French Calendar Puzzles / Worksheets (Days, Months, Dates)Quick View

French Calendar Puzzles / Worksheets (Days, Months, Dates)

Beginners KS2 / KS3 (Year 4, 5, 6 and 7) French Language Calendar (Le Calendrier) vocabulary writing activities (worksheets and puzzles) for revision of days, months and dates. Students practise months of the year (les mois de l’annee), days of the week (les jours de la semaine), saying the date (la date), and key phrases: ‘Quelle est la Date?’ and ‘C’est quel jour?’ 3 worksheets, 3 crossword puzzles and a word search.<br /> <br />  <br /> My FSL / MFL French basics resources and units suit students beginning French, near beginners (and intermediate learners for revision) in:<br /> * Upper Primary (Key Stage 2) - Year 4, 5, 6 (Y4 Y5 Y6)<br /> * Secondary (Key Stage 3) - especially Year 7 and 8 (Y7 / Y8)<br /> * Equivalents such as Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Core French in Canada<br /> * May suit others, depending on experience<br /> <br />  <br /> Differentiated versions of almost all activities. These resources will help you plan multiple lessons. <br /> <br /> The first two worksheets come in differentiated versions. The one-star versions are for younger, lower ability, or less experienced students. They include sentence starters and / or less challenging questions. Worksheet 2 is more challenging than the others, with a very short reading comprehension and questions related to yesterday’s and tomorrow’s date. Worksheet 3 (Anagrams) is not differentiated. All 3 crosswords come with and without supporting word banks. The word search comes in 2 versions too, one for older or higher ability students where they can write the French words on the lines once they have found them in the word search and an easier version with the first three letters of the French words provided.<br /> <br /> Within the Zip file are two PDF files, one containing the worksheets and the other the puzzles. These resources can be used in any English-speaking country (UK and US date versions where relevant).<br /> <br /> The puzzles include:<br /> <ul><br /> <li>A simple crossword for days of the week (Les jours de la semaine)</li><br /> <li>A simple crossword for months of the year (Les mois de l'annee)</li><br /> <li>A larger crossword combining days of the week and months of the year</li><br /> <li>A word search for days and months</li><br /> <li>Solutions for all 4 puzzles</li><br /> </ul><br /> As the first crossword is very small, two are included on one page. I would be very grateful for a review if you get a spare moment. Many thanks.<br /> <br /> Explore more French basics resources:<br /> <strong><a href="">Huge French Basics Bundle</a></strong><br /> <strong><a href="">French Basics Worksheets and Puzzles Bundle</a></strong><br /> <br /> Please visit <strong><a href="">FullShelf Resources</a></strong>


PRIMARY SPANISH YEAR 7 SPANISH KS3 SPANISH MONTHS AND SEASONS OF THE YEAR WORD SEARCHES ten differentiated word searches focusing on the months and seasons of the year in Spanish. <br /> <br /> Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use.<br /> <br /> My students really enjoy practicing their vocabulary with word searches. They like to work independently, either alone, in pairs or in small groups, challenging themselves and each other to progress through the challenges. In general, sopas de letras are a fabulous way of encouraging learners to engage with the written word in Spanish, refreshing and reinforcing language as they complete the grids.<br /> <br /> Word searches are easily differentiated too. In this set, there are five Spanish to Spanish grids, with the Spanish words as prompts. Students then find them in Spanish in the grid. A great way of really consolidating vocabulary is to get students to complete the word list on the grid sheet too. There are also five English to Spanish grids. With these, the prompt words are in English, so students have to know the correct Spanish word in order to find it in the grid. There's a word list to complete on these too. As the challenge increases, the words appear in an increasing number of different directions, and students can identify which directions they're looking for by referring to the arrow key on each grid. <br /> <br /> The word searches are in landscape format, and each grid has a corresponding answer key, which provide students with an additional opportunity to engage with language, helping them develop more independence in their learning.<br /> <br /> This kind of activity is useful in a variety of learning contexts: for cover lessons, as starters, refreshers, plenaries or fun-time fillers at any time during the school year.<br /> <br /> Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.<br /> <br /> ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN APRENDIZAJE!
Les saisons - seasons, months, weather and activities.Quick View

Les saisons - seasons, months, weather and activities.

