KS3 Maths Games WorksheetsQuick View

KS3 Maths Games Worksheets

<p>The resource includes 8 printable maths games/worksheets targeted at KS3.<br /> This includes:<br /> Wordsearch<br /> Battleships<br /> Codebreaker<br /> Pyramid<br /> Sudoku<br /> Cross Number Puzzle<br /> Corners<br /> Magic Square<br /> Answers are included.</p>
Christmas Maths Games WorksheetsQuick View

Christmas Maths Games Worksheets

<p><strong>Overview</strong><br /> Christmas Maths Games Worksheets is a comprehensive resource containing 8 worksheets with a focus on using fun engaging activities to support students in learning maths with a Christmas theme.</p> <p><strong>Worksheet Descriptions</strong></p> <p>*1) Christmas Sudoku *This is a fun Christmas themed 9 X 9 sudoku grid for students to complete with 9 different pictures in each row and column.</p> <p><em>2) Christmas Wordsearch</em> The interactive wordsearch challenges students to find the Christmas related words within a grid.</p> <p><em>3) Battleships</em> This is a Battleships game where students have to pick 10 coordinates and take it in turns to guess their opponents coordinates. If their opponent guesses correctly, they say ‘hit’, and ‘miss’ if they guess incorrectly. The first person to guess all 10 correctly is the winner! This aids the learning of coordinates within a fun game.</p> <p><em>4) Cross Number Puzzle</em> Students have to do each calculation and put the answer in the crossword grid above. This combines solving maths problems in a fun crossword format.</p> <p><em>5) Christmas Picture Puzzle</em> Students need to use the picture sums to find the value of each Christmas themed picture.</p> <p><em>6) Christmas Codebreaker</em> Students have to solve the maths questions, then find the corresponding letter in the key and write the letter below their answer. Each letter is part of a word that spells out the answer to the Christmas joke at the top of the page. This activity combines number reinforcement with an engaging puzzle format, promoting both learning and enjoyment.</p> <p><em>7) Magic Square</em> The object of the game is be the first person to make a row or column add up to 20. Each person takes it in turns to roll the dice and put the number that it lands on somewhere on the grid. This promotes adding skills in a fun, enjoyable game.</p> <p><em>8) Christmas Maze</em> Students have to solve the questions to find the route from the top to the bottom of the maze.</p> <p><strong>Answer Key</strong><br /> A comprehensive answer key is included with the resource, offering educators a valuable tool for quick reference and assessment. This ensures students receive accurate feedback, reinforcing their learning.</p> <p><strong>Downloadable Format</strong><br /> Christmas Maths Games Worksheets resource is conveniently available in a downloadable DOC format. This allows for easy printing and distribution to students, making it a flexible resource for both classroom and remote learning environments.<br /> Designed to cater to various learning styles and proficiency levels, this resource not only reinforces primary level maths but also encourages students to actively engage with maths through puzzles and games. The inclusion of answers facilitates efficient assessment and supports educators in guiding students through the learning process.</p>
Lobster Pot Maths Game End of TermQuick View

Lobster Pot Maths Game End of Term

<p><strong>EDIT: Removed background image to reduce file size and speed up printing. Sincere apologies if this has been a problem for you - if you’ve already purchased this, the new file will be available to download for free</strong></p> <p><strong>The Lobster Pot Game - including play sheets, teacher guide and variants to extend the game. Links included to dedicated website with random generators and ideas for extending the game further.</strong></p> <p>The Lobster Pot Game is a well-known maths game, suitable for UKS2 and KS3. It is helpful for reinforcing probability, times tables and decision theory - while also being a lot of fun. It is highly requested by my maths groups and is a staple of the end of term.<br /> Each day, players distribute their lobster pots either ‘offshore’ (more risk, more reward) or ‘inshore’ (less risk, less reward). Using the money earned, they can purchase further pots and so increase their profits on later days. The aim is to have enough money at the end of each week to pay a steadily-increasing rent.</p> <p>This contains everything you need to play the game with your class, including dedicated worksheets and full instructions for running the game. Simply print and play!</p> <p>**If your class enjoyed this kind of game, have a look at these too:<br /> <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13068208">The Energy Game</a> - No-prep lesson about energy generation - dice game with full lesson plan including reflection activities. Recommended for science (energy), geography (land use) and general end of term fun!</p>
Maths Games Christmas Escape RoomQuick View

