson in making salts. The first part of the sheet is to review the procedure and get students practising writing equations. Equation questions are laid out to see how far students can get and hence what level they are working at. The second part of the sheet addresses calculating yields giving an example before asking students to calculate reacting masses, actual, theoretical and percentage yields in relation to the reactions in the first part of the worksheet.
C3 AQA Chemical Analysis 4.6 Equilibria and HaberQuick View

C3 AQA Chemical Analysis 4.6 Equilibria and Haber

Combined lesson, 4.6 to 4.9, can be split up I was very low on time. Covers review of equilibria which they have already done and uses Haber Process as the example (which is lessons 4.8 and 4.9) also uses a demo of cobalt chloride and hexaquacobalt(II) which is nice and visual for showing equilibria changes with temperature and concentration, web link shows method - can also be done microscale for just concentration. There may be some oddities within this ppt due to changes between the school microsoft system and my open office system but they should be easily rectifiable.
AQA C3 / CHEM1 Titration calculation basicsQuick View

AQA C3 / CHEM1 Titration calculation basics

Titration calculation lesson and handout. (slides in handout match to powerpoint. Completed for AQA C3 unit 4.4 Titration Calculation (uses examples from textbook) BUT uses actual equations as is used in A/S level chemistry instead of using the method in the book. Suitable for GCSE and to support A/S level students having difficulty with this concept. Calculation of - concentration given mass - concentration given moles - mass given concentration - concentration of an unknown using titration data
AQA A2 CHEM5 Transition Metals complex ionsQuick View

AQA A2 CHEM5 Transition Metals complex ions

Print metal/ligand slides. Give each student/pair one page with a transition metal and a ligand. They must: a) make model using matchsticks, plasticine and stickers to label atom/ion groups. b) draw the diagram c) write out the formula d) state the coordination number e) state whether the ligand is unidentate, bidentate etc. f) determine the shape Once they have completed they leave the model for others to use and then complete b-f for the circus of ions (some may be more difficult than others and may require advice!). This could be best done in a table.
Worksheet AQA CHEM 2011 C1 2.5 limestone issuesQuick View

Worksheet AQA CHEM 2011 C1 2.5 limestone issues

Worksheet providing awareness of the process of limestone quarrying, its advantages and disadvantages and dividing the issues into social, economic and environmental. Answers on second sheet, classification of social, economic and environmental could be varied depending on the perspective..
AQA CHEM4 NMR reviewQuick View

AQA CHEM4 NMR review

used as an interview lesson and took so long to put together I hope someone else will find it useful! needs double lesson really I think. Ideally students work in pairs to create an exam question and markscheme (as detailed in the ppt) and then students swap questions and have a go at them. rather a lot of paper needed on this one so if it can be used more than once it might be better for the trees! can aid by using molymods. goes over proton and carbon NMR and allows for branching out into other areas of the course.
New AQA C2 4.5  and 4.6 Catalysts Levelled TaskQuick View

New AQA C2 4.5 and 4.6 Catalysts Levelled Task

covers content from 4.6 (and requires the basics from 4.5) about catalysts, their uses in industry, their advantages and disadvantages. requires students to think about the sources they are using for information (clearly the textbook contains all this info. but they are asked for 2 named sources of information) also asks for full sentences in their own words to try and avoid the copy and paste job! marksheet attached can be used by teacher or peer assessed.
atomic structure bingo starterQuick View

atomic structure bingo starter

using the fruit machine as a bingo wheel. Questions on the wheel that the students must work out in order to cross out their bingo answers. PPT slide to introduce and allow students to choose options. the word doc just shows which answers match with which questions.
C3 AQA Water 2.3 The Water Treatment ProcessQuick View

C3 AQA Water 2.3 The Water Treatment Process

group task requires use of info sheets from ppt or textbook and video I used the one attached but this one is also relevant too.. maybe you can find something better? second video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuYB8nMFxQA
AQA C1 5.3 New/Designer PolymersQuick View

AQA C1 5.3 New/Designer Polymers

Levelled task and marksheet. A scenario to get students researching and reporting on designer polymers / shape memory polymers etc. Fits well as a HW or a class lesson, students can use marksheet to peer assess if desired.
AQA CHEM5 redox question reviewQuick View

AQA CHEM5 redox question review

going over a couple of old AQA exam questions on e cell, emf, cell diagrams, standard hydrogen electrode, and what to think about when answering them, summary slide of some of the key points.
AQA CHEM5 Jeopardy revision gameQuick View

AQA CHEM5 Jeopardy revision game

made using the excellent template by rcook2sc. Review of the whole CHEM5 topic - there seems to be one small glitch on the Thermodynamics for 100 points question where is won't allow the answer to be given and I am no good at macros so I don&'t know how to fix it! Other than that should be self explanatory. Thermodynamics, Periodicity, Redox, Transition Metals, Inorganic Compounds and a special section on colours.
C3 AQA Chemical Analysis 4.3 Titration & AnalysisQuick View

C3 AQA Chemical Analysis 4.3 Titration & Analysis

lesson to include a titration practical or just a demo (practical is better if possible) and a summarised review of the idea of analysis, can be broken down into more than one lesson, I was just running low on time. To be followed by titration calculation lesson. wet analysis, instrumental analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis. Apologies if some of the slides seem a bit wonky, I completed this in microsoft office 2010 but am using open office at home and they are slightly out of sync with each other.
C3 AQA The Periodic Table 1.3 Alkali MetalsQuick View

C3 AQA The Periodic Table 1.3 Alkali Metals

the alkali metals, group 1 review of reactivity of alkali metals and link to electron arrangement. if demo can't be done(it has been done before in course but it is usually a good demo) video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx5JJWI2aaw