14 Biological Molecules Recall TestsQuick View

14 Biological Molecules Recall Tests

3 Resources
<p>A complete set of 14 single-sided question sheets to cover all of the Biological Molecules section of the AQA A-level Biology specification. The questions are deliberately straightforward, to encourage students to revise and then to test their recall. They are useful across the ability range and would work well using a VLE. They don’t say ‘test’ on them and could be used as consolidation during a lesson.</p> <p>(<em>I started with the carbohydrate one which is why the second one has a bit of a recap of the first. Students needed a bit of a second chance once they realised what was required</em>)</p> <p>Each sheet is single-sided and has between about 22 and 30 marks</p> <p>Every sheet has an accompanying answer sheet with the same format as the question sheet for use on a projector for peer/self marking.</p>
Biological Molecules Revision MatQuick View

Biological Molecules Revision Mat

<p>A revision mat covering the following biological molecules topics:</p> <ol> <li>Carbohydrates</li> <li>Lipids</li> <li>Proteins</li> <li>Food tests</li> <li>Deficiency diseases</li> <li>Types of carbohydrates</li> <li>Nutritional labels</li> </ol> <p>Can be printed on A4 or enlarged to A3 paper size.</p> <p>Also comes with a <strong>bonus</strong> biological molecules word search and matching activity.</p> <p>Complete with <strong>solutions</strong>.</p>
OCR Biology A- Chapter 3 Biological MoleculesQuick View

OCR Biology A- Chapter 3 Biological Molecules

11 Resources
<p>Chapter 3 unit from the OCR Biology A A-Level all about biological molecules.</p> <p>*The unit was planned with the intention of carrying out flipped learning whereby students do pre-reading on the topic prior to the lesson so that we can consolidate that learning with activities/exam questions during the lesson.<br /> *</p> <p>Including:</p> <ul> <li>3.1 Biological elements</li> <li>3.2 Water</li> <li>3.3 Carbohydrates</li> <li>3.4 Testing for carbohydrates</li> <li>3.5 Lipids</li> <li>3.6 Structure for proteins</li> <li>3.7 Types of proteins</li> <li>3.8 Nucleic acids</li> <li>3.9 DNA replication and the genetic code</li> <li>3.10 Protein synthesis</li> <li>3.11 ATP</li> </ul>
Biological Molecules Water and Inorganic ionsQuick View

Biological Molecules Water and Inorganic ions

<p>A comprehensive lesson which teaches students about the properties of water which make it essential for life. This lesson was designed to fit needs of the AQA a-level biology course</p> <p>Tasks are differentiated to suit the needs of each learner.</p> <p>Learning objective: Explore the properties of water and the role of inorganic ions in biology.</p> <p>By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:</p> <p>Success Criteria:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Explain water’s role as a solvent.</p> </li> <li> <p>Describe hydrogen bonding in water.</p> </li> <li> <p>Explain the functions of inorganic ions.</p> </li> </ol> <p>Powerpoint contains 26 slides.</p> <p>Contains past paper questions that target this topic, some questions require knowledge from prior lessons.</p>
Biological MoleculesQuick View

Biological Molecules

<p>A work booklet with various activities for the biological molecules unit for AQA A-Level Biology.</p>
IGCSE Biological molecules revisionQuick View

IGCSE Biological molecules revision

<p>A revision worksheet for Edexcel IGCSE Biology. It covers carbohydrates. Teachers could use it as a quick revision and students would love the visually appealing layout of the questions.</p>
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 5 - Biological MoleculesQuick View

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Worksheet 5 - Biological Molecules

<p>Companion PDF worksheet for <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/edexcel-igcse-biology-lecture-5-biological-molecules-12424803">Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lecture 5 - Biological Molecules.</a> Contains short answer questions, an activity requiring lateral thinking and exam-style questions.</p> <p>Covers the following in a modern, concise format:</p> <p>Specification Point 2.7 - Identify the chemical elements present in carbohydrates, proteins and lipids.</p> <p>Specification Point 2.8 - Describe the structure of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids as large molecules made up from smaller basic units.</p> <p>Complete set of Chapter 1 Worksheets are available.</p>
A Level Biology Biological Molecules Summary SheetsQuick View

