What is the nervous system?Quick View

What is the nervous system?

AQA B1- Introduction to the nervous system (what it is, stimulus, receptors, sense organs) Revision questions given from CPG AQA Core Science revision book.
What is a reflex arc?Quick View

What is a reflex arc?

Introduction to reflex arcs, with a sorting activity to ensure students are correctly able to describe the sequence of events. The diagram of a synapse can be printed off to aid students with their description of how a synapse works.
What are the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle?Quick View

What are the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle?

AQA B1- Malnourishment and obesity, evaluating slimming programmes and a revision grid to recap content covered so far in the unit. Slimming programme information and diet facts should be printed out for each group and distributed to analyse which slimming programme they think is the best and why.
What is the carbon cycle?Quick View

What is the carbon cycle?

Carbon cycle lesson with information hunt to build up the basics and then differentiated activity to build own carbon cycle. 6 mark exam question as plenary.
Ecology Revision ClockQuick View

Ecology Revision Clock

<p>Revision clock for AQA Triple Biology - Ecology<br /> PowerPoint to accompany with key questions for students to answer and include to assist them with the notes they need to make- this is based on the spec. Challenge questions are included to cater for Higher students.</p>
AQA Biology Paper 2 Revision Booklet- TripleQuick View

AQA Biology Paper 2 Revision Booklet- Triple

<p>Revision booklet, split into 3 individual topics for AQA 9-1 Biology Paper 2 (Triple /Separate Science).<br /> Key questions based on common exam questions for students to recall key content.</p>
AQA Biology Paper 1 Revision Booklet- TripleQuick View

AQA Biology Paper 1 Revision Booklet- Triple

<p>Revision booklet, split into 4 individual topics for AQA 9-1 Biology Paper 1 (Triple/Separate Science).<br /> Key questions based on common exam questions for students to recall key content.</p>
How can we control fertility?Quick View

How can we control fertility?

Lesson based on IVF and The Pill. Links to videos and information sheets to allow students to complete a table of important information outlining the 2 fertility treatments.