Maths Games Christmas Escape Room

<p>If you are looking for a Christmas maths based team-building activity to keep your students engaged during the last few days (or week) leading up to Christmas, then this FUN MATHS ESCAPE ROOM is for you! There are seven Christmas inspired - 50% subject themed (trivia) challenges included in this file. Students will complete a variety of tasks using different skills including: problem-solving, critical thinking, reading comprehension,literacy challenges and some clever deduction.</p> <p>The puzzles, bonus questions and challenges are a fun way to assess a topic or subject area. This resource covers a variety of different elements including: vocabulary, key terms. key themes, general subject knowledge, literacy and much more…</p> <p>Escape Room is fully editable and are easy to set up - Just follow our step by step teacher instructions.</p> <p>The Escape room lasts just under an hour depending on how quick students can solve each puzzle! If a team finishes early don’t worry we have built in another hidden challenge for them.</p> <p>Students will start in the Snowfield and solve puzzles along the way through 7 different rooms (Snow field, Scarf, Top Hat, Forest, Carrot and Coal, Wrap A present &amp; a final secret Location) As they solve each Christmas themed puzzle they will collect 1 Piece of the Snowman Puzzle and have to solve the Christmas Cypher.</p> <p><strong>Christmas Maths Escape Room Contents</strong><br /> ☞Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display<br /> ☞ Escape Room Keys (Six Sets for up to Six Teams) Print two copies for up to 12 teams<br /> ☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)<br /> ☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - We do the hard work for you!<br /> ☞ Teacher instructions to run the escape<br /> ☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape for any quick finishing teams :)<br /> ☞ The <strong>7 Rooms</strong> each have subject specific Puzzles that have been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and are suitable for a variety of students.</p> <p>☞ A fun, five-minute ★introductory video★ has been included, which will help to set the scene before the escape room is to begin! The video outlines the plot of each escape and provides alternate endings…</p> <p>Subscribe to the Cre8tive Resources free YouTube channel to access hundreds of educational videos for free!</p> <p>Common FAQ’s<br /> ★Group sizes: 3-5 students per team (This can also be completed as an individual and/or pair activity)<br /> ★Time: Approximately 50-60 minutes (Provide hints along the way if time is a factor!)<br /> ★Materials: Aside from the materials that you would already have in your classroom (pencils, pens, 6 pairs of scissors), no additional resources are needed!</p> <p>These escape room-style games were created as a print-and-go resource.<br /> Product Code: C8/ES/355</p>
Maths Revision Game for KS3 and GCSEQuick View

Maths Revision Game for KS3 and GCSE

<p>Looking for a game-based way to reinforce key maths concepts in your high school classroom? This interactive board game provides an engaging way for your students to review a variety of topics, making maths practice fun and competitive! Perfect as an end of year activity or a back to school assessment.</p> <p><strong>Benefits:</strong><br /> Questions cover Number, Algebra, Geometry &amp; Measures, Statistics and Vocabulary.<br /> Questions range in difficulty to cater to different learning styles.<br /> Board features colored category spaces and lucky dip prompts for added fun!<br /> Blank question cards allow students to create their own questions.<br /> Available as A4 Size pdf</p> <p><br /> <strong>What’s inside:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Game board</li> <li>140 Question cards covering Number, Algebra, Geometry &amp; Measures, Statistics and Vocabulary.</li> <li>Lucky dip cards with a mix of jokes, dares (optional), free go, miss a turn etc.</li> <li>Game tokens</li> <li>Blank question cards for student-created challenges.</li> <li>Answer key</li> <li>Teacher instructions</li> <li>A4 Size</li> </ul> <p><br /> <strong>How to use:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Print &amp; cut out the game board and cards (laminate to make it durable for practice throughout the year).</li> <li>Divide students into teams or have them play individually.</li> <li>Follow the game instructions and have fun reviewing maths concepts!</li> <li>Questions cover Number, Algebra, Geometry &amp; Measures, Statistics and Vocabulary.</li> <li>Blank question cards are included to allow students to create their own questions.</li> </ul> <p><br /> <strong>Extension ideas</strong></p> <ul> <li>Challenge your students to create question cards throughout the year after each topic then use them as part of regular revision sessions.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Updates:</strong><br /> 28/05/2024 - updated to new branding</p> <p><strong>You may also like:</strong><br /> <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sunflower-maths-activities-ks3-geometry-12967173">Circles Maths Art Activity for KS3</a><br /> <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12967166">Area &amp; Circumference of Circles Activities KS3</a><br /> <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/maths-revision-game-for-ks3-and-gcse-foundation-12883226">Maths Revision Game for KS3 and GCSE Foundation</a><br /> <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12883896">Adding &amp; Subtracting Positive &amp; Negative Numbers</a><br /> <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12883730">Laws of Indices Lesson Plan, Worksheets &amp; Game</a></p>
Maths Revision GameQuick View

