A booklet design to help the students understand the different filming techniques that Almodovar uses in his movie 'Volver'. It also includes activities.
<p>Study <em>Der Vorleser</em> in the target language in order to facilitate analysis of the text, practice of key grammatical structures and key vocabulary. These resources in use in most of the top achieving schools in the UK will save you vast amounts of preparation time and include the following items in MS Word and pdf format.</p>
<p><strong>Knowedge of the text</strong></p>
<p>Page by page vocabulary list hopefully avoiding the need for use of a translation. pdf can be used as an accessible dictionary on a smart phone.</p>
<p>Detailed summary of the text with verbs gapped for completion (key vocab for summary given) -includes Mark scheme</p>
<p>Detailed questions on each chapter for individual response-no correct version given</p>
<p>Chapter by chapter PowerPoint visual reminding student of the sequence of events with some key quotations</p>
<p><strong>Grammar in context exercises</strong></p>
<p>Character builder exercise encouraging critical thinking around a wide selections of adjectives relating to character traits specific to the novel</p>
<p>Quality of language exercises in the context of the novel encouraging use of a wide range of constructions which will add analytical writing-subjunctive, passive etc.</p>
<p>Quotations and reported speech exercise- requiring student to match quotations to context and then reproduce in reported speech</p>
<p>Examples of key verbs used in the full range of tenses</p>
<p><strong>Preparation for essay</strong></p>
<p>Matching of key quotations to themes</p>
<p>Detailed essay plan demonstrating need for careful planning before starting essay</p>
<p>Essay based on the specific plan</p>
<p><strong>Useful links</strong></p>
<li>Links to websites regarding the life and times of the author and other free resources which may be helpful.</li>
<p>Structuring an essay is a difficult endeavour for both film and literature because:</p>
<p>• Students do not know why they are writing essays for an A Level MFL course.<br />
• Students tend to conflate points with evidence (in the PEE structure).<br />
• Students are not confident when trying to identify a “golden thread” for their essay. A “golden thread” is the concept or idea that links the points and creates the “argument” for their essays.</p>
<p>This presentation gives a very comprehensive explanation on how to find your three points and your “golden thread” for your A Level French film or literature essay.</p>
<p>This presentation uses the film La Haine as an example, but the key concepts in the presentation can be used for any film or book.</p>
<li>Comprehensive workbook to accompany literature study of Le Petit Prince in French.</li>
<li>Designed to ensure comprehension with each chapter.</li>
<li>Activities to analyse key themes and characters in book.</li>
<li>Aimed at higher ability Year 11 or Year 12.</li>
<li>Specialised glossary included at end of booklet for more challenging vocabulary in the book.</li>
<li>Free PWP available under my resources.</li>
<p><em>Workbook for AS/A-Level Spanish on El Laberinto del Fauno, a film by Guillermo del Toro.</em></p>
<p><em>111 pages of valuable content offering a guided pathway to thorough analysis.</em></p>
<p>This is a comprehensive 4-Step Guided Journal/Workbook with over 100 Prompts to Master Essential Topics, Characters, Themes, Scenes, Techniques, and more. Packed with useful ideas and great tips, vocabulary and sentence starters, a 4 step essay essential component system, 20 prompts for each of the 4 steps plus many extra prompts and useful bilingual expressions.</p>
<p>Key Features:</p>
<li>a structured 4-step essay writing system to empower students in crafting high-quality responses.</li>
<li>80 Pages with Prompts and Writing Space: 20 Prompts for each of the 4 steps, offering a guided approach to in-depth analysis.</li>
<li>supplemented by additional pages for comprehensive exploration and bilingual expressions.</li>
<p><strong>Busy teacher resources - Differentiated activities with minimal prep</strong><br />
Empower students to craft high-quality responses and navigate the film’s intricacies with this comprehensive study tool. Many of my own students have found this system invaluable, achieving great results in their exams. I encourage educators to try it, and I welcome feedback, ideas, or comments to improve this continuous work.</p>
<p><em>No-planning needed activities</em></p>
<p><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13162624">Boletín de Español - News and A Level Exam Practice Newsletter LABERINTO FAUNO</a></p>
<p><strong>You might also be interested in these resources:</strong></p>
<p><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12957500">Laberinto del Fauno - A-Level Spanish Comprehensive Writing Toolkit</a></p>
<p><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/el-laberinto-del-fauno-6-visual-boards-with-prompts-and-essay-structure-12952854">El Laberinto del Fauno - 6 Visual Boards with Prompts & Essay Structure</a></p>
<p><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/el-laberinto-del-fauno-exploring-themes-characters-and-more-in-pan-s-labyrinth-activity-pack-12951827">El Laberinto del Fauno - ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ Activity Pack</a></p>
<p><em>Please take a moment to rate and comment, your feedback is invaluable in helping me understand what works best for your classroom and inspires me to create more fantastic resources.</em></p>
<p>Thank you for supporting my work and enriching your classroom with valuable resources, made with love!</p>
<p>Bundle of resources to support teaching Intouchables at GCSE or A Level.</p>
<li>PPT with examples of cinematography techniques and essay information.</li>
<li>Handout with key cinema vocab.</li>
<li>Cinematography techniques match-up activity.</li>
<li>A detailed worksheet to support close analysis of interview scene.</li>
<li>Note pages on: Driss, Philippe, Music and Language, Humour and Disability, Social Class, and Success and Criticism.</li>
<li>Diamond Nine activity on humour.</li>
<li>A mediocre essay example and a better essay example.</li>
<li>A feedback sheet with tips to help proofread/improve an essay.</li>
This guide has been edited from Edexcel's generic advice on the research-based essay into a guide for those students who will be researching a text, a play or a film.
