Angles Colouring SheetQuick View

Angles Colouring Sheet

<p>A good way to round off the topic of angles with this colouring sheet. Pupils are able to self assess by seeing if their answer is in the colouring area.</p>
Angles: Draw that Spaceship!Quick View

Angles: Draw that Spaceship!

This pack contains two activities to motivate using a protractor and ruler carefully.<br /> <br /> 1. Impossible Constructions<br /> This activity requires students to try and draw a series of shapes, with the knowledge that at least one of them is impossible! For example, can they construct a triangle with two obtuse angles? Why? Why not?<br /> <br /> 2. Draw that Space Ship!<br /> This activity requires students to try and make an accurate version of a space rocket. They must draw lines and angles accurately in order for the spaceships to turn out correctly. There are two different Space Ships for students to work on, of increasing difficulty!<br /> <br /> Answers are included.
Angles - PowerPointQuick View

Angles - PowerPoint

<ul> <li>A great introduction to angles</li> <li>10 slides</li> <li>Suitable for 5 - 11 years<br /> .<br /> Contents:<br /> .</li> <li>What is an angle?</li> <li>Whole turns, half turns and quarter turns</li> <li>How do we measure angles?</li> <li>Rights angles</li> <li>Other angles -acute, obtuse and reflex</li> </ul>
Angles & Parallel Lines (Double Lesson)Quick View

Angles & Parallel Lines (Double Lesson)

<p>This is a double lesson package and includes 2 lessons on angles and parallel lines. The first lesson looks at recalling the rules of angles formed when a transversal crosses parallel lines. The second lesson looks at applying these rules to find missing angles.</p> <p>This lesson is appropriate for the full range of attainments. The lessons start by recapping prior knowledge before moving on to look at the new content. Pupils need a knowledge of basic geometry notation, angles on a straight line, around a point and in a triangle, quadrilateral and the angle properties of special triangles. This lesson allows the topic to be differentiated for a variety of attainment levels and could easily be adapted to meet the needs of higher or lower attaining groups through missing out specific examples.</p> <p>As with all the angle lessons the Maths Market has available, challenge comes from increasing difficult application of rules and through the interleaving of previous learning on angles and through the involvement of forming and solving a variety of equations.</p> <p>The lessons include;<br /> Starters<br /> Introduction to the topic in small chunks<br /> Opportunities to practice basic skills through collaborative activities.<br /> Examples and counterexamples<br /> Clear modelling through “I do” and “You Do” examples.<br /> Multiple choice questions to draw out misconceptions.<br /> Differentiated worksheets.<br /> Challenge questions.</p> <p>The lesson includes the solutions and is fully animated which will make it perfect for delivering live remote lessons.</p>
Measuring angles year 6Quick View

Measuring angles year 6

<p>This lesson goes through (on a PowerPoint) how to estimate and measure angles. It includes some slides with opportunities for the teacher to model how to correctly place the protractor, slides to revise the different kinds of angles and a differentiated slide at the end that you can give a more confident class to do. If your class is like mine, I have included a worksheet (differentiated three ways on Word document) that has the angles already drawn out.</p>
Measuring and Classifying Angles WorksheetsQuick View

Measuring and Classifying Angles Worksheets

<p><strong>Measuring and Classifying Angles Worksheets</strong></p> <p>You’ll get 5 worksheets that you can use for short assessments, morning work or warm up exercises. Students will be able to easily practice geometry while having fun!</p> <p>It’ll be a useful resource during your class that will boost your teaching efficiency!</p> <p><strong>Thank you for stopping by!</strong></p> <p>You can contact me with questions about this product. Thank you for all reviews, ratings and comments you leave on my profile!</p>
Angle Properties of Special TrianglesQuick View

