Plants Concept map and Assessment TaskQuick View

Plants Concept map and Assessment Task

<p>Use plants concept map to assess children’s prior learning. Can also be used at the end of the unit. it is useful to generate enquiry questions for children to then sort which ones they will pursue by observing, researching, observing over time, comparative testing or fair testing.<br /> The assessment task is to be used at the end of the unit as a means of assessing children’s scientific knowledge and understanding. Please visit the shop to access all plants lessons and resources.</p> <p>Suitable for the year 2 plants curriculum.</p>
Plants Sorting and Classifying Seeds Year 2Quick View

Plants Sorting and Classifying Seeds Year 2

<p>Sorting and classifying seeds. Suitable for year 2 and above.<br /> A fun and practical hands on lesson for children to handle different types of seeds, sorting and classifying them. Their is a high quality of differentiated resources available for children to record their results. Encourage children to choose and select the best or appropriate way of recording. The examples of recording sheets provided are a good scaffolding material, however, high ability children should be thinking of their own criteria.<br /> Good example of classification keys given for sorting seeds for gifted and talented children. This lesson supports children to sort into different tables which makes goods links with maths curriculum also. Ideally you will have a range of seeds for children to sort. Easy and cheap seeds for you to get hold of (or you may have in kitchen) are as follows;<br /> mung beans<br /> broad beans<br /> peas<br /> kernel seeds (popcorn)<br /> coriander seed<br /> sunflower seeds<br /> melon seeds<br /> Suitable for the year 2 Plants new curriculum. This lesson has been used as evidence for the science quality mark.</p>
Plants Year 2 New Science CurriculumQuick View

Plants Year 2 New Science Curriculum

<p>Year 2 Science - Plants Unit. This units consists of 5 weeks of planning with resources. It will give you a sequence of lessons that include observing, fair testing, sorting and classifying. You will see very interesting, engaging and fun resources to get young children thinking like scientists, researching like Darwin, and following their own lines of inquiry.</p> <p>This bundle of resources is well differentiated, allows opportunities of using the outdoors. There are plenty of opportunities for assessment at the end of the unit and good use of concept maps to introduce the topic to find out what children already know at the start. Suitable for the new Science Curriculum to help children ask questions, plan an investigation and think about follow up inquiry lessons they would like to find answers for. Please like this resource and thank you in advance for choosing it. I am sure it will go down a treat with your class.</p>
 Instructional Writing Plants   Guided Reading Information TextQuick View

Instructional Writing Plants Guided Reading Information Text

<p>Instructional writing about how to grow peas -differentiated for working below, working at and working at greater depth. Good examples of all grammar features included, such as varied sentence types, and varied punctuation. Can be used for cross -curricular work in science topic or as an additional text type to teach the features of instructional writing to children during guided reading. The instructions have been organised into paragraphs with visuals and differentiated for learners. There are also comprehension questions attached so that children can demonstrate greater understanding of the text.</p>
Plants  Fair Testing Investigation using cressQuick View

Plants Fair Testing Investigation using cress

Year 2 Science Plants Unit<br /> Teach and model to children how to set up a fair test to find out how seeds germinate the fastest. The first question is do seeds need light? Children then go on to ask their own enquiry questions about seed germination and follow this through. Some examples are ,<br /> do they need warmth?<br /> do they need air?<br /> do they need nutrients?<br /> do they need water?<br /> do they need air?<br /> This planning and PowerPoint has excellent examples of how to follow the lead of the children. It demonstrates how each group could be setting up their own enquiry and then feed back to the rest of the class. They compare each others fair test and think of follow up questions. Suitable for the new year 2 science curriculum and used to receive a quality mark.
Plants Observing scraps Over time Year 2Quick View

Plants Observing scraps Over time Year 2

<p>Year 2 Science Curriculum - Plants</p> <p>This is an interesting lesson demonstrating how to set up an experiment to observe plants growing over time. The P details which vegetables and scraps are suitable to use. It shows how to set up the experiment and includes photographic examples of the scraps that do grow into new plants.<br /> Suitable for year 2 and year 1.<br /> Children can have fun bringing in scraps from home, such as potato cuttings with a node, carrot heads, celery, spring onion cutting from base, and even a pineapple head etc.</p>
Year 2 Plants Scientists Study DarwinQuick View

