<p>This is a stand-alone lesson for PSHE on Children’s Rights. It includes questions to discuss and a link to a video as well as help and support for students to access after the lesson. It is suitable for KS3 and KS4 and can be delivered by specialist and non specialist teachers of PSHE</p>
<p>I made this Powerpoint for World Book Day but it can be used at any point throughout the year to promote reading in school. It contains a quiz between the adults and the pupils / children Vs families. I asked the SLT to sit at the front behind a table and the rest of the school played against them. The quiz involves guessing characters, guess book from the one liners and even includes a tie breaker. Parents were invited and it was a real success.</p>
<li>Four lessons which involves pupils creating their own children’s stories</li>
<li>Students will take inspiration from examples and plain their own story</li>
<li>They will then be given time to plan and draft their stories</li>
<li>A guided writing task will tell them what to place in each sentence</li>
<li>By the end of the week, students will have written up their own stories and illustrated them to take home</li>
<p>An assembly to support work on Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 with the theme of ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’. This highly dynamic presentation has an assembly plus a range of ideas and resources for follow-up form time activities.<br />
This beautifully-designed and editable 34-slide Powerpoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities.<br />
Slide 1: What is Children’s Mental Health Week? Includes embedded video.<br />
Slide 2: Why do you need to ‘Know Yourself’?<br />
Slide 3-4: Why do some young people people suffer from anxiety?<br />
Slide 5: This rise of teenage anxiety. Includes national statistics.<br />
Slide 6-8: How to look after you mental health – top tips.<br />
Slide 9: How to cope with teenage anxiety? BBC Newsround embedded video.<br />
Slide 10: Where to go for support. Includes links.<br />
Slide 11: Final Thought<br />
Slide 12: Follow-up form time activities title screen<br />
Slide 13: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Breathing exercises. Includes video<br />
Slide 14: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Move more. Includes video<br />
Slide 15: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Get sleep and rest.<br />
Slide 16: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Eat healthy<br />
Slide 17: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Food that aids sleep<br />
Slide 18: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Get outside. Includes video<br />
Slide 19: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Connect with people<br />
Slide 20: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Retrain your brain<br />
Slide 21-23: Form time activities: Mindful colouring<br />
Slide 24: Form time activities: Wordsearch activity<br />
Slide 25: Form time activities: Poetry activity<br />
Slide 26: Form time activities: Creative activity from Place2Be to support Children’s Mental Health Week. Includes video.<br />
Slides 27-32: Form time activities: Children’s Mental Health Week quiz – with answers<br />
Slides 33-34: Other form time ideas to support Children’s Mental Health Week strategies.<br />
As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared:<br />
“I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.”<br />
“Just buy it!”<br />
“Your resources have been life savers!”<br />
“Well worth the money and really saved my life”<br />
“I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”<br />
“Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!”<br />
“They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”<br />
“Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”</p>
<p>**In this lesson, students will have an opportunity to study several written and visual sources about children’s working conditions during Britain’s Industrial Revolution. **</p>
<p>They will use these sources to form their own opinion about the conditions and challenges that children faced in a variety of jobs such as in the factories, textile mills and mines. Students will then be guided to think about the usefulness and reliability of the sources they have studied.<br />
**<br />
The lesson includes the following:**<br />
Slide 1: Title slide<br />
Slide 2: Lesson learning aims<br />
Slide 3: Lesson Warm Up – A quick quiz and discussion about the rules which impact young people working today<br />
Slide 4: Background information and discussion – What jobs did children do during the Industrial Revolution?<br />
Slide 5: Background information and discussion – Why did so many children work during the Industrial Revolution?<br />
Slide 6: Starter Activity: Source Inference – a visual source about the conditions in mines<br />
Slide 7: Background information – An overview of working conditions and the role of ‘pauper apprentices’.<br />
Slide 8: Background information – An overview of working conditions<br />
Slide 9: 9 sources covering the topic of children’s working conditions<br />
Slide 10: Single source analysis activity and instructions<br />
Slide 11: Printable table for students to complete their analysis<br />
Slide 12: Source Analysis Task 2 Instructions and model examples<br />
Slide 13: Usefulness and reliability help sheet<br />
Slide 14: Follow Up Challenge Questions<br />
Slide 15: Learning Review</p>
<p>Please be kind enough to leave a review of this lesson if you have found it effective. Thank you.</p>
<p>All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at <a href="mailto:raschoolresources@gmail.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">raschoolresources@gmail.com</a> in the first instance to resolve any issues. Thank you.</p>