Maths Revision Game

<p>A simple but effective game which revises different topics in maths.</p> <p>Pupils play in teams. They choose an area (eg ratio) from the game board. The PowerPoint will throw up a question about the chosen area and reveal the answer when clicked.</p> <p>This activity can easily last a whole one hour lesson. Pupils enjoy the competitive element. It can be used as a ‘fun’ way to revise maths in preparation for the KS2 SATs.</p> <p>Categories in the game: calculation, reading scales, algebra, perimeter, area, angle, fractions, decimals, percentages, data handling (pie charts, line graphs), measure, co-ordinates etc.</p>
Calculating Profit and Loss Game: Escape Room MathQuick View

Calculating Profit and Loss Game: Escape Room Math

<p>This breakout escape room is a fun way for students to test their skills with calculating profit and loss.</p> <p>Contents:</p> <code> ♦ Teacher Instructions and FAQ ♦ 3 Levels to decode: Multiple choice, Message Decoder, and a Maze ♦ Student Recording Sheet and Teacher Answer Key ♦ Link to an optional, but recommended, digital breakout room</code>
Football Mental Maths GameQuick View

Football Mental Maths Game

<p>Football Mental Maths Game <strong>Penalty Shoot Out Maths Game</strong><br /> Football inspired maths fun. This is a Penalty Shootout game for the whole class.<br /> There are 5 game sheets included with a total of 105 questions.<br /> These are quick fire mental maths questions designed to get students thinking on their feet!</p> <p>✎ Contents:<br /> This resource includes:<br /> • 5 game sheets – each with 21 mental maths questions.<br /> • Teachers notes.<br /> • All answers.</p> <p>The questions are mental math questions, for example:<br /> What is 1,000 minus 2?<br /> What is 7 squared?<br /> What is 2.3 add 1.4?</p> <p>✦ Objectives:<br /> This resource has been designed to practice:<br /> • Mental Maths<br /> • Times Tables<br /> • Addition – including some negative numbers.<br /> • Subtraction<br /> • Multiplication – including some negative numbers.<br /> • Division – including some negative numbers.<br /> • Multiplying by 10<br /> • Multiplying by 100<br /> • Dividing by 10<br /> • Square Numbers<br /> • Adding simple fractions<br /> • Fractions of amounts<br /> • Adding simple decimals<br /> • Converting fractions, decimals and percentages<br /> • 2D shape properties<br /> • Metric Measurements</p> <p>✦ Notes:<br /> All answers are included.<br /> These questions should take at least an hour.</p> <p>✷ Suggestions:<br /> You could also use these worksheets as a partner activity, with 2 students competing to score the most goals.</p> <p>✎ Teacher’s Instructions - Match Rules<br /> • Divide the players into 2 teams – e.g., blue and red (or choose team names).<br /> • Each team nominates one person to take the 1st penalty.<br /> The nominated students from each team both stand up.<br /> The teacher asks the blue team question 1 to the blue team player and awards a penalty if the student answers correctly.<br /> The red team penalty taker is then asked the matching red question 1 and is awarded a penalty if the answer is correct.<br /> • Another person from each team is then chosen to take the 2nd penalty.<br /> • Play continues for 10 rounds (10 questions) and then the number of goals is added up for each team.<br /> • If there is a draw, play goes to extra time.<br /> Each team chooses their best player to take the final penalty.<br /> Only one question is asked to both team players and the 1st player to answer correctly wins the whole match for their team.<br /> • At the end of the match, players in the winning team pick a “man of the match” - the student who they think played the best.<br /> • This game can also be played by groups of students by allowing one student to be the “teacher”.<br /> • It might be fun if the teacher uses their whistle and acts as the referee.<br /> • Teachers may also want to allow a victory dance/celebration on scoring a penalty!</p> <p>♥ You may also like:<br /> <a href="http://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/world-cup-football-maths-11919938">Balancing Equations</a><br /> <a href="http://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/earth-day-maths-real-life-maths-word-problems-endangered-species-statistics-12566152">Earth Day Maths Animals</a><br /> <a href="http://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-11814232">Time Word Problems</a></p> <p>☞ To view my other resources, please go to <a href="http://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Elsie99">Maths Shop</a></p>
Maths GamesQuick View