Year 2 Plants Scientists Study Darwin

<p>Year 2 Plants- Planning and resources<br /> Significant scientist study - how did he/she make a contribution to life today?<br /> In this lesson children research about the famous scientist Darwin and follow in his footsteps to go on a plant hunt. They match plants to the key from their immediate environment, playground, nature area or the local park. They make notes and annotate their work like Darwin identifying the species of flowers, their shapes, and color, and name.</p> <p>Challenge children to find different types of plants if they are available e.g.<br /> herbs,<br /> weed<br /> evergreen<br /> trees<br /> climbing<br /> bramble<br /> nettle<br /> flowering<br /> edible plant<br /> indoor plants<br /> Talk about how Darwin traveled the world to find exotic plants in the rainforest’s of the world. We now have some of these plants in UK.<br /> See complete unit of work in the shop or link below;<br /> <a href=";q=plants&amp;shop=rehanafazil">;q=plants&amp;shop=rehanafazil</a></p>
Plants and Science Year 2 Interpreting Data and Greater Depth MathsQuick View

Plants and Science Year 2 Interpreting Data and Greater Depth Maths

<p>Year 2 Science Plants<br /> This is a bundle of differentiated resources for science and the plants unit. It’s excellent for teaching science cross curricular and supports the maths reasoning at greater depth questioning. The questions are based on a given block graph about the height of sunflowers and pupils are asked to answer ‘how many more, how many less, what is the difference between’ type questions. Children have to draw a tally to match the data. This resource can also be used to assess the end of the unit or at the start to address misconceptions in the True or False Quiz. Children can change the statements into questions if they are unsure and this can be the basis of the start of the unit. Excellent differentiated incorporated. To make this lesson more engaging and challenging, teachers may have paper cut flowers for HAPS to create their own graphs. This resources is adapted to suit the new science curriculum.</p>
Solving Problems with money Year 2 TAFQuick View

Solving Problems with money Year 2 TAF

<p>year 2 National Curriculum<br /> Teaching mastery of money comes with solving mixed operation word problems.<br /> In this resource you will find differentiated resources for children to solve problems e.g<br /> Find 2 coins with the value higher than double 3.<br /> Find 3 coins with the value of 63. Now find another way.<br /> Adam shares all the coins equally with a friend - how many do they get each?<br /> Adam thinks he has enough money to buy a spider plant worth 195p. Is he correct?</p> <p>Suitable for childen working ARE in the year 2 national maths curriculum. Great opportunties also for HAPs children to work with numbers beyond 100 and show greater depth mastery skills.</p>
Continuous Provision KS1 and EYFS 80 + tuff tray ideasQuick View

Continuous Provision KS1 and EYFS 80 + tuff tray ideas

<p>EYFS and KS1 Continuous Provision<br /> Are you looking for continuous provision tuff tray ideas?<br /> Are you new to year 1 or EYFS?<br /> Look no further and use this resource to set up your classroom continuous provision ideas indoors and outdoors.</p> <ul> <li>You will find 80 + tuff tray visual ideas in the following areas;</li> <li>Phonics - matching and sorting sounds</li> <li>English - Tuff Tray ideas for Ginger bread Man, stick Man, Handa’s surprise, Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding hood, Elmer,</li> <li>Numeracy - place value, number, addition and subtraction, bonds, numicon matching, domino doubles, continue the pattern</li> <li>Science - materials, plants, life cycles, nature, seasons,animals, minibeast bug hunts,</li> <li>Topic - space, transport, local area, space</li> <li>Art - patterns, line, shape, colour mixing</li> <li>Tuff tray vinyls</li> <li>There is also a list of resources that you will need to make the tuff trays engaging and practical.<br /> Thank you for choosing this resource and I wish you a fun, memorable and enjoyable year.</li> </ul>
Playscript for Mufaro's Beautiful DaughtersQuick View

Playscript for Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters

<p><strong>Africa Topic</strong> Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters- A play script about an African Tale.</p> <p>Are you learning about Africa? Have you focused on learning a text in a different cultural setting? If so, this is the perfect and inspirational play script for you. It includes parts for 120 (a four form entry school), although this can be easily adapted, altered and edited. The resource includes relevant songs within an African setting including popular and contemporary songs that will add and enliven the show. These have been carefully selected according to the theme in each scene e.g envy, jealousy, beauty, king’s procession etc. There are clear guidance for props, staging and costumes that may be suitable for parents/carers or teachers to provide. These include pots, masks, drapes, spears, shields, plants and thrones. Hope this is useful and many thanks for purchasing this resource. Was used for end of key stage 1. However, it can also be used for any other year groups studying Africa.</p>
Collage  Techniques  Lesson 1 Art and Design Year 3 and 4Quick View

