AQA Business - Analysing Financial PerformanceQuick View

AQA Business - Analysing Financial Performance

<p>A new range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business. This is a substantial presentation of over 100 slides designed to cover the topic of analysing financial performance. It starts with a look at how to construct and analyse both budgets and cash flow forecasts. It then analyses budgets including a consideration of variance analysis (favourable and adverse). It then looks at the timings of cash inflows and outflows and examines the role of the cash flow cycle, including an understanding of payables and receivables. It proceeds to then look at how to construct and interpret break-even charts, including an analysis of break-even output, margin of safety, contribution per unit and total contribution. The effects of a change in price, output and cost are then examined and how to calculate this and illustrate this on a break-even chart. The next topic is that of profitability and includes an examination of gross profit, profit from operations and profit for the year. The presentation concludes with an examination of the use of data for financial decision making and planning. The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test, several practise questions and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.</p>


<p>This lesson covers:</p> <ul> <li>the interdependent nature of business operations, finance, marketing and human resources within a business context</li> <li>how these interdependencies underpin business decision-making</li> <li>the impact of risk and reward on business activity</li> <li>the use of financial information in measuring and understanding business performance and decision-making</li> </ul> <p>This lesson was written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation</p>
AQA Business - Setting Financial ObjectivesQuick View

AQA Business - Setting Financial Objectives

<p>A range of materials aimed at supporting teachers of the AQA A Level in Business and modified to reflect the 2023 changes. This presentation is designed to cover the topic of setting financial objectives. It starts with a look at the value of setting financial objectives, including the concept of a return on investment (ROI). Revenue, cost and profit objectives are then considered. It then looks at the distinction between cash flow and profit and the three different types of profit (operating profit, gross profit and profit for the year). The pack contains the Quick Fire Five knowledge questions, a short objective test, and an essay question all complete with suggested answers. This pack also includes a FREE copy of the student revision notes for this section of the course.</p>
AQA A Level Business 352 Analysing financial performanceQuick View

AQA A Level Business 352 Analysing financial performance

<p>AS(7131) A-level (7132) Specifications For teaching from September 2023 onwards For as exams in May/June 2024 onwards For a-level exams in May/June 2025 onwards Version 2.0</p> <p>This lesson covers:</p> <p>Part 1:</p> <p>How to construct and analyse budgets and cash flow forecasts<br /> Variance analysis<br /> Adverse and favourable variances<br /> The value of budgeting<br /> How to construct break-even charts<br /> Break even output<br /> Margin of safety<br /> Contribution per unit<br /> Total contribution<br /> How to calculate and illustrate on a break-even chart the effects of change in price, output and costs<br /> The value of break even analysis</p> <p>Part 2:<br /> How to analyse profitability<br /> Profitability margins<br /> Gross profit<br /> Profit from operations<br /> Profit for the year<br /> How to analyse timings of cash inflows and outflows<br /> Payables<br /> Receivables<br /> The use of data for financial decision making and planning</p> <p>These lessons were written by Sarah Hilton for Revisionstation</p>
AQA A Level Business - 3.5  Financial managementQuick View

AQA A Level Business - 3.5 Financial management

3 Resources
<p>This resource bundle can be delivered over around 14 lessons - loaded with engaging and interactive learning:</p> <p>3.5.1 Setting financial objectives - 1 lesson<br /> 3.5.2 + 4 Analysing and improving financial performance - 9 lessons<br /> 3.5.3 Sources of finance - 4 lessons</p> <p>Filled with a variety of student-led activities, real life examples, case studies, exam questions, model answers, marking grids so students can self/peer assess to identify WWW and EBI with their responses before making improvements. Kahoot quizzes and box plenaries to consolidate learning in an engaging way.</p> <p>All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.</p> <p>Thank you</p>
Managing a household budget Careers LessonQuick View