Maths Games

<p>There are various classroom maths activities, including maths games, which are purely recreational – and no doubt they have their place. But there are maths games which demand a real involvement on the part of the players and which call for both reasoning and imagination(surely two key features of any worthwhile mathematical activity). Some of these are games for two players, where the aim is to win and where competitive excitement can run high; others are solo games, where the aim is to achieve a particular objective and where the satisfaction is a more private one. We have tried numerous games in the classroom, with pupils of different ages and abilities, and have selected eight of our favourites for the collection offered here.</p> <p>The booklet provides clear instructions for each game, together with the appropriate grid for you to photocopy and laminate. None of the games requires complicated materials and all of them are easy to explain and to put into practice.</p>
Trigonometry Maths Games Escape RoomQuick View

Trigonometry Maths Games Escape Room

<p>Trigonometry- MATHS Digital Escape Room for KS3 or KS4 MATHS students. This escape room has taken between 15 -20 hours to create from scratch. The Escape Room follows a detective agency theme where students will have to solve a series of puzzles based around the Maths topic of trigonometry. As well as solving puzzles they will have to answer a series of bonus questions testing their business knowledge to the max! As students complete each puzzle they receive a piece of evidence to help solve the mystery. Teams must be careful as they are racing against up to 5 other teams via an interactive PowerPoint displayed on the board to see who will escape first!!</p> <p>This Escape Room is a great way to have an education treat lesson for your students and make learning new topics / or consolidating old ones fun!</p> <p>The Escape Room is fully editable so you can chose to adapt the vocabulary and questions if you wanted.</p> <p>This Escape lasts an hour or under depending on how quick students can solve each puzzle!<br /> C8/ES/217</p> <p>Each Escape Puzzle is designed by our MATHS Specialist.</p> <p><strong>How can this MATHS resource be adapted for social distancing?</strong><br /> Upload / send the sheets digitally so students who can work independently through them (don’t use the keys or PPT tracker if so)<br /> Could use as part of a Recovery Curriculum<br /> Set the 7 Puzzles for Homework<br /> Pairs instead of groups</p> <p><strong>Product Contents:</strong><br /> ☞ Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display<br /> ☞ Escape Room Evidence Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)<br /> ☞ Escape Room Detective sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms<br /> ☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)<br /> ☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly<br /> ☞ Teacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.<br /> ☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams<br /> ☞ The 7 Rooms each have a specific Puzzle that has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and is suitable for MATHS Students</p> <p>✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰</p>
Christmas Maths Coordinates GameQuick View

Christmas Maths Coordinates Game

<p>This resource contains a Christmas themed battleships team game on an interactive PowerPoint. It is a fun way of reinforcing coordinates in the first quadrant. There are three different grids to provide hours of fun! It can be administered to a whole class. It includes team score sheet. It is a great resource for reinforcing coordinates in the first quadrant.</p> <p><em>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email <a href="mailto:inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk</a> with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free.</em></p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/resources/search/?authorId=884045&amp;q=christmas&amp;shop=Krazikas">More Christmas Resources</a></strong></p> <p>Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide:</p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-how-to-become-a-successful-tes-author-step-by-step-guide-a-must-have-for-authors-11508391">How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide<br /> </a></strong></p>
Maths Pythagoras  - Hypotenuse gameQuick View

