Year 2 Spelling 'r' sound spelt 'wr'Quick View

Year 2 Spelling 'r' sound spelt 'wr'

This resource introduces and teaches the Year 2 statutory spelling of the 'r' sound spelt 'wr'. It includes a week of words to practice and activities to support the teaching of this rule.
Year 2 Spelling soft 'g' soundQuick View

Year 2 Spelling soft 'g' sound

This resource introduces and teaches the statutory Year 2 spelling of words containing the soft 'g' sound. It includes a week of activities and words to practice and enables the teaching of this pattern.
Year 2 'dge' spelling pattern daily teaching resourcesQuick View

Year 2 'dge' spelling pattern daily teaching resources

Year 2 spelling resources for teaching the /d?/ sound spelt as dge at the end of words. Notebook introduces the rule, includes images to support the teaching of words with this pattern and a spelling jigsaw to be carried out independently. This resource can support a week of daily spelling teaching.