Scratch: Decisions (Advanced #2)Quick View

Scratch: Decisions (Advanced #2)

<p>The “if” blocks use Boolean expressions to decide what to do next. To use them, put other blocks inside their “jaws”. The blocks inside the “if” blocks will only run if the answer to the Boolean expression is true.</p> <p>What You Get:<br /> • Making Decisions<br /> • Decision Blocks<br /> • If Then<br /> • Branched Instructions<br /> • Boolean Shapes<br /> • Next Steps</p> <p>My Scratch Resources:<br /> This resource is part of a numbered set. It can be used separately or in conjunction with my other Scratch resources.</p> <p>This resource can be bought in a bundle <a href="">here</a>. Other Resources in this set include the following:<br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Binary (Advanced #1)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Decisions (Advanced #2)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Sensing and detecting (Advanced #3)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Complex loops (Advanced #4)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Sprite Communication (Advanced #5)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Creating Blocks (Advanced #6)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Monkey vs Bat - Game Programming (Advanced #7)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Things to try (Advanced #8)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch Bundle: Advanced To Your Third Game (Value Pack)</a></p>
Decision Analysis for Edexcel D2 Decision Maths FM A LevelQuick View

Decision Analysis for Edexcel D2 Decision Maths FM A Level

<p>PowerPoints to teach the full A Level Further Maths Decision Maths D2 course (Edexcel)</p> <p>The set of 8 PowerPoints contains complete, step-by-step instructions and A Level standard examples. These may be used for both teaching and for student revision.<br /> Decision Maths is a module that lends itself to PowerPoint instruction – networks grow and develop as information is added, and these PowerPoints model this in real time.<br /> Having developed these as a teaching resource, I find the course can be taught in a substantially reduced time, leaving more time for consolidation and practice or for teaching other FM options. My students take no notes in class but, once taught, use the PowerPoints as reminders and revision as they practise. Most PowerPoints contain a handy flowchart for in-class prompts or for private revision. When used under the previous, modular, A Level specification, this module was consistently the highest-scoring module for my students.<br /> “S”, year 12, says: “I find these PowerPoints really visual – I can see what is happening. It makes the process of learning much quicker and easier to understand, and I like the fact that I can always go back and replay the lessons, which is helpful. I find them very useful for revision.”</p> <p>The full set of 8 PowerPoints consists of:<br /> Decision Analysis<br /> Dynamic programming<br /> Flows 1<br /> Flows 2<br /> Game Theory<br /> Hungarian Allocation Algorithm<br /> Recurrence Relations<br /> Transportation Algorithm</p> <p>Updated 2022</p>
Resources to teach and practise using bubble sort (Decision maths D1 - OCR 4736)Quick View

Resources to teach and practise using bubble sort (Decision maths D1 - OCR 4736)

After a few years of teaching sorting algorithms by creating and working through examples on the board I got sick of it and created these resources. They make it easy to introduce, work through some examples and then there is another worksheet full of examples for students to attempt where the fully-worked solutions are already done, making it easy to check. The printable worksheets mean that students don't need to copy down lists of numbers or create tables to work on - this means they can spend the time just practising using the algorithm.<br /> <br /> There is also the excel spreadsheet I created to generate examples - this can used to make as many more examples as you want (instructions are on the spreadsheet).
Mathematics Decision 1 LessonsQuick View

Mathematics Decision 1 Lessons

This is a set of lessons for Decision Mathematics. The resources include Powerpoints and worksheets. <br /> <br /> Powerpoint include:<br /> Learning objectives<br /> Examples animated at each step to support explanations and independent learning<br /> Important information written in red boxes to scaffold learning.<br /> <br /> Worksheets include examples on a word document for students to write on.<br /> <br /> Topics:<br /> Spanning Trees<br /> Linear Programming<br /> Dijkstra’s Algorithm<br /> Chinese Postman Problem<br /> Travelling Salesman Problem<br /> Matching<br /> Sorting<br /> Algorithms<br /> Graph Theory <br /> <br /> I hope you enjoy these lessons, where they can be used in the following ways:<br /> To deliver a course with reduced planning but not reducing quality of the lesson, as this course can be time consuming writing and preparing examples, where this resource can help.<br /> As a basis for an observation lesson to save time preparing resources.<br /> To give to students for out of lesson learning.<br /> To support teachers who are new to this topic, again to reduce planning time.
The Simplex Algorithm Explained - Decision 1 Full LessonQuick View