A Level Biology Biological Molecules Summary Sheets

<p>This resource is a series of summary sheets covering the biological molecules content in A Level Biology specification. These sheets can be used during revision in lessons, as prompts in lessons or can be sent to students as flipped learning activities. The areas covered in this resource are:</p> <p>1: Water<br /> 2: Amino acids<br /> 3: Types of protein<br /> 4: Protein structure<br /> 5: DNA replication<br /> 6: Nucleotides<br /> 7: Dissacharides<br /> 8: Cellulose<br /> 9: Starch<br /> 10: Lipids<br /> 11: Triglycerides<br /> 12: Glycogen<br /> 13: ATP<br /> 14: Transcription<br /> 15: Translation</p> <p>Thanks for looking</p>
A Level Biology - Biological Molecules Revision BookletQuick View

A Level Biology - Biological Molecules Revision Booklet

<p>Revision booklet for the Biological Molecules topic from A Level Biology. Intended for OCR, however can be used for AQA and Edexcel.</p> <p>Includes recall sections, exam questions and organises all the biological molecules separately.</p> <p>Can be used for revision lessons or extended homeworks (I used to set my students to complete 1-2 pages per week for homework whilst teaching the topic in lessons) or can also be used as an interleaving project. (Especially if some Y13 pupils need some brushing up on Y12 content!)</p>
A-Level Biology Biological Molecules SlidesQuick View

A-Level Biology Biological Molecules Slides

<p>Lesson slides breakdown below:</p> <p>Topic 1- Water &amp; Inorganic Ions<br /> Topic 2- Carbohydrates<br /> Topic 3 - Food Tests Required Practical<br /> Topic 4 - Lipids<br /> Topic 5 - Proteins<br /> Topic 7 - Paper Chromatography Required Practical<br /> Topic 6 -Nucleic Acids (DNA &amp; RNA Structure + Function)</p> <p>Could be used for CCEA, AQA or OCR A-level curriculum.</p>
GCSE Forms quiz: Biological molecules and food testsQuick View

GCSE Forms quiz: Biological molecules and food tests

<p>A self marking, fully editable, Microsoft Forms quizzes on biological molecules and food tests (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and test for them). Made for the Edexcel IGCSE Biology course, but would work for any GCSE Biology course. Makes a solid starter, end of lesson review or homework activity.</p> <p>Provided here is the quiz and instructions for how to duplicate it, a PDF version of the quiz and instructions to set it for your students.</p> <p>A free quiz on cell division is available here: <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12931038">https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12931038</a> and an example of what the quiz looks like for students to complete (enzymes quiz) is here: <a href="https://forms.office.com/e/vwBbUfxLKA" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://forms.office.com/e/vwBbUfxLKA</a></p> <p>A bundle of all 46 quizzes for the entire biology course are available here: <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12927851">https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12927851</a>.</p> <p>List of quizzes available:<br /> 0. Revision survey</p> <ol> <li>Characteristics of living things and variety of life</li> <li>Organisation (stem cells triple) and b. cell structure</li> <li>Carbs, proteins, lipids and food tests</li> <li>Enzymes and enzymes practicals (pH practical = triple)</li> <li>Diffusion:</li> <li>Osmosis and active transport:</li> <li>Photosynthesis, factors affecting and pond weed experiment</li> <li>Structure of a leaf and plant minerals</li> <li>Healthy diets</li> <li>Digestion</li> <li>Burning food experiment (triple)</li> <li>Respiration</li> <li>Gas exchange in plants (triple only)</li> <li>Gas exchange in humans</li> <li>Heart, cardiac cycle, coronary heart disease</li> <li>Circulatory system and blood vessels</li> <li>Immune system (mostly triple)</li> <li>Excretion</li> <li>Kidney (triple only)</li> <li>Plant coordination</li> <li>Reflexes, reflex arc, neurones, synapses</li> <li>Labelling the eye</li> <li>Accommodation</li> <li>Plant reproduction: Part of a flower, pollination and fertilisation</li> <li>Germination</li> <li>Reproduction humans (Reproductive systems)</li> <li>Reproduction human (puberty and menstrual cycle)</li> <li>DNA structure</li> <li>Protein synthesis</li> <li>Inheritance – key terms and punnet squares</li> <li>Inheritance – Sex determination and family trees</li> <li>Cell division -</li> <li>Variation and mutations (Triple only) -</li> <li>Natural selection</li> <li>The organism in the environment and b. Feeding relationships</li> <li>Carbon cycle</li> <li>Nitrogen cycle (triple only) – two quizzes</li> <li>Human influences on the environment</li> <li>Farming and pest control</li> <li>Microorganisms</li> <li>Fish farming (triple)</li> <li>Selective breeding</li> <li>Genetic modification</li> <li>Cloning (triple)</li> <li>cloning – animals</li> <li>micropropagation – plants</li> </ol>
2.1.2 Biological molecules OCR A Level BiologyQuick View