A 36 slide Power Point about the seasons, months and weather. Includes sentence work on things that happen in the different seasons. Likes and dislikes about the different seasons. Includes speaking, reading and written activities. Enough material for 3-4 lessons. Suitable for KS2 and KS3.
French days, dates and monthsQuick View

French days, dates and months

<p>Use this Interactive Whiteboard resource to learn the days of the week and the months of the year. Then, challenge your children to identify full dates! The various tile can be clicked on to flip them over to reveal translations.</p>
Spanish dates, days and monthsQuick View

Spanish dates, days and months

<p>Las fechas, los dias y los meses worksheet to practise spellings of days and months of the year, plus spotting mistakes in written dates.</p> <p>Matching PPT available: <a href=""></a></p>
Spanish days, dates and monthsQuick View

Spanish days, dates and months

<p>-Learn days of the week, numbers up to 31 and months of the year in Spanish<br /> -Use the Slideshow mode on your Interactive Whiteboard and call out dates in Spanish/English<br /> -Ask the children to select the appropriate day, date and month by clicking on the correct tiles (the tiles will flip over to reveal the translation)<br /> -Challenge: See if you can identify 5 dates in under 30 seconds!</p>


KS3 GERMAN KS4 GERMAN GCSE GERMAN DATES DAYS MONTHS SEASONS CHALLENGE CARDS 48 DIFFERENTIATED QUESTION CARDS AND ANSWER KEY<br /> <br /> The resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. School licenses are available. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.<br /> <br /> Challenge cards are an ideal learning activity for German class. Students can develop, embed, reinforce and refresh their German language skills in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. This set focuses on German dates, days, months and seasons, which is usually described as beginner German vocabulary. The questions however are aimed at advanced beginner German into intermediate German students, as working with more complex language as quickly as possible helps progress students’ learning and gives them in a more realistic experience of the language they are learning.<br /> <br /> Questions and answers address a range of grammatical concepts, such as articles, cases, word order and adjectival endings. Students may not at this stage have formally engaged with all the language and grammar included in the set, and this makes the activity equally about practicing and consolidating German language skills and actively learning new language and grammar. The questions are entirely in German, including translation questions from both German into English and English into German. It’s important to help students understand as soon as possible that translation does not mean simply exchanging word for word, and that languages work in different ways to express the same meaning. The key to successful translation is to convey the original meaning accurately. Some questions address important dates or figures in German history, such as Tag der Deutschen Einheit and Angela Merkel.<br /> <br /> The set comprises the following non-editable files:<br /> = 48 differentiated question cards, 6 per A4 (8.5 x 11) paper. Laminate if possible, as the cards are more learner-friendly, and will remain in excellent condition for years<br /> = answer key - providing students with additional opportunity to engage with language, helping them develop more independence in their learning - and a great teacher time-saver too<br /> = answer recording sheet - print and photocopy an appropriate number for your class. I tend to use these only for more formal assessment purposes - students generally use their class workbooks to note and work out responses, saving prep time and expense.<br /> <br /> Have a browse in my store for more German resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.<br /> <br /> VIELEN DANK UND VIEL SPAß IN DER DEUTSCHSTUNDE!
Worksheet | Numbers and Months | SpanishQuick View

Worksheet | Numbers and Months | Spanish

<p>¡Hola, profes!</p> <p>This material includes 4 worksheets (PowerPoint- in case you want to edit it- and PDF formats) focused on learning/revising numbers (1-31) and the months of the year in Spanish. They are ideal to consolidate learning, to be used as homework or cover work.</p> <p>If you found this resource helpful, I would love to see your review. That will help me continue creating more content for teachers like you. ¡Muchas gracias!</p>


<p><strong>KS3 ITALIAN GCSE ITALIAN KS4 ITALIAN DATES DAYS MONTHS SEASONS CHALLENGE CARDS</strong> are perfect for <strong>KS3 Italian</strong>, and really do help to create a lively language learning environment. Students can develop, embed, reinforce and refresh their knowledge of this essential <strong>Italian</strong> vocabulary in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. They have a <em><strong>bonus multi-skill focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading and spelling</strong></em>. They’re great for helping students familiarize themselves with, and develop competence in, <em><strong>speaking, reading, writing and spelling in Italian</strong></em> in general, and certainly in***Italian dates, days, months and seasons*** in particular. The cards are useful not only when you’re focusing on this particular vocabulary area, but also as an all-year-round starter, plenary and general ‘pick-me-up’ activity, as the goal is not simply to learn how these words and phrases in <em><strong>Italian</strong></em>, but also to enjoy working with <em><strong>Italian</strong></em>, and to feel confident about doing so.</p> <p>The questions range in <em><strong>complexity and challenge</strong></em>, and some call upon <em><strong>prior knowledge</strong></em> too, helping students <em><strong>make links and build bridges in their learning</strong></em>. There may be some words students are not familiar with - these questions give them the opportunity to learn and apply new language too. There’s also a <em><strong>question card template</strong></em> for students to use language <em><strong>practically and creatively</strong></em>, and craft questions and answers for each other - this is a really popular activity with my students.</p> <p><strong>The resource comprises the following non-editable files:</strong></p> <p><em><strong>Set of 48 differentiated question cards</strong></em>, 4 per A4 (8.5 x 11) paper</p> <p><em><strong>answer recording sheet</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>answer key</strong></em> - laminate for longevity - one answer key for each small group is sufficient - students can assess their own or each others’ work, which helps develop independence in learning, and is also a great teacher time-saver!</p> <p><em><strong>4 question cards template</strong></em> for students to apply their knowledge practically, and to create questions for each other - this is a really challenging and popular activity.</p> <p><em><strong>Have a browse in my store for more Italian independent learning activities, and a wide range of other Italian teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles, resource boxes, and lots of freebies too!</strong></em></p> <p><em>Files are non-editable in a zipped format. This resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use.</em></p> <p><strong>GRAZIE MILLE E BUON APPRENDIMENTO!</strong></p>