<p>Here are 3 templates that counsellors working with children and young people could use as a more visual aid and way of communicating the counselling contract.<br />
There is a blank one where you could fill in your own information or questions.<br />
There is one with key questions included.<br />
The third has key questions but added pictures / symbols.<br />
There is a black and white version and colour version of each of the 3 templates.</p>
<p>Play therapists may also adapt the templates for their work with children and young people.</p>
<p>**In this lesson, students will be able to learn about the arguments which were used during the 1800s to support and argue against reforms to improve working conditions in the mines, mills and factories of the Industrial Revolution. **</p>
<p>In addition, students will then learn how some of the reforms set out to help workers.</p>
<p><strong>The lesson includes the following:</strong><br />
Slide 1: Title slide<br />
Slide 2: Lesson learning aims and progress<br />
Slide 3: Lesson Warm Up – Class discussion about how laws today make sure people are safe and looked after in their workplace.<br />
Slide 4: Source Inference Task<br />
Slide 5: Source Inference Task 2<br />
Slide 6: Think & Discuss – What are ‘Reforms’? How does Parliament create new laws?<br />
Slide 7: Think & Discuss – Arguments for and Against the reform of working conditions during the Industrial Revolution<br />
Slide 8: Background information – The public reaction and outrage at finding out about working conditions<br />
Slide 9: Background Information – Who were the ‘Reformers’ and what did they call for?<br />
Slide 10: Activity 1 – What would the Reformers want to do to help improve working conditions?<br />
Slide 11: Activity 1 – An alternative way to think about what the reformers would want to do to help improve working conditions<br />
Slide 12: Activity 2 – Students given a choice of written or creative tasks linked to their learning so far.<br />
Slide 13: Activity 3 – Organise the facts about the reforms worksheet instructions<br />
Slide 14: Printable worksheet<br />
Slide 15: Organise the facts answer sheet<br />
Slide 16: Follow Up Challenge tasks and questions<br />
Slide 17: Learning Review Activity Pyramid.</p>
<p>I would be really grateful if you could leave a positive review for the lesson if you feel the lesson is effective for you.</p>
<p>All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at <a href="mailto:raschoolresources@gmail.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">raschoolresources@gmail.com</a> in the first instance to resolve any issues. Thank you.</p>
<p><strong>In this lesson, will learn about the harsh working conditions of the children who worked in the textile mills and factories of Industrial Britain. They will be able to describe a typical working day for the children and make comparisons with their own typical school day.</strong></p>
<p><strong>The lesson includes the following:</strong><br />
Slide 1: Title slide<br />
Slide 2: Lesson learning aims and progress<br />
Slide 3: Lesson Warm Up – Students will use the images to help them identify the various jobs that children did during the Industrial Revolution.<br />
Slide 4: Lesson Warm Up - Answers<br />
Slide 5: Starter Activity: Students will look at a map showing the location of various industries and features of the Industrial Revolution – prompt questions provided.<br />
Slide 6: Starter Activity 2: Source analysis of a child worker in a textile factory – with prompt questions<br />
Slide 7: Photograph of children working in a textile mill and prompt questions<br />
Slide 8: Photograph of children working in a textile mill and prompt questions<br />
Slide 9: Printable lesson fact sheet in the style of an illustrated storyboard.<br />
Slide 10: Task 1: Instructions of how to complete a mind map<br />
Slide 11: Printable mind map for students to write on<br />
Slide 12: Activity 2 – Students to write their own interview with a child in a textile mill<br />
Slide 13: Activity 3 – A 60 minute documentary with task – links to the documentary are hyperlinked and in the notes section<br />
Slide 14: Activity 4 – Students create their own 24-hour timeline of their own typical day and compare this with a 24-hour timeline of a child in the textile mills.<br />
Slide 15: Learning Review Quiz – Filling in the missing terms<br />
Slide 16: Learning Review Quiz answers</p>
<p>I would be really grateful if you could leave a positive review for the lesson if you feel the lesson is effective for you.</p>
<p>All images used in this lesson are in the public domain and are therefore copyright free at the time of publishing. Images which require attribution have been attributed in the notes section of each slide where the image appears. If you feel any errors have been made, please contact me at <a href="mailto:raschoolresources@gmail.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">raschoolresources@gmail.com</a> in the first instance to resolve any issues. Thank you.</p>
This Reading Comprehension worksheet is suitable for higher elementary to proficient ESL learners or native English speakers. The text explores the harsh reality of children refugees and exposes the shortfalls in funding, aid and support for war-stricken children.<br />
<br />
After carefully reading the text, students are required to complete some comprehension exercises including a comprehension questions, True or False exercises, a crossword and engage in an in-class discussion. The text can be used for vocabulary building purposes. This handout can be completed in class or assigned for homework.