Maths Pythagoras - Hypotenuse game

A game I made as a revision tool for covering the topic of Pythagoras' Theorem with my year 9s and 10s. Pupils reveal squares with questions hidden behind them which they must work out. Great for a starter/plenary activity.
Inequalities Algebra Maths Bingo Game ActivityQuick View

Inequalities Algebra Maths Bingo Game Activity

<p><strong>Overview</strong><br /> Inequalities Maths Bingo Game is an engaging PowerPoint downloadable game/activity designed to help students revise the math topic of inequalities. With 30 adaptable questions and answers included, this game encourages active participation and critical thinking. Students pick 9 numbers at the beginning, and the teacher projects the PowerPoint game, creating an interactive and enjoyable revision session.</p> <p><strong>PowerPoint Structure</strong><br /> *Slide 2 Table of 30 Answers *<br /> A table featuring 30 answers to the inequalities questions. Students pick 9 numbers at the beginning, which correspond to the questions they’ll focus on during the game.<br /> *Bingo Game Slides *<br /> The main game slides where questions are displayed one by one. Students use their calculators to work out the answers. If the answer matches one of the numbers they picked, they can cross it off on their bingo card.</p> <p>**The winner! **<br /> The winner is the student who successfully crosses off all 9 numbers and shouts bingo first.</p> <p><strong>Adaptability</strong><br /> The PowerPoint is designed to be easily adaptable. Teachers can modify the questions or customize the game to suit different levels of difficulty or specific curriculum requirements.<br /> Teachers can add additional slides or modify existing ones to extend or shorten the duration of the game based on the available class time.<br /> The inclusion of calculators in the game enhances students’ problem-solving skills and reinforces the application of algebra concepts.</p> <p><strong>Downloadable Format</strong><br /> The Inequalities Bingo PowerPoint game is available for download in a user-friendly format. Teachers can effortlessly project the game in the classroom, creating an interactive and enjoyable revision experience for students.<br /> This game not only reinforces the understanding of inequalities but also adds an element of excitement and competition to the revision process, making it a valuable resource for teachers seeking to engage their students in a fun and educational manner.</p>
Maths Games CollectionQuick View

Maths Games Collection

<p><strong>What’s included?</strong><br /> -Blockbusters (notebook document based on the TV show)<br /> -Code Breakers (adult / child creates a coded message - children to quickly crack the code to reveal message)<br /> -Countdown (notebook document based on the TV show)<br /> -Ultimate Countdown (similar to Countdown, but designed to be more challenging / a bit different)<br /> -If this is the answer, what is the question? (notebook document, open-ended, very popular with creator’s class)<br /> -Wheel of Fortune (notebook document based on the TV show)<br /> -Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Number Edition (PowerPoint presentation based on the TV show)<br /> -Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Fractions Edition (PowerPoint presentation based on the TV show)<br /> -Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Blank version (so you can create your own / allow pupils to create their own)<br /> -Maths Revision card game (I have this set printed in four different-coloured sets - pupils enjoy playing this at wet breaktimes / spare 10 minute slots, and as an activity for those who’ve finished their task in lesson)</p>
Sine Rule Maths Bingo Game ActivityQuick View