<p><strong>PRIMARY FRENCH KS2 FRENCH KS3 FRENCH KS4 FRENCH DATES DAYS MONTHS SEASONS CHALLENGE CARDS</strong></p> <p><em><strong>The resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way, The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.</strong></em></p> <p>The <em><strong>differentiated questions</strong></em> have a <em><strong>multi-skill focus</strong></em> on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading and spelling. They’re great for helping students familiarise themselves with, and develop competence in, speaking, reading, writing and spelling in <em><strong>French</strong></em> in general, with <em><strong>grammatical concepts</strong></em> such as definite and indefinite articles, singular and plural, and gender agreement.</p> <p>The questions are entirely in <em><strong>French</strong></em>, with some <em><strong>translation questions</strong></em> both from <em><strong>French into English</strong></em>, and <em><strong>English into French</strong></em>. It’s important to help students understand as soon as possible that translation does not mean simply exchanging word for word, and that languages do work in different ways to express the same things.</p> <p><em><strong>The set comprises the following non-editable files:</strong></em><br /> = 36 differentiated question cards, 6 per A4 (8.5 x 11) paper. Laminate if possible - it’s definitely worth the extra prep time and expense, as they’re far more learner-friendly and remain in excellent condiition for years<br /> = answer recording sheet &amp; answer key<br /> = question card template enables students to apply their knowledge of language creatively and practically<br /> = vocabulary reference sheet</p> <p><em><strong>Try this freebie:</strong></em><br /> <strong>FRENCH DATES DAYS MONTHS SEASONS : 12 CHALLENGE CARDS WITH ANSWER KEY &amp; RECORDING SHEET FREEBIE</strong><br /> <a href="http://" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p><em><strong>Have a browse in my store for more French resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.</strong></em></p> <p><strong>MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPRENTISSAGE !</strong></p>


<p><strong>ESL EFL ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN ADVANCED BEGINNER ENGLISH INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH DATES, DAYS, MONTHS AND SEASONS TASK CARDS</strong></p> <p><em><strong>The product is non-editable in a zipped format, It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use.</strong></em></p> <p>Ideal for <em><strong>advanced beginner English</strong></em> into <em><strong>intermediate English</strong></em>, and really do help to create a lively language learning environment. Students can develop, embed, reinforce and refresh their knowledge of this essential English language in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. The questions have a <em><strong>multi-skill focus</strong></em> on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading and spelling.</p> <p>The questions range in <em><strong>complexity and challenge</strong></em>, and some call upon prior knowledge too, helping students make links and build bridges in their learning. There may be some words students are not familiar with - these questions give them the opportunity to learn and apply new language too, which is essential for progress in language learning. There is a significant amount of <em><strong>practice and consolidation of language and grammar</strong></em>, such as word order, punctuation, nuances of spoken versus written language, tense, and ordinal / cardinal numbers. This maximizes the learning potential of the activity, which I take further when we look at multiple choice questions seeking to identify errors - being able to identify errors, and explain what is inaccurate, is again a really important language learning skill, and really helps students progress successfully in their learning.</p> <p>The <em><strong>question card template</strong></em> enables students to apply their knowledge of language creatively and practically, and it’s a really popular activity too - my students really enjoy creating questions for each other.</p> <p><em><strong>The resource comprises the following non-editable files:</strong></em><br /> = 36 differentiated question cards, 4 per A4 (8.5 x 11) paper. Laminating is definitely worth the extra prep time and expense, as the cards are far more learner-friendly, and remain in excellent condition for years.<br /> = answer key &amp; answer recording sheet I tend to use these for more formal assessment purposes, so for class work, my students use their work notebook, which also saves on prep and paper.<br /> = vocabulary reference sheet</p> <p><em><strong>Have a browse in my store for more ESL English resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.</strong></em></p> <p><strong>THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!</strong></p>


