Unit 45 Independent Learning - Scheme of Learning, Presentations and assignment briefsQuick View

Unit 45 Independent Learning - Scheme of Learning, Presentations and assignment briefs

The scheme of learning is designed for BTEC Unit 45 Independent learning in health & social care, I only had 5 weeks to deliever this unit so presentations tasks were very quick. Nice short unit for the learners to identify areas within their own work that represent the various forms of writing and study, delivered to Level 3 year 2 learners, good for those wishing to go off to university
Anatomy & Physiology Scheme of Learning & WorkbookQuick View

Anatomy & Physiology Scheme of Learning & Workbook

The Scheme of Learning & workbooks was designed for BTEC Health & Social Care Unit 5 Anatomy & Physiology. The workbook runs alongside the SOL, it has activities for the learners to complete in class or independently, with end of unit tests to consolidate their learning. The workbook covers all Pass criteria, but it does give hints and tips on how to achieve the higher grades.
Nutrition Scheme of Learning, Workbook and Case StudiesQuick View

Nutrition Scheme of Learning, Workbook and Case Studies

This Scheme of Learning & workbook was designed for BTEC Health & Social care Unit 21 Nutrition. The workbooks runs alongside the SOL, learners can complete the activities in class or independently. Workbook covers pass critieria only, case studies can be used as starter, in lesson or plenary activities. Due to the amount of GLH that i had for this unit, i completed a number of pages in class with the learners and then set them pages to complete on their study days, researching information or producing posters were set as homework or independent study.
Unit 4 Growth & Development - Scheme of Work and Pass Criteria workbook.Quick View

Unit 4 Growth & Development - Scheme of Work and Pass Criteria workbook.

Level 3 Health & Social Care Unit 4 Growth & Development Unit Scheme of Work, the unit is covered in a 7 week SOW, activities are condensed to map the criteria. Workbook attached allows the students to work through and complete the pass criteria for the unit, higher criteria to be completed separately.
Traffic Light PlenaryQuick View

Traffic Light Plenary

Used with lower level learners, a great way to gain feedback from students, identifying their understanding from the lesson content, choosing either Red, Amber or Green. Collecting the task sheets in as they leave the class, this can then determine the starter of your next lesson, homework or extension activities.
Late SlipsQuick View

Late Slips

I created these late slips that can be issued to the learners who decide to arrive late to class, saves on the disruption it causes to you and the rest of the class. I used to collect in the slips at the end of the lesson or when the class was completing activities. Embeds both English and Maths skills, hopefully having to fill one of these in everytime will encourage them to be on time to class!
BTEC Command word differences and meaningsQuick View

BTEC Command word differences and meanings

I designed this activity for Level 2 BTEC learners, getting them use to the command words found in their assignments. Links with embedding English as they will use a dictionary to search for the definitions of each word. The tasks can support the learners understanding of each command word and put them into practice. Can be adapted for any Level and extra assignment tips can be added.
Plenary Comment Boards - A5Quick View

Plenary Comment Boards - A5

I have produced these simple plenary comment boards that can be used within any subject, each board has a speech bubble and a question the student answers about their learning/understanding within the lesson, they write their answers down and then share it with the class. I have laminated a set for my students so they can be used again. I have found them successful in Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy & Health & Social Classes with low level learners. However, the questions can be adapted to meet the requirements with higher level learners.
Plenary ActivityQuick View

Plenary Activity

Learners are asked to think about what they have learnt in the lesson and write down how they link with English, Maths, Employability, Equality & Diversity & British Values. Allows the learners to identify where these areas have been promoted and understand how they can be applied to any subject being taught, gets the learners to think in a wider range. Subjects can be taken out for the activity depending on the topics being taught.