Family: Types of Family PSHEQuick View

Family: Types of Family PSHE

<p>2 HOURS PSHE - NEW Different Families + Committed Relationships PSHE lesson exploring different, stable family relationships and roles - including single parenting, same-sex parenting, adoption, extended families and other, non-traditional family units. The lesson also explores different long-term commitments (marriage, civil partnerships) that couples often enter into when starting a family. Best suited to KS3, all editable. Lesson plan included.</p> <p>Check out the EC Publishing website for full, affordable PSHE, Citizenship and RE Packages for all year groups. You can contact us at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>Who are EC Resources?<br /> EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, The British Legion, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK.</p> <p>Check out our PSHE Packages on Tes here:<br /> <a href="">Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE</a><br /> <a href="">Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE</a><br /> <a href="">Complete KS5 PSHE and RSE</a><br /> <a href="">One Year of Citizenship and British Values</a><br /> <a href="">Complete KS3 RE</a><br /> <a href="">Complete Careers and Employability</a><br /> <a href="">AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack</a></p> <p>Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group,</a> with 12,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.</p>
Family PSHEQuick View

Family PSHE

<p>Fits the new PSHE 2020-24 PSHE planning curriculum. A lesson exploring different family relationships and roles - including an overview of single parenting, same-sex parenting, adoption, extended families and other, non-traditional family units. The lesson also explores different long-term commitments (marriage, civil partnerships) that couples often enter into when starting a family.</p> <p>This PSHE lesson contains a 1 -2 hour PowerPoint, worksheets, clips, well differentiated, KS3/ KS4.<br /> Designed to fit PSHE Association’s recommended PSHE Schemes of Work for 2020 and the new DfE guidance.</p> <p>All our KS3, KS4 and KS5 PSHE resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each.</p> <p>Who are EC Resources?<br /> EC Resources are the top TES PSHE providers and are a group of teachers who work together to create easy to use, high quality and editable lessons and units of work. We have created lessons for The bank of England, The Children’s Commissioner, The Bank of England, MACS Charity, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK.</p> <p>Check out our PSHE Packages here:<br /> <a href="">Complete KS3 PSHE and RSE</a><br /> <a href="">Complete KS4 PSHE and RSE</a><br /> <a href="">One Year of KS5 PSHE and RSE</a><br /> <a href="">One Year of Citizenship and British Values</a><br /> <a href="">Complete Year 7 and 8 RE</a><br /> <a href="">Complete Careers and Employability</a><br /> <a href="">AQA Citizenship GCSE Mega Pack</a></p> <p>You can contact us at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>Teaching PSHE, RE or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Citizenship and PSHE teachers Facebook group,</a> with 7000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.</p>
Spanish Family Worksheet PackQuick View
Suzanne Rose

Spanish Family Worksheet Pack

<p>La Familia – Spanish vocabulary and grammar practice worksheets.<br /> Practise speaking and writing about your family in Spanish.<br /> Students will be able to:<br /> • Name and spell nouns for members of the family.<br /> • Use ‘llamarse’ in the 1st and 3rd person singular, and 3rd plural.<br /> • Use ‘tener to give someone’s age.<br /> • Revise numbers.<br /> • Write a short paragraph using prompts to describe who is in your family, where they live, how old they are, pets and languages revising use of ‘vivir and ‘hablar’.<br /> • Read a text &amp; answer true or false questions and gap fill key verbs.<br /> • Translate sentences into English and into Spanish.<br /> • Check their learning with a summary ‘I can…’ page covering vocabulary, word order and<br /> key speaking questions for the topic.</p> <p>Includes 7 worksheets to practise vocabulary for Spanish family.<br /> Can be used as stand- alone worksheets or to practise key vocabulary from a lesson.<br /> Suitable for non-specialist Spanish teachers in primary or secondary.<br /> Ideal for home-based learning.<br /> Variety of practice tasks ideal for homework or classroom-based practice.<br /> Complete set of answers.<br /> Suitable for ages 8 and above, KS2 and Yr7, Yr8.</p> <p>Also available in French and German.</p> <p>You might also be interested in: Spanish Animals Worksheet Pack<br /> <a href=""></a></p>
AQA A Level Sociology FAMILYQuick View

AQA A Level Sociology FAMILY

<p>Full teaching pack of resources for the full unit of AQA A Level (new spec) Sociology FAMILIES AND HOUSEHOLDS. This includes all teaching materials, activities and resources; including;<br /> Teacher booklets<br /> Student booklets<br /> All PPTs<br /> All activities<br /> All homework tasks</p>
French Family Ma Famille WorksheetsQuick View