The Simplex Algorithm Explained - Decision 1 Full Lesson

<p>This is a ready to teach lesson on how to implement the Simplex Algorithm and why it works, referring back to graphical and algebraic approaches. It is unclear to many students why the Simplex Algorithm works, what theta values are and why you need to look for the most negative value in the last row. The primary objective of this lesson is to thoroughly explain all of this.</p> <p>First, a simple problem is solved using normal linear programming, then this problem is solved using using the Simplex Algorithm, relating this back to what each and every step represents, both graphically and algebraically.</p> <p>The lesson is 35 PPT slides long, with tableaux for the students to work through at the same time.<br /> The lesson is provided in PPT, Notebook and PDF format.</p> <p>I will soon be uploading the next lesson for Simplex Algorithm so watch this space.</p> <p>If you have any suggestions or complaints about this resource, or a request for other resources, do not hesitate to contact me via <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a>.</p> <p>Thanks!</p> <p>Chris @ Last Minute Maths</p>
Decision MathsQuick View

Decision Maths

12 Resources
Presentations that cover the majority of A level decision maths units
Decision Maths Homework SheetsQuick View

Decision Maths Homework Sheets

<p>Homework sheets covering Kruskal’s algorithm, Prim’s algorithm, Dijkstra’s algorithm, Chinese Postman algorithm, Travelling Salesman Problem and Critical Path Analysis.</p>
Edexcel Decision Maths D1 - full course (16 PowerPoints)Quick View

Edexcel Decision Maths D1 - full course (16 PowerPoints)

<p>PowerPoints to teach the full A Level Further Maths Decision/Discrete Maths course (Edexcel)</p> <p>Primarily written for Edexcel but suitable for much of the OCR specifications. The set of 16 PowerPoints contains complete, step-by-step instructions and A Level standard examples. These may be used for both teaching and for student revision.</p> <p>Decision Maths is a module that lends itself to PowerPoint instruction – networks grow and develop as information is added, and these PowerPoints model this in real time.<br /> Having developed these as a teaching resource, I find the course can be taught in a substantially reduced time, leaving more time for consolidation and practice or for teaching other FM options. My students take no notes in class but, once taught, use the PowerPoints as reminders and revision as they practise. Most PowerPoints contain a handy flowchart for in-class prompts or for private revision. When used under the previous, modular, A Level specification, this module was consistently the highest-scoring module for my students.]</p> <p>“S”, year 12, says: “I find these PowerPoints really visual – I can see what is happening. It makes the process of learning much quicker and easier to understand, and I like the fact that I can always go back and replay the lessons, which is helpful. I find them very useful for revision.”</p> <p>The full set of 16 PowerPoints consists of:<br /> Algorithms<br /> Bin-Packing Algorithm<br /> Critical Path Analysis (GANTT)<br /> Dijjkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm<br /> Floyd’s shortest distance algorithm<br /> Graphs &amp; Networks<br /> Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree<br /> Linear Programming<br /> Planarity Algorithm<br /> Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree<br /> Route Inspection Algorithm<br /> Simplex Algorithm 1 - Edexcel tableau<br /> Simplex Algorithm 2 (artificial variables) - Edexcel tableau<br /> Simplex Algorithm 3 (Big M method) - Edexcel tableau<br /> Sorting Algorithm: Quick-sort, Bubble-sort (&amp; Shuttle-sort for OCR)<br /> Travelling Salesperson Problem, including Nearest Neighbour Algorithm (+ tour improvement algorithm for OCR)</p> <p>Updated 2022</p>
Decision 1 powerpointsQuick View

Decision 1 powerpoints

A set of powerpoints covering all topics in D1. Examples labelled WB correspond to the separately attached 'Workbook&' (I give this as a single booklet so pupils have a clear model answer to each topic). References to Exercises are from the Pearson Edexcel D1 textbook.
Decision/Discrete Maths: AlgorithmsQuick View

Decision/Discrete Maths: Algorithms

<p>Powerpoint to teach A Level Further Maths Decision/Discrete Maths Option: Algorithms.</p> <p>Primarily written for Edexcel but suitable for OCR specifications. Complete, step-by-step approach with worked examples of A Level standard. Format is such that students can also use as revision at their own pace.</p> <p>The full set of 16 PowerPoints in this series cover the whole of the Edexcel D1 course:</p> <p>Algorithms<br /> Bin-Packing Algorithm<br /> Critical Path Analysis (GANTT)<br /> Dijjkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm<br /> Floyd’s shortest distance algorithm<br /> Graphs &amp; Networks<br /> Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree<br /> Linear Programming<br /> Planarity Algorithm<br /> Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree<br /> Route Inspection Algorithm<br /> Simplex Algorithm 1 - Edexcel tableau<br /> Simplex Algorithm 2 (artificial variables) - Edexcel tableau<br /> Simplex Algorithm 3 (Big M method) - Edexcel tableau<br /> Sorting Algorithm: Quick-sort, Bubble-sort (&amp; Shuttle-sort for OCR)<br /> Travelling Salesperson Problem, including Nearest Neighbour Algorithm (+ tour improvement algorithm for OCR)</p> <p>Updated 2022</p>
Decision 2 powerpointsQuick View

Decision 2 powerpoints

A set of powerpoints covering all topics in D2. Examples labelled WB correspond to the separately attached 'Workbook&' (I give this as a single booklet so pupils have a clear model answer to each topic). References to Exercises are from the Pearson Edexcel D2 textbook.