Angle Properties of Special Triangles

<p>This lesson covers the full range of attainments on the angle properties of special triangles. It starts by recapping prior knowledge on angles on a straight line, around a point and basic angles in triangles before moving onto the angle properties of a variety of triangles. This lesson allows the topic to be differentiated for a variety of attainment levels and could easily be adapted to meet the needs of higher or lower attaining groups through missing out specific examples.</p> <p>The lesson focuses on the angle properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles. If this is the first lesson looking at angles in a triangle I recommend you spend a lesson first looking at basic angle facts in a triangle. I do have a lesson on this available.<br /> This lesson spends time really allowing students to build an understanding of angle properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles. Challenge comes through interleaving of previous learning on angles and through the involvement of forming and solving a variety of equations.</p> <p>The lesson includes;<br /> Starter<br /> Introduction to the topic in small chunks<br /> Recapping of prior knowledge<br /> Opportunities to practice basic skills through a collaborative activity.<br /> Clear modelling through “I do” and “You Do” examples.<br /> Multiple choice questions to draw out misconceptions.<br /> Differentiated worksheet.<br /> A challenge question.</p> <p>The lesson includes the solutions and is fully animated which will make it perfect for delivering live remote lessons.</p>
Measuring and Drawing Angles PowerpointQuick View

Measuring and Drawing Angles Powerpoint

This Teach, Practise, Extend PowerPoint resource focuses on measuring and drawing angles and is linked to the Year 5 National Curriculum. In total there are a massive twelve slides:<br /> <br /> Slides 1- 10 (teach) - Slides 1 - 3 show gthe different types of angle including acute, obtuse and right angle. Slides 4 - 10 show how to use a protractor to measure an angle.<br /> Slide 11 (practise) - Children are asked to draw four different angles using a protractor.<br /> Slide 12 (extend) - Children need to apply their skills by drawing three different shapes with different properties.<br /> <br /> The resource is colourfully designed and can clearly be seen from a distance making it ideal to display on the Interactive Whiteboard and providing you with a straightforward and highly effective teaching resource. Great for a lesson starter, revision or early morning activity. It is aimed at the Year 5 maths objective but can be used at any time during KS2.<br /> <br /> The slides can be edited to suit the needs of your class but this resource, including the images must not be distributed to others without our permission.
Types of Angles Poster A3 Wall DisplayQuick View

Types of Angles Poster A3 Wall Display

<p>This high quality poster is ideal for your classroom wall, bulletin board or math display. It makes a great anchor for students (and teacher) to refer to. I have included 4 designs with different colored tittles to fit your room decor.</p> <p>Angle definitions and examples on the poster are:<br /> Acute, Right, Obtuse, Straight, reflex, Full, Adjacent, Complementary, supplementary and vertical.</p> <p>Enjoy.</p>
Classifying Angles Color by NumberQuick View

Classifying Angles Color by Number

<p>In this activity, students will classify angles (graphic and numerical representations) as obtuse, acute, straight, or right. Then, they will color a pattern according to their answers to reveal a beautiful, colorful mandala!</p> <p>This no-prep activity is an excellent resource for sub plans, enrichment/reinforcement, early finishers, and extra practice with some fun. It is especially useful for end-of-year practice, spiral review, and motivated practice when students are exhausted from standardized testing or mentally “checked out” before a long break (hello summer!). Color motivates even the most challenging students and the students get a fun chance to practice their essential geometry skills. In addition, the finished products make fabulous classroom decor!</p>
Angles in a TriangleQuick View

Angles in a Triangle

<p>This lesson covers the full range of attainments for missing angles in a triangle. It starts by recapping prior knowledge on angles on a straight line and around a point before moving onto the basics of angles in a triangle. This lesson allows the topic to be differentiated for a variety of attainment levels and could easily be adapted to meet the need of higher or lower attaining groups through missing out specific examples.</p> <p>The lesson does not look at the specific angle properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles, however, I do have a lesson on this available. This lesson spends time really allowing students to build an understanding of angles in a triangle and build change though the interleaving of previous learning on angles and through the involvement of forming and solving a variety of equations.</p> <p>The lesson includes;<br /> Starter<br /> Introduction to the topic in small chunks<br /> Opportunities to practice basic skills through a collaborative activity.<br /> Clear modelling through “I do” and “You Do” examples.<br /> Multiple choice questions to draw out misconceptions.<br /> Differentiated worksheet.<br /> A challenge question.</p> <p>The lesson includes the solutions and is fully animated which will make it perfect for delivering live remote lessons.</p>
Angles in Parallel Lines LessonQuick View