<p>A customisable toolkit to:</p>
<li>Use in class as a teaching aid to revise the book/film or,</li>
<li>Assign to students as a digital revision tool to fill in.</li>
<p>The slide pack builds exam skills by covering:</p>
<li>How to structure an essay on literature and film</li>
<li>What knowledge is required to write a good essay</li>
<li>Timeline to summarise the plot</li>
<li>Character cards to fill in</li>
<li>Key themes cards to populate</li>
<li>Space to add markscheme</li>
<li>Typical essay title boxes</li>
<li>Space for students to record comments on example essays</li>
<li>Space to write their own essay</li>
<p>Easy to add slides using the pre-made slide templates (Click Add new slide and choose a design).</p>
<p>A Powerpoint showing how to build up a paragraph in a film / literature essay, here using 2 examples about the film Good Bye Lenin. Students are encouraged to support their statements with specific evidence from the film / text and then to extend and analyse. Having looked at the 2 examples (they can decide how successful they are), the final slide has a selection of essay titles for students to choose from and write a SEXY paragraph of their own.</p>
<p>This is a resource I have created for my A-Level students in order to go through all the essentials when it comes to writing an essay about Volver in the exam. It is based on the Edexcel exam papers and indicative content.</p>
<p>This resource includes information on:</p>
<li>Parts of an essay</li>
<li>Use of language in the essay</li>
<li>Use of quotations</li>
<li>Writing checklist</li>
<li>Planning practice (8 real essay titles from past papers, indicative content and support quotes to go with them).</li>
<p>The resource is in Power Point format and completely editable.</p>
<p>Model essays with annotations in English, as well as with key vocabulary to allow students to better understand the structure and language used. Answers provided.</p>
<p>Essay Tittles:</p>
<li>Analiza cómo evoluciona el personaje de Raimunda después de la muerte de Paco</li>
<li>Analiza cómo el uso de la cámara contribuye al éxito de la película</li>
<li>Analiza por qué el director usa el tema de la superstición a lo largo de la película</li>
<li>Evalúa hasta qué punto el personaje de Sole destaca los aspectos cómicos de la película</li>
<p>Prepare your Year 10 and Year 11 students for the IGCSE Edexcel French photo description oral exam with this speaking mat.</p>
<p>Using the PALMS method (People, Action, Location, Mood, and Season), it gives your students a clear structure to follow, helping them add depth and detail to their answers. It also includes key phrases for clothes and seasons, along with some complex structures to push their responses to higher levels.</p>
<p>This resource is ideal for preparing students thoroughly for the picture-based task, a key component of their speaking exam. It can be laminated, displayed in the classroom, glued into their books for easy access or shared with your students digitally.</p>
<p>You will get access to the <strong>PDF file</strong>, <strong>a link to the Google Slide document</strong> for you to copy and edit and <strong>an editable PPTX version</strong>, so you can easily adapt it to suit the specific vocabulary you have covered in your lessons.</p>
<p>PPTX: to keep the format as it is, you will need to download the following fonts “Patrick Hand” and “Luckiest Guy” (available on Google Slides)</p>
<p><em>Please consider leaving a 5 star review if you have found this resource useful!</em></p>
<p>Two lessons focused on context before studying ‘El laberinto del fauno’. These have been planned to be taught before watching the movie and they give a good insight into the context before, during and after the Civil War in Spain. (32 slides). It includes a booklet for students.<br />
L1 focuses on the period before and during the war<br />
-La segunda república<br />
-Las dos Españas<br />
-El comienzo y final de la guerra<br />
-La posguerra bajo Franco<br />
L2 covers key elements during postwar Spain that are going to be featured in the movie.<br />
-La resistencia republicana<br />
-El racionamiento durante la posguerra<br />
-La ideología franquista hacia la mujer</p>
<p>A document aimed at A/AS level French students to help them write about the films they have been studying.</p>
<p>Includes French and English versions of how to structure sentences, how to analyse content, and enables them to learn vocabulary necessary for discussing the films.</p>
<p>Suitable for any exam board and any film - easily applicable to any.</p>
Arguments for and against cinema. I printed this off, got students to highlight whether it was for or against and then in the gap after each sentence got them to expand on or justify the opinion. Good essay writing practice.
<p>List of all the French films to be seen with students from Year 7 until A-levels, links to trailers on Allo Ciné and links to resources for some movies on TES, Into Films,…</p>
<p>Will be updated yearly.</p>
<p>This essay is written as a model to help students structure the ideas. Each paragraph is highlighted in a different colour to help the student identify the Point, Evidence, Evaluation.<br />
It can be used in class or as a revision exercise.<br />
The essay answers the question of La Solidaridad en Volver.<br />
Written by a native Spanish teacher.</p>
For sixth formers studying the film Entre les Murs. <br />
Short handout summarising the public and critical reaction to the film after its release. The information came from many sources which I came across while teaching the film - interviews, magazine and newspaper articles etc.<br />
Shared for free in the original spirit of TES and in return for the many free resources which I have downloaded over the years.
<p>This is a comprehensive and succinct summary resource reviewing the themes in Good Bye, Lenin!: no gimmicks or accessories, this resource has secured A Level German students A*s.</p>
<p>This resource includes key vocabulary prompts and all key quotes for each theme.</p>
Sentences for pupils to translate about the main characters of L'étranger (Camus). Some key vocabulary is provided.<br />
<br />
This resource is also available as part of a 'bundle' of L'étranger resources