French Family Ma Famille Worksheets

<p>Beginners KS2 / KS3 writing activities for a My Family / La Famille topic: 3 worksheets, a crossword puzzle, a word search and 2 vocabulary support pages for consolidation and revision of family members vocabulary in French and linked phrases.</p> <p> <br /> My FSL / MFL French basics resources and units suit students beginning French, near beginners (and intermediate learners for revision) in:</p> <ul> <li>Upper Primary (Key Stage 2) - Year 4, 5, 6 (Y4 Y5 Y6)</li> <li>Secondary (Key Stage 3) - especially Year 7 and 8 (Y7 / Y8)</li> <li>Equivalents such as Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Core French in Canada</li> <li>May suit others, depending on experience</li> </ul> <p> <br /> <strong>Differentiation</strong>: one of the worksheets and the 2 puzzles are included in two versions to suit different abilities. <strong>Answers</strong> included for all. All are in <strong>PDF</strong> format within the Zip File.</p> <p> <br /> <strong>SAVE</strong>: Available in a <strong><a href="">French Family BUNDLE</a></strong> with a <strong><a href="">French Family Lesson Presentation</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">French Family Games</a></strong>.</p> <p><em><strong>ALSO AVAILABLE IN</strong></em>:<br /> <strong><a href="">French Family and Pets BIG BUNDLE</a></strong><br /> <strong><a href="">French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 2</a></strong><br /> <strong><a href="">French Worksheets MEGA BUNDLE</a></strong></p> <p><em><strong>YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE…</strong></em><br /> <strong><a href="">24 French Family and Pets Role Play Cards</a></strong></p> <p> <br /> Includes these family members: le frere (brother), la soeur (sister), le fils (son), la fille (daughter), le pere (father), la mere (mother), le bebe (baby), le grand-pere (grandfather), la grand-mere (grandmother), le beau-pere (stepfather), la belle-mere (stepmother), le demi-frere (stepbrother), la demi-soeur (stepsister), l’oncle (uncle), la tante (aunt), le cousin (male cousin), la cousine (female cousin), les jumeaux (twins), enfant unique (only child). ‘Mon’ and ‘ma’ are also used to say ‘my father’, ‘my sister’ etc.</p> <p> <br /> The worksheets also practise answering questions about families such as <em>Qui est-ce?</em> (Who is this?), <em>Tu as des freres ou des soeurs?</em> (Do you have any brothers or sisters?) and <em>Combien de personnes il y a dans ta famille?</em> (How many people are there in your family?). Giving names, ages and information about where people live is also consolidated alongside family vocabulary.</p> <p> <br /> <em><strong>MANY MORE FRENCH TOPICS TO EXPLORE…</strong></em></p> <p><strong><a href="">French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1</a></strong><br /> <strong><a href="">French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3</a></strong></p>
Number Fact FamiliesQuick View

Number Fact Families

<p>Number Fact Families</p> <p>In this teaching resource pupils are introduced to the relationship between addition and subtraction as per the statutory requirements of the year 1 and year 2 maths programme of study (Number - addition and subtraction).</p> <p>This animated 36 slide PowerPoint presentation includes:</p> <ul> <li>An interactive activity and accompanying worksheet</li> <li>3 further differentiated worksheets to consolidate understanding</li> <li>A link to a fact families song</li> </ul> <p>‘Number Fact Families’ is completely editable giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching needs.</p> <p><strong>Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 1 addition and subtraction resources:</strong></p> <p><a href="">Addition and Subtraction are Opposites - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Addition and Subtraction Facts - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Making Ten - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Adding Using a Number Line - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Let’s Take Away - Beginning to Subtract</a><br /> <a href="">Taking Away Using a Number Line - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Year 1 Addition and Subtraction Bundle</a><br /> <a href="">Year 1 Number Bonds Bundle</a><br /> <a href="">Year 1 Addition and Subtraction within 10 Bundle</a></p>
Families Assembly | Celebrating Family TypesQuick View

Families Assembly | Celebrating Family Types

<p>This <strong>assembly</strong> is all about diversity of families and different family types. It would be perfect for a <strong>diversity wee</strong>k or just as part of your <strong>assembly schedule</strong>. The assembly PowerPoint teaches pupils about different family types, guides discussion, introduces case studies about different types of family and also has a quiz at the end.</p> <p>Also included are three <strong>worksheets</strong>:</p> <ul> <li>A celebrating families crossword (and answers)</li> <li>A family portrait</li> <li>A true or false quiz (and answers)</li> </ul> <p>What’s included?</p> <ul> <li>A 23 slide PowerPoint</li> <li>3 worksheets and answers</li> </ul>
Family (Families and Households) - AQA A-level Sociology - Entire Unit - Updated for 2024/2025Quick View