Collage Techniques Lesson 1 Art and Design Year 3 and 4

<p><strong>Lesson 1 Collage techniques for Year 3 and 4</strong><br /> This is the first lesson of a 7 week unit of work although it can be used in isolation too,<br /> It is suitable for years 3 and year 4<br /> The following is included;<br /> Lesson Plan<br /> National curriculum learning objectives and success criteria<br /> Power Points and resources<br /> Examples of work and tasks included.<br /> Key vocabulary for the lesson<br /> Differentiation<br /> You Tube links with relevant examples.<br /> Pupils will learn the following techniques and explore collage skills<br /> zigzag, spiral, coil, spiral, twist, and lattice</p> <p>Overview of the unit in the shop is as follows if you want to purchase the complete unit.<br /> Week 1 Explore collage techniques<br /> Week 2 Use inspiration from Canaletto to create a collage<br /> Week 3 Famous Architect Zaha Hadid (newspaper strip collage and BAME link)<br /> Week 4 Tessellation and Escher (collage with no gaps)<br /> Week 5 Mosaic - (collage with gaps)<br /> Week 6 Matisse and (scissors cutout collage)<br /> Week 7 Finale composition<br /> The theme of the unit was based around buildings and grand designs - but the skills of each lesson can be applied to any focus e.g plants, animals, seaside, world war, landscape, etc The unit can be extended or condensed as you wish.<br /> Follow on instagram for more ideas and ways to save your teacher Sundays.<br /> @thisisrehanafazil</p>
Collage Mosaic Lesson 5 Art and Design Years 3 and 4Quick View

Collage Mosaic Lesson 5 Art and Design Years 3 and 4

<p><strong>Lesson 5 Collage Mosaic techniques</strong><br /> This is the fifth lesson of a 7 week unit of work<br /> It is suitable for years 3 and year 4<br /> The following is included;<br /> Lesson Plan 5<br /> Powerpoints and resources<br /> Examples of work and tasks included.<br /> Key vocabulary for the lesson<br /> Differentiation<br /> Youtube links with relevant examples.<br /> Pupils will learn the origins of mosaic. They will understand that mosaic can be made using clay tiles as well as paper. Pupils will create their own mosaic with a fish, sunset, star and moon, christian cross, or flower inset.</p> <p>Overview of the collage unit in the shop is as follows if you want to purchase the complete unit.<br /> Week 1 Explore collage techniques<br /> Week 2 Use inspiration from Canaletto to create a collage<br /> Week 3 Famous Architect Zaha Hadid (newspaper strip collage and BAME link)<br /> Week 4 Tessellation and Escher (collage with no gaps)<br /> Week 5 Mosaic - (collage with gaps)<br /> Week 6 Matisse and (scissors cutout collage)<br /> Week 7 Finale composition<br /> The theme of the unit was based around buildings and grand designs - but the skills of each lesson can be applied to any focus e.g plants, animals, seaside, world war, landscape, etc The unit can be extended or condensed as you wish.<br /> Follow on instagram for more ideas and ways to save your teacher Sundays.<br /> @thisisrehanafazil</p>
Collage  Tessellation Lesson 4  Art and Design Year 3 and 4Quick View

Collage Tessellation Lesson 4 Art and Design Year 3 and 4

<p>**Lesson 4 Collage using tessellation and inspiration from Escher **<br /> This is the fourth lesson of a 7 week unit of work although it can be used in isolation too.<br /> It is suitable for years 3 and year 4<br /> The following is included;<br /> Lesson Plan 4<br /> Powerpoints and resources<br /> Examples of work and tasks included.<br /> Key vocabulary for the lesson<br /> Differentiation<br /> You Tube links with relevant examples.<br /> Pupils will learn tessellation skills such as translation and rotation. They can create their own tessellation tiles if time permits or use templates like Escher’s fish, and lizard.</p> <p>Overview of the collage unit in the shop is as follows if you want to purchase the complete unit.<br /> Week 1 Explore collage techniques<br /> Week 2 Use inspiration from Canaletto to create a collage<br /> Week 3 Famous Architect Zaha Hadid (newspaper strip collage and BAME link)<br /> Week 4 Tessellation and Escher (collage with no gaps)<br /> Week 5 Mosaic - (collage with gaps)<br /> Week 6 Matisse and (scissors cutout collage)<br /> Week 7 Finale composition<br /> The theme of the unit was based around buildings and grand designs - but the skills of each lesson can be applied to any focus e.g plants, animals, seaside, world war, landscape, etc The unit can be extended or condensed as you wish.<br /> Follow on instagram for more ideas and ways to save your teacher Sundays.<br /> @thisisrehanafazil</p>
Collage Canaletto Lesson 2 Art and Design Year 3 and 4Quick View

