Fractions - Full PPTQuick View

Fractions - Full PPT

Covers Introduction to Fractions, Equivalent fractions, Simplifying, Ordering, Comparing, Improper and finally the equivalences on fractions, decimals and percentages. Year 7 - Set 4
GCSE Angles Revision booklet +answersQuick View

GCSE Angles Revision booklet +answers

This PPT can be printed 2 slides on a page and makes a good problem solving resource. All the questions are from GCSE Edexcel past papers so all the work belongs to them(I have just collated them). The knowledge needed is angles on a point, on a straight line, in a triangle, on parallel lines and in regular shapes. Answers are in the footnotes.
Similar shapes - Linear, Area and VolumeQuick View

Similar shapes - Linear, Area and Volume

The booklet works with the presentation. Introduces the concept of similarity. Can be directed at top sets AND bottom sets. Scaffolding is provided for complex shapes similarity (triangle within triangle). Also explores similar shapes area and volume in detail.
VERY Interactive Multiplication - Grid and Long methodQuick View

VERY Interactive Multiplication - Grid and Long method

Includes multiplication bingo (can be adopted for harder times tables), card sort activity (included in the end of .ppt), very interactive activities as they are for SEN pupils. Includes lots of quizzes, games, fortune teller activity, link cards (I didn't make these, but they are amazing). Also includes worksheets for pupils who didn't want to engage in the classroom, but had to do some work. One of my favourite topics.
Algebra - formulae KS3 Y7Quick View

Algebra - formulae KS3 Y7

Year 7s, Set 4 forming algebraic formulae. Starting with basic formulas, like pence in a pound, days in a week etc. Plenary in one lesson (and starter in the next was) to recap the area as moving forward to formulae of area and perimeter of rectangle and square. Third lesson was to being able to substitue numbers in a formula to get answers. Then finish off with a game of showdown with formulae (differentiated) for 4 levels.
Indices worksheet - differentiatedQuick View

Indices worksheet - differentiated

<p>A detailed practice sheet for Indices - only the first 4 laws. No negative or fractional indices. Taken from 10Ticks - this is not my worksheet. I have just put it together for a topic.</p>
Division - KS3Quick View

Division - KS3

This was my first lesson on division with my year 7s so had no previous knowledge about what they know. started with a multiplication precap to a tutorial to chunking then to bus-stop method.
Division - KS3 - long division + remaindersQuick View

Division - KS3 - long division + remainders

This follows on from my previous division lessons, and is more about big numbers division, e.g. 4 digit by 2 digit and 3 digit by 2 digit and moves onto remainders display by chunking and then bus-stop...There is also an interesting plenary.
2D shapes - KS3Quick View

2D shapes - KS3

Looks at angles in 2d shapes - circle, triangle, square, rectangle. then moves onto lines of symmetry and investigation whether a square is a rectangle or a rectangle is a square. also looks at parallel and perpendicular lines.
Pictograms - Year 7 CompleteQuick View

Pictograms - Year 7 Complete

Includes web links, questions to ask pupils involed in reading single scale pictograms, answering questions about them and making them. Moves onto scale of 2 (Can be changed to 5/10/20 depending on your class). Originally designed for SEN pupils.
KS4 - Transformations - EnlargementsQuick View

KS4 - Transformations - Enlargements

an nrich starter looks at similar shapes and pupils wonder why the area increases by x4 when the sf is x2. The lesson looks at different types of enlargements questions and how to tackle them, kids use the worksheet while i go through the powerpoint, before moving onto practicing on the edexcel exam practice.