Managing a household budget Careers Lesson

<p>Managing a household budget - Careers Lesson- Careers Education and CDI Framework. 1-2 hour Lesson. Part of the Cre8tive Careers KS5 Resources for Sixth Formers or Year 11 Students on personal finance. Editable 20 slide PowerPoint Lesson, Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services.</p> <p>✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰</p> <p><strong>Learning Objectives</strong><br /> To explore how to calculate from an annual salary Gross Pay and Net Pay.<br /> To understand how an average house hold budget might look like<br /> To explore how the life choices we make can impact our financial situation</p> <p><strong>Some Key Terms Covered</strong><br /> Gross Pay, Net Pay, Annual Salary, Income, Expenditure, Debt</p> <p><strong>Careers (Assessment) Objectives</strong><br /> I can define Gross Pay and Net Pay<br /> I know the main monthly bills that need paying when running a house<br /> I understand the importance of budgeting</p> <p>✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰</p> <p><strong>Each Lesson Pack Contains:</strong><br /> ☞ 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging &amp; Thoughtful Questioning)<br /> ☞ Most lessons include a Worksheet<br /> ☞ Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)<br /> ☞ Teacher Notes (On some slides)</p> <p>☞ Mapped against the Careers Development Index (CDI) and Gatsby Benchmarks<br /> ⟴ PSHE Association Theme: Living in Wider World</p> <p>⟴ <strong>Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources!</strong> Product Code: RSE/C8/LS/205</p> <p>❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀<br /> ⇨ <a href="">KS4 Relationships and Sex Education Unit </a><br /> ⇨ <a href="">Y11 Staying Safe (Parties, Online and Drugs) Unit Bundle</a><br /> ⇨<a href=""> KS4 Drugs Education Unit Bundle </a><br /> ⇨ <a href="">Women’s Health Unit in 2020 Unit Bundle </a><br /> ⇨<a href=""> Contraception and STI Unit Y9’s Bundle </a><br /> ⇨<a href=""> Law Crime and Society Unit Bundle</a><br /> ⇨ <a href="">Extremism + Radicalisation + Terrorism Unit Bundle </a><br /> ⇨ <a href="">An introduction to Politics for KS3 Students</a></p>
BTEC L3 National in Business : Unit 3 Personal and Business Finance WORKSHEETSQuick View

BTEC L3 National in Business : Unit 3 Personal and Business Finance WORKSHEETS

<p>Complete set of worksheets for Unit 3 : Personal and Business Finance (BTEC Level 3 National in Business).<br /> This is a complete set of knowledge sheets, checking recall/understanding of the content in Unit 3.<br /> I have named these sheet “Show You Know sheets” when using them with my own classes.</p> <p>These Show You Know sheets would work well as:</p> <ul> <li>homework</li> <li>in-class independent work following direct instruction</li> <li>mini assessments</li> <li>revision</li> </ul> <p>An answer sheet is provided for all worksheets (which could be used by the teacher or provided to students to mark their own work).</p> <p>Full list of sheets included:<br /> A1 Functions of money<br /> A1 Role of money<br /> A2 Methods of payment<br /> A3 Current accounts<br /> A4 Managing personal finance : borrowing<br /> A4 Managing personal finance : insurance<br /> A4 Managing personal finance : savings and investment<br /> A4 Managing personal finance : risk and reward<br /> B1 Financial institutions<br /> B2 Communicating with customers<br /> B3 Consumer protection<br /> B4 Info, advice and guidance<br /> C1 Purpose of accounting<br /> C2 Types of income : Capital income<br /> C2 Types of income : Revenue income<br /> C3 Types of expenditure : Capital expenditure<br /> C3 Types of expenditure: Revenue expenditure<br /> D1 Sources of finance : Internal finance<br /> D1 Sources of finance : External finance<br /> E1 Cash flow forecasts : Cash flow purpose<br /> E1 Cash flow forecasts : Cash flow layout<br /> E2 Break-even analysis : Costs<br /> E2 Break-even analysis : Revenue<br /> E2 Break-even analysis : Formula<br /> E2 Break-even analysis : Chart<br /> F1 Statement of Comprehensive Income : Purpose<br /> F1 Statement of Comprehensive Income : Profit<br /> F1 Statement of Comprehensive Income : Depreciation<br /> F1 Statement of Comprehensive Income : Prepayments and Accruals<br /> F2 Statement of Financial Position : Purpose<br /> F2 Statement of Financial Position : Assets &amp; Liabilities<br /> F3 Measuring profitability : GPM &amp; NPM<br /> F3 Measuring profitability : Mark-up<br /> F3 Measuring profitability : ROCE<br /> F4 Measuring liquidity : Current Ratio<br /> F4 Measuring liquidity : Liquid Capital Ratio<br /> F4 Measuring liquidity : Mixed practice<br /> F5 Measuring efficiency : Trade receivables days<br /> F5 Measuring efficiency : Trade payables days<br /> F5 Measuring efficiency : Inventory turnover days<br /> F6 Limitations of financial ratios</p> <p><em>These worksheets were created using Student Book 1 (pictured).</em></p>
Financial ManagementQuick View

Financial Management

This has been created by me for group use. The idea would be to divide the class into groups. Each group would be given a topic enlarged onto an A3 piece of paper. They would also have a blank piece of paper. They need to interpret the information and turn it into a presentation for the rest of the class that lasts about 3 minutes. Whilst a group presents, the others produce a small mind map of the important information. At the end they should create a 'Brand Spanking New Box&' and fill it with a few things that they have learnt.
Financial ManagementQuick View