Sine Rule Maths Bingo Game Activity

<p><strong>Overview</strong><br /> Sine Rule Maths Bingo Game is an engaging PowerPoint downloadable game/activity designed to help students revise the math topic of triangles and using the sine rule. With 30 adaptable questions and answers included, this game encourages active participation and critical thinking. Students pick 9 numbers at the beginning, and the teacher projects the PowerPoint game, creating an interactive and enjoyable revision session.</p> <p><strong>PowerPoint Structure</strong><br /> *Slide 2 Table of 30 Answers *<br /> A table featuring 30 answers to the sine rule questions. Students pick 9 numbers at the beginning, which correspond to the questions they’ll focus on during the game.<br /> <em>Bingo Game Slides</em><br /> The main game slides where questions are displayed one by one. Students use their calculators to work out the answers. If the answer matches one of the numbers they picked, they can cross it off on their bingo card.</p> <p>**The winner! **<br /> The winner is the student who successfully crosses off all 9 numbers and shouts bingo first.</p> <p><strong>Adaptability</strong><br /> The PowerPoint is designed to be easily adaptable. Teachers can modify the questions or customize the game to suit different levels of difficulty or specific curriculum requirements.<br /> Teachers can add additional slides or modify existing ones to extend or shorten the duration of the game based on the available class time.<br /> The inclusion of calculators in the game enhances students’ problem-solving skills and reinforces the application of trigonometric concepts.</p> <p><strong>Downloadable Format</strong><br /> The Sine Rule Maths Bingo PowerPoint game is available for download in a user-friendly format. Teachers can effortlessly project the game in the classroom, creating an interactive and enjoyable revision experience for students.<br /> This game not only reinforces the understanding of the sine rule but also adds an element of excitement and competition to the revision process, making it a valuable resource for teachers seeking to engage their students in a fun and educational manner.</p>
Maths GameQuick View

Maths Game

<p>A simple but effective maths game which can be easily adapted and suitable for a range of ages and abilities.</p> <p>Ideal for team games and partner work.</p> <p>Good for discussion</p>
Fun English Writing GamesQuick View

Fun English Writing Games

<p>A set of fun English games to expand vocabulary, increase knowledge and boost confidence in writing.</p> <p>Pupils will love this selection of three enjoyable literacy writing games that can be played individually, in pairs or in teams.</p> <p>When playing these games, pupils will learn about and use the following:<br /> • Different word classes, including nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, determiners, prepositions<br /> • Different phrase classes, including noun phrases, verb phrases, prepositional phrases<br /> • Different clause classes, including subordinate clauses, relative clauses<br /> • A range of sentence structures<br /> • A wider range of vocabulary</p> <p>All games are ready to print and play.</p> <p>The games range from being suitable as a quick starter or plenary or as the main activity of a literacy lesson or booster group. They are also perfect to play with the family or for homeschoolers. These fun games are ideal for reluctant writers.</p> <p>Clear instructions and example playing sheets are provided.</p> <p>Each game comes with variations to adjust the challenge level for your pupils. In addition, documents are easily editable to adapt for your class or group.</p> <p>Each resource is provided in both editable Word and PDF format.</p> <p>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, leave a review and receive another up to the value of this one for free. Just email <a href="mailto:helen-teach@outlook.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">helen-teach@outlook.com</a> with your username, the reviewed resource and the resource you would like for free.</p> <p>Other popular resources:<br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-13091010">10 Fun Times Tables Games</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-13074919">15 Fun Maths Arithmetic Games</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12723076">The Iron Man Unit of Work | Four Weeks | Year 3/4</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12919369">Stig of the Dump Complete Unit of Work | Six Weeks | Year 3/4</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12680334">The Iron Man Literary Devices Differentiated Activities</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12683035">Oranges in No Man’s Land Example Diary Text with Feature Identification &amp; Answers</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12421170">Letter to an Ogre Example Persuasive Text, Feature Identification &amp; Answers</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12642444">Stone Age Boy Example Diary Text with Feature Identification &amp; Answers</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12665463">The Twits Example Diary Text with Feature Identification &amp; Templates</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12657767">How To Train Your Dragon Example Diary Text with Feature Identification &amp; Templates</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12425621">Unicorn Persuasive Letter Example, Feature Identification &amp; Answers</a></p> <p>Visit <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Helen-Teach">Helen-Teach’s Shop</a> for more resources.</p>
Factorising Harder Quadratics Maths Bingo Game ActivityQuick View