<p>Designed for KS3 HA students:<br />
Power points, supporting worksheets and a homework choice board.<br />
Covers:<br />
-types of sentences<br />
- tension and suspense<br />
- Freytag’s story writing pyramid<br />
-links with folklore and ‘Tir Na Nog’<br />
-Propp’s theory<br />
-emotive language<br />
- the last lesson challenges pupils to design their own lesson</p>
<p>A full lesson for KS2 exploring the topic of jobs for Victorian children, including a detailed lesson plan, Powerpoint and pupil resource sheets.</p>
<p><strong>What was life like for working Victorian children?</strong><br />
In this lesson, pupils will find out about the different kinds of work that Victorian children undertook. Pupils will watch videos exploring work in mines, factories and fields and will consider what these jobs would have felt like for children performing the work on a daily basis. Pupils will make a paperchain of Victorian children to present information about different jobs and have the opportunity to hot-seat in the role of a child worker.</p>
<li>To find out what sort of jobs were taken by Victorian children</li>
<li>To explore what life was like for Victorian working children</li>
<p>The lesson plan includes differentiation ideas to adapt the activities for the needs of your class.</p>
<p>You may also like:<br />
<a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/victorians-12058468">Introduction to the Victorians: </a> (FREE): A full lesson for KS2 introducing the Victorian period, including a detailed lesson plan, Powerpoint and pupil resource sheets.<br />
<a href="http://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/who-was-queen-victoria-lesson-for-ks2-12057554">Who Was Queen Victoria?</a>; A full lesson for KS2 exploring the life and significance of Queen Victoria, including a detailed lesson plan, Powerpoint and pupil resource sheets.<br />
<a href="http://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/which-famous-inventions-came-from-the-victorians-lesson-for-ks2-12058044">Victorian Inventions</a>: A full lesson for KS2 about famous Victorian inventions, including a detailed lesson plan, Powerpoint and pupil resource sheets.<br />
<a href="http://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/industrial-revolution-lesson-for-ks2-12058379">Industrial Revolution </a> A full lesson for KS2 exploring the impact of the Industrial Revolution, including a detailed lesson plan, Powerpoint and pupil resource sheets.<br />
<a href="http://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/victorian-railways-lesson-for-ks2-12059539">Victorian Railways</a> A full lesson for KS2 about the introduction of the railways, including a detailed lesson plan, Powerpoint and pupil resource sheets.<br />
<a href="http://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/victorian-schools-lesson-for-ks2-12059628">Victorian Schools</a> A full lesson for KS2 about Victorian schools, including a detailed lesson plan, Powerpoint and pupil resource sheets.<br />
<a href="http://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/victorian-clothing-lesson-for-ks2-12060377">Victorian Clothing</a> A full lesson for KS2 investigating Victorian clothing, including a detailed lesson plan, Powerpoint and pupil resource sheets.<br />
<a href="http://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/victorian-crime-and-punishment-lesson-for-ks2-12060410">Victorian Crime and Punishment</a> A full lesson for KS2 about crime and punishment in the Victorian period, including a detailed lesson plan, Powerpoint and pupil resource sheets.</p>
<p>10 pages of activities suitable for KS1 and KS2</p>
<li>Identify emotions activity - draw the emotions</li>
<li>Identify regulation strategies for emotions activities</li>
<li>Wellbeing check in activity</li>
<li>Gratitude jar activity</li>
<li>Creating a positive mindset - goal setting activity</li>
<li>Positive affirmations activity</li>
<li>Mindfulness coloring activities</li>
<p>Can be used to support children’s mental health and wellbeing within lessons or for small intervention groups.</p>
<p>An assembly to support work on Children’s Mental Health Week. This highly dynamic presentation has an assembly plus a range of ideas and resources for follow-up form time activities.</p>
<p>This beautifully-designed and editable 33-slide Powerpoint presentation creatively presents information on this event and can be showcased to any age group and includes specific pages for primary or secondary students. It includes images, dynamic transitions, informative text, video and links for extension work in form time – including extra video and classroom activities.</p>
<p>Slide 1: What is Children’s Mental Health Week? Includes embedded video.<br />
Slide 2-3: Why do some young people people suffer from anxiety?<br />
Slide 4: This rise of teenage anxiety. Includes national statistics.<br />
Slide 5-7: How to look after you mental health – top tips.<br />
Slide 8: How to cope with teenage anxiety? BBC Newsround embedded video.<br />
Slide 9: Where to go for support. Includes links.<br />
Slide 10: Final Thought<br />
Slide 11: Follow-up form time activities title screen<br />
Slide 12: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Breathing exercises. Includes video<br />
Slide 13: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Move more. Includes video<br />
Slide 14: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Get sleep and rest.<br />
Slide 15: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Eat healthy<br />
Slide 16: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Food that aids sleep<br />
