Pupil Raising Achievement Plan (Secondary)Quick View

Pupil Raising Achievement Plan (Secondary)

<p>This is a word-based template for creating a personalised action plan linked to attainment, and contains the following:</p> <ul> <li>Core pupil information.</li> <li>A section to track progress in Reading, English and Maths twice-yearly.</li> <li>An action planning template, with generic outcome model statements that can be edited and personalised.</li> </ul>
SENCO organisation bundleQuick View

SENCO organisation bundle

8 Resources
<p>A bundle of useful resource for the busy SENDCO, including:<br /> Annual planner<br /> Weekly planner<br /> SENCO handover sheet<br /> TA handover sheet<br /> Telephone and meetings log<br /> Personlised interplan plan<br /> Transition information sheet</p>
SENDCO Weekly OverviewQuick View

SENDCO Weekly Overview

<p>This is a weekly planning template for SENDCO’s, as part of a planner.<br /> Page 1 is a work week, with scheduling sections for assessments, annual reviews, CPD, T&amp;L, observations, meetings and other. there is an additional section for notes.<br /> Page 2 is a diary layout, with sections for To Do and Appointments.</p>
SENDCO Annual PlannerQuick View

SENDCO Annual Planner

<p>This is an editable planner allowing you to organise your year. Sectioned into monthly tabs, it spans 15 months, so overlaps from August in year 1 to October in year 2, so that you can forward plan.</p> <p>The planner has sections for:</p> <ul> <li>Assessments</li> <li>Annual reviews</li> <li>CPD</li> <li>T&amp;L</li> <li>Observations</li> <li>Meetings</li> <li>Other</li> </ul>
EHC Annual Review ManagementQuick View

EHC Annual Review Management

<p>This is a management tracking spreadsheet that allows you to plan and track progress through the annual review cycle. It is particularly helpful when you have a team of staff contributing to annual reviews, or if you have a high number of pupils with an EHC plan, as you can see at a glance to status of each annual review.</p> <p>The editable tracker includes space for core pupil data, key dates and then prompts for each section of the EHC plan and the review. A more detailed user guide is also included.</p>
Emotion Coach, ABC and Positive Behaviour PlanQuick View

Emotion Coach, ABC and Positive Behaviour Plan

<p>This editable template is a more detailed planning tool for pupils with difficulties in emotional and social behaviour control. It contains the follow sections:<br /> <strong>Assess</strong></p> <ul> <li>This allows you to assess areas of strength and concern, as well as identify triggers, warning signs, motivators and de-escalations</li> </ul> <p>Emotion coaching</p> <ul> <li>This links to the principle of colour-coded emotions, but can also be edited to a different approach to tracking emotions</li> </ul> <p>ABC observation log</p> <ul> <li>This provides space to use the Antecedent, Behaviour,Consequence approach to observing demonstrated behaviours, with additional space to evaluate</li> </ul> <p><strong>Plan</strong><br /> Positive Behaviour Plan</p> <ul> <li>This provides a structure to outline positive behaviour targets, including what, why, who and success criteria</li> </ul> <p><strong>Do</strong><br /> Targeted Provision</p> <ul> <li>This section allows you to describe the supportive provision towards the desired outcomes</li> <li>Classify provision as Wave 1, 2 or 3</li> </ul>
Personalised intervention PlanQuick View

Personalised intervention Plan

<p>This editable template allows you to document planned interventions for and individual pupil, using the Intention, Implementation, Impact cycle. The template includes:</p> <ul> <li>Core pupil information</li> <li>Description of outcomes, details of the intervention, anticipated impact and review section</li> <li>Space to add detail re. timetabled sessions, planned content and resources needed</li> <li>A section for staff, student and parent signatures</li> <li>A space for additional notes as needed</li> </ul>
Positive Action PlanQuick View

Positive Action Plan

<p>This is a template from which you can create a pupil-centered, positive action plan to support behaviour for learning. It includes:</p> <ul> <li>Core pupil information</li> <li>Outcomes structured into 3 categories: <ul> <li>positive communication</li> <li>academic motivation</li> <li>positive attitude<br /> Outcomes are generic and can be edited and personalised as needed.<br /> There is also a section to review progress, identify any next steps and modify outcomes as needed.</li> </ul> </li> </ul>
SENDCO Handover sheetQuick View

SENDCO Handover sheet

<p>This is a simple, editable template for SENDCO handover. It includes sections for:</p> <ul> <li>Key actions</li> <li>Pupil actions</li> <li>Observations needed</li> <li>Call;s needed</li> <li>Meetings needed</li> <li>Other</li> </ul>
Transition SEND Information SheetQuick View

Transition SEND Information Sheet

<p>This is an editable template for collecting SEN-based information at inward transition from the previous school setting.<br /> It includes sections for:</p> <ul> <li>SEN codes</li> <li>Primary areas of need</li> <li>Interventions</li> <li>Type and hours of support</li> <li>1:1 support details</li> <li>Higher needs funding allocation</li> <li>Any further notes</li> </ul>
Telephone or Meeting RecordQuick View

Telephone or Meeting Record

<p>This template provides a structure for telephone call and meeting records, including background information, key questions and answers and action planning.</p>
TA Handover sheetQuick View

TA Handover sheet

<p>This is a template for TA handover. It includes sections for:</p> <ul> <li>Key actions</li> <li>Intervention feedback</li> <li>Further actions and follow ups</li> </ul>