Angles in Parallel Lines Lesson

<p>Suitable for both Key stage 3 and 4. This lesson and worksheet is designed to help pupils revise angles in parallel lines. The lesson is fully differentiated featuring a starter, main and plenary for pupils to work through. There are numerous examples, practice problems and challenges for pupils to complete.</p> <p>The worksheet is fully differentiated (mild, medium spicy, hot and challenge) allowing pupils to work at different levels simultaneously. The worksheet also features a section for pupils to self-assess their understanding and set a target for next lesson</p>
Angles - Measuring Angles KS4Quick View

Angles - Measuring Angles KS4

<p>A Powerpoint to explain how to measure angles using a protractor. This powerpoint has 11 slides (Including one title and one end slide). Designed for KS4 / GCSE.</p>
Bearings and Measuring AnglesQuick View

Bearings and Measuring Angles

This is an excellent whole lesson to introduce <b>Bearings</b>. This is so often a topic done poorly in exams. The lesson involves using a protractor to work out bearings and other problems such as using scales or maps. The lesson also looks at how to calculate bearings and has 2 worksheets depending on the class and the strength of the students. There is enough material to use the resources to do two lessons. This lesson is ready to go, with no prep required. It is great for home learning as well as flip learning. 22-slide presentation + ORIGINAL VIDEO CONTENT + lots of supplementary resources.<br /> <br /> The lesson includes:<br /> <br /> + Starter (linked to learning keywords)<br /> + Learning objectives (differentiated)<br /> + Keywords<br /> + Key Rules and Notation<br /> + Lots of great Examples (looking at the two different levels of questions)<br /> + Common Misunderstandings<br /> + Great Teaching Slides<br /> <b>+ FULL ORIGINAL VIDEO CONTENT (12 MINS)</b><br /> + Worksheet (with answer key)<br /> + Exam Questions (with Answer key) - great for homework or as an extension task<br /> + BONUS POSTER (for the classroom)<br /> + Plenary<br /> <br /> ALL LESSONS on Geometry in one BIG Bundle:<br /> <br /> <b><a href="" target="_blank">Geometry: All Lessons</a></b><br /> <br /> ALSO:<br /> + Please provide a RATING with written feedback<br /> + Please email if there are any issues and we will respond within 24 hours<br /> + Lessons are flat-packed (limited editing) for copyright purposes<br /> <br /> Thank you in advance for your support, purchase and feedback<br /> <br /> #mathslessons #maths #secondarymaths #mathscenters #teachingideas #algebra #teacherslife #teachingkids #teachingmaths #mathsactivities #homeschooling #tesresources #teaching #mathsisfun #teachershare #teachertips #teachers #KS3 #KS4 #KS5 #igcse #learning #gcsemaths
Angles in Parallel Lines Differentiated WorksheetQuick View

Angles in Parallel Lines Differentiated Worksheet

<p>Suitable for both Key stage 3 and 4. This worksheet is designed to help pupils revise the topic of angles in parallel lines. The worksheet is fully differentiated (mild, medium spicy and hot) allowing pupils to work at different levels simultaneously.</p>
Angles RevisionQuick View

Angles Revision

A simple recap sheet on angles. Covering angles on a striaght line/around a point, angles in a triangle/quadrilateral, opposite angles, parallel lines and interior/exterior angles. Answers included on last page. Used for bottom set year 9's/10's.
Angles and AlgebraQuick View

Angles and Algebra

A worksheet which requires students to use their knowledge of angles in parallel lines and polygons, with algebra to solve problems
Angles and PolygonsQuick View

Angles and Polygons

Some of these questions can be found in my other angles in polygons worksheet. This worksheet just covers things a bit quicker with less repetition for those classes who are either revisiting this topic or are just more able.