Full lesson on Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest path in a network. Fully animated powerpoint takes students slowly through the process of labelling the nodes and selecting which nodes will form part of the solution. The lesson resource is fully write-on and will only need printing (answers are included). There is another resource which covers more basic practice questions (with answers given).
Scratch: Binary (Advanced #1)Quick View

Scratch: Binary (Advanced #1)

<p>Computers decide what to do by asking questions and determining whether the answers are true or false. Questions that only have two possible answers are called “Boolean expressions”. We will look at the various expressions in the upcoming pages. We will first start off with numbers!</p> <p>What You Get:<br /> • Numbers<br /> • Variables<br /> • Words<br /> • Not block<br /> • Combining<br /> • Next Steps</p> <p>My Scratch Resources:<br /> This resource is part of a numbered set. It can be used separately or in conjunction with my other Scratch resources.</p> <p>This resource can be bought in a bundle <a href="">here</a>. Other Resources in this set include the following:<br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Binary (Advanced #1)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Decisions (Advanced #2)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Sensing and detecting (Advanced #3)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Complex loops (Advanced #4)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Sprite Communication (Advanced #5)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Creating Blocks (Advanced #6)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Monkey vs Bat - Game Programming (Advanced #7)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch: Things to try (Advanced #8)</a><br /> • <a href="">Scratch Bundle: Advanced To Your Third Game (Value Pack)</a></p>
A-level Further Maths Decision - Route inspectionQuick View

A-level Further Maths Decision - Route inspection

<p>This is a PowerPoint presentation which uses animation, simple layouts, graphics and diagrams to clearly explain all topics required for a full understanding of <strong>Decision Maths Year 1, Route inspection</strong>. This is completely in-line with the Edexcel A-level Further Maths specification.</p> <p><strong>teachingisgood</strong> is happy to declare that this presentation also includes loads of practice questions, which build up a key understanding and build exam skills, as well as exam-style questions which push problem solving skills with questions aimed at the highest achieving students.</p> <p>This presentation is part of a series of presentations for A-level Further Maths, some of which also include interactive quizzes, videos and fun ways to test students and develop knowledge.</p> <p>The topics covered in this presentation is as follows.</p> <ul> <li>Eulerian graphs</li> <li>Using the route inspection algorithm</li> <li>Networks with more than 4 odd nodes</li> </ul>
Decision Maths EnrichmentQuick View

Decision Maths Enrichment

3 enrichment task that can be used without any prior knowledge. It was used to show year 10's how maths is used through different decision activities
Economic Decision Making with Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)Quick View

Economic Decision Making with Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)

<p>This is a whole lesson on <strong>Decision Making and Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)</strong>. The lesson looks at speed limits as a context for learning about economic decision making, cost benefit analysis as well as positive and normative statements. This lesson is ready to go, with no prep required. It is also great for home learning. 23-slide presentation + additional resources.</p> <p>The lesson includes:</p> <ul> <li>Starter</li> <li>Learning Objectives (differentiated)</li> <li>Keywords</li> <li>Key Questions</li> <li>3 Short Articles on Speed Limits and some Key Fact</li> <li>Activity - Debate on speed limits</li> <li>Handout - to help with Student Notes with Cost Benefit Analysis</li> <li>Excellent Teaching Slides on CBA with example</li> <li>Worksheet (with answers)</li> <li>Plenary</li> </ul> <p>ALL LESSON for teaching all the different topics of the economics syllabus are available as one BIG BUNDLE in the link below:</p> <p><strong><a href="">Economics: ALL LESSONS</a></strong></p> <p>ALSO:</p> <ul> <li>Please provide a RATING with written feedback</li> <li>Please email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> if there are any issues and we will respond within 24 hours</li> <li>Lessons are flat-packed (limited editing) for copyright purposes</li> </ul> <p>Thank you in advance for your support, purchase and feedback</p> <p>#economics #edu #econs #parents #teacher #teachers #education #curriculum #learning #students #engagement #studentengagement #globaled #stem #onlinelearning #commoncore #highered #middleschool #highschool #highschoolecons #business #economy #finance #politics #economist #entrepreneur #macroeconomics #microeconomics #money #internationaleconomics</p>