Factorising Harder Quadratics Maths Bingo Game Activity

<p><strong>Overview</strong><br /> Factorising Harder Quadratics Maths Bingo Game is an engaging PowerPoint downloadable game/activity designed to help students revise the math topic of factorising quadratics with a number greater than 1 in front of x². With 30 adaptable questions and answers included, this game encourages active participation and critical thinking. Students pick 9 numbers at the beginning, and the teacher projects the PowerPoint game, creating an interactive and enjoyable revision session.</p> <p><strong>PowerPoint Structure</strong><br /> *Slide 2 Table of 30 Answers *<br /> A table featuring 30 answers to the factorising questions. Students pick 9 answers at the beginning, which correspond to the questions they’ll focus on during the game.<br /> *Bingo Game Slides *<br /> The main game slides where questions are displayed one by one. Students use their calculators to work out the answers. If the answer matches one of the answers they picked, they can cross it off on their bingo card.</p> <p>**The winner! **<br /> The winner is the student who successfully crosses off all 9 answers and shouts bingo first.</p> <p><strong>Adaptability</strong><br /> The PowerPoint is designed to be easily adaptable. Teachers can modify the questions or customize the game to suit different levels of difficulty or specific curriculum requirements.<br /> Teachers can add additional slides or modify existing ones to extend or shorten the duration of the game based on the available class time.<br /> The inclusion of calculators in the game enhances students’ problem-solving skills and reinforces the application of algebraic concepts.</p> <p><strong>Downloadable Format</strong><br /> The Factorising Harder Quadratics Bingo PowerPoint game is available for download in a user-friendly format. Teachers can effortlessly project the game in the classroom, creating an interactive and enjoyable revision experience for students.<br /> This game not only reinforces the understanding of factorising quadratics but also adds an element of excitement and competition to the revision process, making it a valuable resource for teachers seeking to engage their students in a fun and educational manner.</p>
Maths Linkee (Maths word game)Quick View

Maths Linkee (Maths word game)

Students have to compete to find the maths word that relates to the four questions. The answer to each question is a clue to the final word. If the student calls out the correct maths word after the first question they get 4 points. If they guess after the 2nd question they get 3 points and so on. Guess incorrectly then they are frozen out of that round. <br /> <br /> Contains 15 rounds but set up so you can create your own (or get students to make them!) very easily.
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Fun Maths Game (Revision Resource)Quick View

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Fun Maths Game (Revision Resource)

<p>This is a fun resource based upon the TV programme ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire’ and comprises 15 multiple choice questions along with the solutions. The questions start off easily but progress rapidly to test GCSE level work both at Higher and Foundation level. Pupils love the competition that the quiz facilitates. Within this collection are differentiated Millionaire quizzes on the following five topics:</p> <p>-Angles<br /> -Factors Multiples and Primes</p> <ul> <li>Percentages</li> <li>Probability</li> <li>Ratio</li> </ul> <p>Within each section the following topics are covered:<br /> Angles<br /> -Angle facts<br /> -Angle terminology<br /> -Interior/Exterior Angles</p> <p>Factors Multiples and Primes<br /> -Factors/Multiples/Primes/Square/Cube numbers<br /> -Square Roots/Cube Roots<br /> -Highest Common Factor/Lowest Common Multiple<br /> -Real Life Lowest Common Multiple</p> <p>Percentages<br /> -Finding percentages of amounts</p> <ul> <li>Percentage increases and decreases</li> <li>Interest Rates</li> <li>Multipliers</li> <li>Reverse Percentages</li> <li>Depreciation</li> <li>Converting between fractions and percentages</li> <li>Working with percentages and ratio in the same worded question</li> </ul> <p>Probability<br /> -Simple Probability<br /> -Relative Frequency<br /> -The probability an event will not happen<br /> -Sample Space Diagrams<br /> -Probability without replacement</p> <p>Ratio<br /> -Simplifying ratio<br /> -Proportion problems involving money<br /> -Writing ratios<br /> -Ratios and fractions</p> <ul> <li>Sharing ratio</li> <li>GCSE style complex sharing ratio</li> <li>Complex worded ratio problems</li> </ul> <p>Converting Fractions Decimals Percentages</p> <ul> <li>Converting decimals to percentages</li> <li>Converting fractions to decimals and percentages</li> <li>Converting decimals and percentages to fractions</li> <li>Equivalent fractions</li> <li>Simplifying fractions</li> <li>Converting Improper fractions into percentages</li> </ul>
Maths: Division Board GameQuick View

Maths: Division Board Game

Suitable for paired work or bigger. Can be printed onto A3. Give each learner a counter and allow them to play. Great starter or plenary.