Collage Canaletto Lesson 2 Art and Design Year 3 and 4

<p><strong>Lesson 2 Collage Overlapping using Canaletto as inspiration</strong><br /> This is the second lesson of a 7 week unit of work although it can also be used as a standalone lesson<br /> It is suitable for years 3 and year 4<br /> The following is included;<br /> Lesson Plan<br /> Power Points and resources<br /> Examples of work and tasks included.<br /> Key vocabulary for the lesson<br /> Differentiation<br /> You Tube links with relevant examples.<br /> Pupils will learn the following techniques and explore collage skills;<br /> overlapping, layering, foreground, mid ground background, using inspiration from an artist</p> <p>Overview of the unit in the shop is as follows if you want to purchase the complete unit.<br /> Week 1 Explore collage techniques<br /> Week 2 Use inspiration from Canaletto to create a collage<br /> Week 3 Famous Architect Zaha Hadid (newspaper strip collage and BAME link)<br /> Week 4 Tessellation and Escher (collage with no gaps)<br /> Week 5 Mosaic - (collage with gaps)<br /> Week 6 Matisse and (scissors cutout collage)<br /> Week 7 Finale composition<br /> The theme of the unit was based around buildings and grand designs - but the skills of each lesson can be applied to any focus e.g plants, animals, seaside, world war, landscape, etc The unit can be extended or condensed as you wish.<br /> Follow on instagram for more ideas and ways to save your teacher Sundays.<br /> @thisisrehanafazil</p>
Collage Matisse Lesson 6 Art and Design Years 3 and 4Quick View

Collage Matisse Lesson 6 Art and Design Years 3 and 4

<p>**Lesson 6 Collage using inspiration from Matisse<br /> This is the sixth lesson of a 7 week unit of work<br /> It is suitable for years 3 and year 4 and could be used in isolation too.<br /> The following is included;<br /> Lesson Plan 6<br /> Powerpoints and resources<br /> Examples of work and tasks included.<br /> Key vocabulary for the lesson<br /> Differentiation<br /> Youtube links with relevant examples.<br /> Study of diverse artists and designers has been included to add diversity to the curriculum.</p> <p>Overview of the collage unit in the shop is as follows if you want to purchase the complete unit for a cheaper price.<br /> Week 1 Explore collage techniques<br /> Week 2 Use inspiration from Canaletto to create a collage<br /> Week 3 Famous Architect Zaha Hadid (newspaper strip collage and BAME link)<br /> Week 4 Tessellation and Escher (collage with no gaps)<br /> Week 5 Mosaic - (collage with gaps)<br /> Week 6 Matisse and (scissors cutout collage)<br /> Week 7 Finale composition<br /> The theme of the unit was based around buildings and grand designs - but the skills of each lesson can be applied to any focus e.g plants, animals, seaside, world war, landscape, etc The unit can be extended or condensed as you wish.<br /> Follow on instagram for more ideas and ways to save your teacher Sundays.<br /> @thisisrehanafazil</p>
Collage Zaha Hadid Lesson 3 Art and Design Year 3 and 4Quick View

Collage Zaha Hadid Lesson 3 Art and Design Year 3 and 4

<p><strong>Lesson 3 Collage using newspaper cutouts and designer/ architect Zaha Hadid</strong><br /> This is the third lesson of a 7 week unit of work although it can be used in isloation too.<br /> It is suitable for years 3 and year 4<br /> The following is included;<br /> Lesson Plan 3<br /> Powerpoints and resources<br /> Examples of work and tasks included.<br /> Key vocabulary for the lesson<br /> Differentiation<br /> Youtube links with relevant examples.<br /> Study of diverse artists and designers has been included to add diversity to the curriculum. Pupils will create a building using inspiration from Zaha Hadids work, including the Aquatic Centre in London Olympic Village in Stratford.</p> <p>Overview of the collage unit in the shop is as follows if you want to purchase the complete unit.<br /> Week 1 Explore collage techniques<br /> Week 2 Use inspiration from Canaletto to create a collage<br /> Week 3 Famous Architect Zaha Hadid (newspaper strip collage and BAME link)<br /> Week 4 Tessellation and Escher (collage with no gaps)<br /> Week 5 Mosaic - (collage with gaps)<br /> Week 6 Matisse and (scissors cutout collage)<br /> Week 7 Finale composition<br /> The theme of the unit was based around buildings and grand designs - but the skills of each lesson can be applied to any focus e.g plants, animals, seaside, world war, landscape, etc The unit can be extended or condensed as you wish.<br /> Follow on instagram for more ideas and ways to save your teacher Sundays.<br /> @thisisrehanafazil</p>
Year 2 Comparing amounts and balance equationsQuick View

Year 2 Comparing amounts and balance equations

<p>Comparing amounts using &lt; &gt; and = in the context of length , mass and fractions. Children are encouraged to use jottings to solve each side of the equation. They then use the correct symbol to balance the equation. Suitable for year 2 mastery level although the activities are differentiated and easily accessible to all. Year 2 New Maths Curriculum.</p>