<p><strong>ADVANCED BEGINNER GERMAN INTERMEDIATE GERMAN DATES DAYS MONTHS SEASONS TASK CARDS 48 DIFFERENTIATED QUESTION CARDS AND ANSWER KEY</strong></p> <p><em><strong>The resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. School licenses are available. Please read the Terms of Use carefully.</strong></em></p> <p>Task cards are an ideal learning activity for <em><strong>German class</strong></em>. Students can develop, embed, reinforce and refresh their <em><strong>German language skills</strong></em> in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. This set focuses on <em><strong>German dates, days, months and seasons</strong></em>, which is usually described as <em><strong>beginner German vocabulary</strong></em>. The questions however are aimed at <em><strong>advanced beginner German</strong></em> into <em><strong>intermediate German</strong></em> students, as working with more complex language as quickly as possible helps progress students’ learning and gives them in a more realistic experience of the language they are learning.</p> <p>Questions and answers address a range of <em><strong>grammatical concepts</strong></em>, such as <em><strong>articles</strong></em>, <em><strong>cases</strong></em>, <em><strong>word order</strong></em> and <em><strong>adjectival endings</strong></em>. Students may not at this stage have formally engaged with all the language and grammar included in the set, and this makes the activity equally about practicing and consolidating <em><strong>German language skills</strong></em> and actively learning new language and grammar. The questions are entirely in <em><strong>German</strong></em>, including <em><strong>translation questions</strong></em> from both <em><strong>German into English</strong></em> and <em><strong>English into German</strong></em>. It’s important to help students understand as soon as possible that translation does not mean simply exchanging word for word, and that languages work in different ways to express the same meaning. The key to successful translation is to convey the original meaning accurately. Some questions address important dates or figures in <em><strong>German history</strong></em>, such as <em><strong>Tag der Deutschen Einheit</strong></em> and <em><strong>Angela Merkel</strong></em>.</p> <p><em><strong>The set comprises the following non-editable files:</strong></em><br /> = 48 differentiated question cards, 6 per A4 (8.5 x 11) paper. Laminate if possible, as the cards are more learner-friendly, and will remain in excellent condition for years<br /> = answer key - providing students with additional opportunity to engage with language, helping them develop more independence in their learning - and a great teacher time-saver too<br /> = answer recording sheet - print and photocopy an appropriate number for your class. I tend to use these only for more formal assessment purposes - students generally use their class workbooks to note and work out responses, saving prep time and expense.</p> <p><em><strong>Have a browse in my store for more German resources, including special offer bundles and freebies.</strong></em></p> <p><strong>VIELEN DANK UND VIEL SPAß IN DER DEUTSCHSTUNDE!</strong></p>
Days, months, years & seasonsQuick View

Days, months, years & seasons

<p>Worksheet to fill-in the days of the week, months of the year and the seasons. Incorporates concept of there are (il y a) ___ days in a week, there are ___ months in a year, there are ____ seasons in a year, thus a re-cap on number work. More of a revision worksheet as no vocab given. Feedback as to how successful this worksheet was, would be much appreciated.</p>
Essential Spanish: Days/Months/Numbers/DatesQuick View

Essential Spanish: Days/Months/Numbers/Dates

<p>A nice tie off lesson covering:</p> <ul> <li>days of the week</li> <li>months</li> <li>opinions</li> <li>numbers 1-100+</li> <li>using ‘de’</li> </ul> <p>Useful for Years 7-11 for a one off revision lesson.</p>
FRENCH - Months & Seasons - Les Mois de l'Année et Les Saisons - WorksheetsQuick View

FRENCH - Months & Seasons - Les Mois de l'Année et Les Saisons - Worksheets

<p>A selection of worksheets for practicing the names of the months of the year in French. Follow on worksheet introduces the names of the seasons with a gap-fill activity. There is also an exercise to say what the weather is like in different seasons and another exercise to say what you wear in different types of weather. Useful for revising clothes vocabulary. Finally there is a crossword puzzel and a completed one too. There are <strong>8</strong> files in total. Feedback is welcome. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’</p> <p><strong>AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH WORD DOCUMENT PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’s SO THAT YOU CAN SEE HOW THE WORKSHEETS LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.</strong></p>
Months, days and dateQuick View

Months, days and date

A powerpoint that can be used to teach date to beginner level.<br /> There is:<br /> - A presentation of the months and the special days that France celebrate <br /> - A snap game<br /> - A game with a song <br /> - Presentation of the days and a song<br /> - How to write a date<br /> -Match up
Spanish Display | Days, months and seasonsQuick View

Spanish Display | Days, months and seasons

<p><em>¡Hola, profes!</em></p> <p>This resource includes a classroom display containing the days of the week, months of the year and seasons. It’s ideal to decorate a Spanish classroom or Languages corridor!</p> <p>Thanks for donwloading this FREE material! If you liked it, I would really appreciate your review. That will help me reach more language teachers. *¡Gracias! *:)</p>