Slide 17: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Get outside. Includes video<br />
Slide 18: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Connect with people<br />
Slide 19: Top tips for overcoming anxiety: Retrain your brain<br />
Slide 20-22: Form time activities: Mindful colouring<br />
Slide 23: Form time activities: Wordsearch activity<br />
Slide 24: Form time activities: Poetry activity<br />
Slide 25: Form time activities: Creative activity from Place2Be to support Children’s Mental Health Week. Includes video.<br />
Slides 26-31: Form time activities: Children’s Mental Health Week quiz – with answers<br />
Slides 32-33: Other form time ideas to support Children’s Mental Health Week strategies.</p>
<p>As reviewers have stated for previous resources shared:<br />
“I sat down to plan my assembly for next week and found this resource, and it’s perfect. The best £2 spent. Thank you. I can teach this straight from the slides.”<br />
“Just buy it!”<br />
“Your resources have been life savers!”<br />
“Well worth the money and really saved my life”<br />
“I just wanted to say that as a non-specialist these resources are worth every single penny! Thank you so much for making and sharing them.”<br />
“Blown away by this! Can’t thank you enough!”<br />
“They have saved me a huge amount of time and the detail that goes into your work is second to none. You put others to shame who charge twice as much for very little. Can’t thank you enough.”<br />
“Your new spec resources are saving me hours & hours of work! Thanks, they are really good.”<br />
“These resources are so useful - I cannot tell you how much time they have save me - very clear to follow and easy to adapt for revision material — well worth the money”</p>
<p>here are a set of cards that have children’s rights in child friendly language with pictures. I have not completed the entire set however this was a brilliant resource for my class. They were given these cards and asked to choose the 5 they felt were most important in the classroom and made a charter from this.</p>
<p>Celebrate Children in Need Quiz with your students by undertaking this specially designed quiz with a variety of different rounds and question styles.</p>
<p>**Children in Need and Charity Work - **</p>
<p>It’s good to talk’ is all about promoting the wellbeing of people of all ages in education using their voice to create a healthier school community.</p>
<p>**Just added for ONLINE LEARNING / QUIZZING - NEW DIGITAL ANSWER SHEET - Student can fill in their editable PDF answer sheet and can also self mark with built in tick boxes and score counter.</p>
<p>Contents of Quiz<br />
☞ 1 x Professionally Designed PowerPoint Quiz ( Containing 10 Different Rounds and over 50+ Questions)<br />
☞1 x Set of certificates for winning students (Gold, Silver and Bronze)<br />
☞ 1 x Full set of Answers (Animated at the end of the Quiz)<br />
☞ 1 x Student Answer Sheets they can fill in during the quiz<br />
☞ Quiz can be done as an individual task or in small teams.</p>
<p><em><strong>How could you use it</strong></em></p>
<li>Celebrate the event / Activity / Theme</li>
<li>Assess Prior knowledge</li>
<li>As a class based activity or during form time / Form competition</li>
<li>An educational ’ Treat Lesson ’ For your students.</li>
<p><strong>Why are Cre8tive Resources?</strong><br />
We are a not-for profit Community interest social enterprise made up of Teachers. We invest in developing more free and paid resources for students. We are currently working on developing a FREE Mental health and Wellbeing PSHE App for students. We run Facebook support groups for teachers and provide the PSHE and Citizenship Academy.</p>
<p>Product Code: C8/QZ/267</p>
<p>You may also want to check out these other popular selling highly rated PSHE, RE Careers & Citizenship Resources we have created:</p>
<p><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/christianity-and-re-escape-room-12155061">Christianity and RE Escape Room</a><br />
<a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/religion-re-escape-room-12152225">KS3 Intro to Six World Religions Escape Room </a><br />
<a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/re-rs-christmas-big-bundle-12221505">RE Christmas Big Bundle Pack </a><br />
<a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/re-rs-christmas-big-bundle-12221505">GCSE RE - Escape Dr. Dreadful’s Mansion</a><br />
<a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sikhism-12107011">Exploring Sikhism Quiz </a><br />
<a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/equality-diversity-quiz-12149915">Celebrating Equality & Diversity </a><br />
<a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/multicultural-britain-citizenship-11980348">Multicultural Britain Lesson</a><br />
<a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/british-values-and-identity-citizenship-11980352">British Values & IDentity Lesson </a><br />
<a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/discrimination-equality-act-work-from-home-pack-12149319">Discrimination & Equality Act </a></p>
2 fun team/pub-style quizzes comprising of 6 rounds each, on a range of topics suitable for primary/secondary school students.
The questions were taken from The Telegraph website.
Please rate the resource and leave some feedback, it will be much appreciated.
*newly edited 17/09/2012*
Multiple choice quiz used as a starter for a lesson about Childrens Rights. The questions aimed to see what students already knew as well as a starting point for a class discussion (I think the questions were originally from the Newsround site). (LY)