2.1.2 Biological molecules OCR A Level Biology

<p>This power point includes all parts of 2.1.2 specification and is approximately 16 lessons depending upon pace. Each lesson finishes with summary and/or exam questions to check understanding:</p> <ol> <li>Properties of water</li> <li>Molecular bonding</li> <li>Carbohydrates</li> <li>Polysaccharides</li> <li>Lipids</li> <li>Phospholipids</li> <li>Amino acids</li> <li>Protein structure</li> <li>Types of protein</li> <li>Inorganic ions</li> <li>Qualitative tests</li> <li>Qualitative tests - colorimetry</li> <li>Chromatography</li> </ol>
AS Biology Biological Molecules Revision MatsQuick View

AS Biology Biological Molecules Revision Mats

AS Biological Molecules Revision Mats - covering Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and Nucleic Acids<br /> I get students to complete these for end of topic revision - usually print them out onto A3 paper
NEW Topic 1 Biological molecules model answer revision notes AQA A level BiologyQuick View

NEW Topic 1 Biological molecules model answer revision notes AQA A level Biology

<p>Follow my <a href="https://www.tiktok.com/@biologywitholivia?lang=en" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">TikTok</a> and <a href="https://www.instagram.com/biologywitholivia/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Instagram</a> @biologywitholivia to see these notes in action. Any questions please email <strong><a href="mailto:hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">hello@biologywitholivia.co.uk</a></strong>.</p> <p><strong>DESCRIPTION</strong></p> <p>Drawing on my experience as a teacher and extensive analysis of <strong>past papers, mark schemes and examiner reports</strong>, I’ve created ‘model answer’ notes that cover every point on the <strong>AQA specification</strong> (including required practicals).</p> <p>These notes are presented in an easy-to-use <strong>Q&amp;A format</strong>. <strong>Colour coding</strong>, <strong>diagrams</strong> and a <strong>simple layout</strong> makes learning easy.</p> <p>After each sub-topic, you’ll find a list of <strong>common mistakes</strong> that will help you beat those specific mark schemes.</p> <p>Having refined these over the last <strong>3 years</strong> alongside working as a <strong>teacher</strong>, I’ve seen first-hand the results they can achieve. I’m confident that they will be an invaluable tool to you.</p> <p><strong>TOPICS INCLUDED (BIOLOGICAL MOLECULES)</strong></p> <ul> <li>Monomers and polymers</li> <li>Carbohydrates</li> <li>Lipids</li> <li>Proteins</li> <li>Required practical 1</li> <li>Nucleic acids</li> <li>ATP</li> <li>Water</li> <li>Inorganic ions</li> </ul>
OCR A Level Biology 2.1.2 Biological molecules (approx 16 lessons)Quick View

OCR A Level Biology 2.1.2 Biological molecules (approx 16 lessons)

<p>Made using the OCR A Level Biology specification</p> <p>1. Properties of water<br /> 2. Molecular bonding<br /> 3. Carbohydrates<br /> 4. Polysaccharides<br /> 5. Lipids<br /> 6. Phospholipids and steroids<br /> 7. Proteins - amino acids<br /> 8. Protein structure<br /> 9. Protein function<br /> 10. inorganic ions<br /> 11+12 Qualitative tests PAG 9 (Biuret, Benedict’s, iodine, reagent strips, Emulsion)<br /> 13 + 14 Quantiative tests PAG 5 (Colorimetry and biosensors)<br /> 15 +16 Chromatography PAG 6</p> <p>More Module 2 available with a module 2 bundle coming soon. Feedback welcome.</p>
Biological moleculesQuick View

Biological molecules

A PowerPoint that covers organic molecules. Includes animations of the condensation reaction. It has been devised for OCR AS Biology Unit 2, but should be usable with other exam boards as well.
Edexcel IGCSE Biological molecules pptQuick View

Edexcel IGCSE Biological molecules ppt

<p>Created to match 9-1 Edexcel IGCSE. This power point presentation has all about carbohydrates, protein and lipids. It does not contain enzymes which will be uploaded soon as a separate presentation.</p>