Financial Management

Financial Management is one of the most important activities of mostly all companies in the world.<br /> This is an introduction Lecture to Financial Management where you will find definitions, importance of Financial Management within the company life, main principles of Financial Management and examples.<br /> <br /> In this File you will find:<br /> <br /> - 1 Financial Management Lecture Power Point Presentation<br /> - 3 Videos for the Lecture/Seminar<br /> - 1 Seminar Plan<br /> - 3 Case Studies on Financial Management with answers<br /> <br /> All teaching materials are used during teaching process of Financial Management Module of Bachelor level Students.
3.5.1 Setting financial objectives - AQA A Level BusinessQuick View

3.5.1 Setting financial objectives - AQA A Level Business

<p>Learners are introduced into the world of financial objectives, we look at the important distinction between cash and profit before looking at the range of financial objectives set by businesses such as, revenue, cost and profit objectives, cash flow objectives, return on investment objectives.</p> <p>Colourful, concise and engaging slides!</p> <p>Thank you</p>


3 Resources
<p>This bundle contains eight A3 printable revision mats to cover the AQA Business Studies Course.</p> <p>Once printed, these revision mats can be used to aid end-of-topic, and last-minute revision, as a quick and easy way of revising the key terms, course models/theories and calculations. The mats are designed to be printed as an A3 page but would work just as well stapled as an A4 booklet.</p> <p>They have been designed to be quite in-depth so cover most course content and my students like to complete these once teaching has finished for a unit and then once again before the exam.</p> <p>Files contained in this bundle are:</p> <p>Year 1:</p> <p>Unit 1: What is Business?<br /> Unit 2: Management, leadership and decision making<br /> Unit 3: Decision making to improve financial performance<br /> Unit 4: Decision making to improve operational performance<br /> Unit 5: Decision making to improve financial performance<br /> Unit 6: Decision making to improve human resources performance</p> <p>Year 2:<br /> (two units per revision mat)</p> <p>Units 7 and 8 - Analysing the strategic position of a business + Choosing strategic direction</p> <p>UNITS 9 and 10 - Strategic methods: How to pursue strategies<br /> Managing strategic change</p> <p>Not sure if this resource is right for you? Take a look at a free sample of Unit 1: What is Business?</p> <p><a href=""></a></p>
Managing My Money  Quick View

Managing My Money

<p>Managing My money Share Radio’s broadcast version of the Open University Business School’s eight week course with recognised accreditation</p> <p>extension, enrichment, financial advice, independent learning, personal, social and health education, money management, ; income, taxation and benefits; expenditure and budgeting; debt and borrowing; savings and investments; housing, household balance sheet; pensions; insurance; economics; business studies, PHSE, Financial Capability, Managing My Money, finance,</p>
Introduction to Financial Management ModuleQuick View

Introduction to Financial Management Module

10 Resources
All of this topics are covered during the Introduction to Financial Management Module<br /> <br /> You will find detailed lectures on all of the bundle topics as well as lots of exercises with full detailed answers as well as lots of home work tasks for your students, for which you also have detailed answers.<br /> <br /> Just download and enjoy teaching Financial Management Module with your students
AQA A Level Business RAG Sheet / Personal learning checklistQuick View

AQA A Level Business RAG Sheet / Personal learning checklist

<p>Includes both current and 2025 versions based on the updated spec!</p> <p>This document is the perfect tool for your students to track their understanding of the syllabus for AQA A Level Business. I includes clear sentences written clearly for students to self-assess the level of understanding of all units of the course including:</p> <p>Unit 1: What is business?<br /> Unit 2: Managers, leadership and decision making<br /> Unit 3: Decision making to improve marketing performance<br /> Unit 4: Decision making to improve operational performance<br /> Unit 5: Decision making to improve financial performance<br /> Unit 6: Decision making to improve human resource performance<br /> Unit 7: Analysing the strategic position of a business<br /> Unit 8: Choosing strategic direction<br /> Unit 9: Strategic methods: how to pursue strategies<br /> Unit 10: Managing strategic change</p> <p>A must have in every student’s book/folder leading up to their exams!</p>
Presentation on Basics of Financial ManagementQuick View

Presentation on Basics of Financial Management

This presentation would explain the meaning of Financial Management. The major function of Financial management are also being explained. The major decisions taken by the financial management of a company are being properly explained in very simple way. The objectives of financial management are properly explained in the presentation
Financial Management-Basic conceptQuick View

Financial Management-Basic concept

The PPT would help you to understand the basic meaning and function of financial management.<br /> The activity would help in developing the application skill of FM.