Family (Families and Households) - AQA A-level Sociology - Entire Unit - Updated for 2024/2025

7 Resources
<p>Presentation sets for all 7 topics of the family unit for AQA A-level Sociology. Contains all key knowledge, engaging activities, group presentations, and assessments. All topics are between 2 and 4 hour-long lessons. Any questions, email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
Relationships & Families - WHOLE UNIT! (AQA RS GCSE)Quick View

Relationships & Families - WHOLE UNIT! (AQA RS GCSE)

<p>Complete unit of work covering the relationships and families topic as part of the AQA Religious Studies GCSE, though may also be appropriate for other exam boards.</p> <p>This resource includes at least 8 hours of teaching time, covering the nature and purpose of families; marriage; divorce and remarriage; attitudes towards sex, including sex before and outside of marriage; cohabitation; contraception; homosexuality / same-sex relationships, parents and marriage; gender roles and equality; and revision resources.</p> <p>There are a range of activities, lesson powerpoints and worksheets to keep students engaged and lessons varied.</p> <p>All content is covered from Christianity and Islam, inclusive of lots of religious teachings and examples, as well as non-religious ideas.</p> <p>The whole unit is complete and ready to teach with easy to follow lessons.</p> <p>Please leave a review, and happy teaching!</p>
La familia - hermanos (family and siblings) Conti StyleQuick View

La familia - hermanos (family and siblings) Conti Style

<p>This resource is to practice basic family vocabulary and siblings. It has different Conti style activities <strong>IT IS EDITABLE:</strong><br /> Flashcards for papá, mamá, hermano, hermana, abuelo, abuela, familia.<br /> What is missing? Game<br /> match the word with the picture<br /> Sentence builder<br /> Listen and tick the word I say<br /> Sentence stealer<br /> Read my mind<br /> Faulty echo<br /> Sentence bingo<br /> Break the flow<br /> The honeycomb (put words in order)<br /> Pyramid translation</p>
Family & Households AQA A-Level Revision GridsQuick View

Family & Households AQA A-Level Revision Grids

<p>This is a tried and tested resource that students can work through for revision or set homework tasks. Whilst it is useful to any teacher of Sociology, it follows the AQA specification for the A-Level Families and Households topics:</p> <ul> <li>Theories of the family</li> <li>Couples</li> <li>Social Policy</li> <li>Changing Family Patterns</li> <li>Family Diversity</li> <li>Demography</li> <li>Childhood</li> </ul> <p>It is a task focused booklet as opposed to a content overview worksheet. Students are given prompts to direct their revision.</p> <p>Worksheet to be printed on A3 - double sided.</p>
Family Diversity - AQA A-level Sociology - Family Unit - Topic 6Quick View

Family Diversity - AQA A-level Sociology - Family Unit - Topic 6

<p>Updated for 2024/2025. 2 lesson presentation set for the ‘family diversity’ topic. Contains engaging activities, all the key knowledge and assessment questions. <a href=""></a></p>
Fact Families - Addition Facts - Year 1Quick View

Fact Families - Addition Facts - Year 1

<p>Fact Families - Addition Facts - Year 1</p> <p>In ‘Fact Families - Addition Facts - Year 1’ pupils build on their knowledge of writing addition sentences by writing addition fact families within ten. This maths teaching resource supports the White Rose small steps guidance for Year 1 - Autumn - Block 2 - Addition and Subtraction. Content include:</p> <ul> <li>Animated PowerPoint presentation</li> <li>Activities to support the teaching of this small step with 3 accompanying worksheets</li> <li>1 further worksheet with answers</li> </ul> <p>‘Fact Families - Addition Facts - Year 1’ is fully editable, allowing teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to meet all their teaching requirements.</p> <p><strong>Not quite what you’re looking for? Click below for similar Year 1 White Rose addition and subtraction resources:</strong></p> <p><a href="">Parts and Wholes - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Part-whole Models - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Writing Addition Number Sentences - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Fact Families - the eight facts - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Number Bonds Within 10 - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Systematic Number Bonds Within 10 - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Number Bonds to 10 - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Addition - Adding Together - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Addition - Adding More - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Addition Problems - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Finding a Part - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Subtraction - finding a part - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Subtraction - Taking Away and Crossing Out - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Subtraction - Taking Away - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Subtraction on a Number Line - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Add or Subtract 1 or 2 - Year 1</a><br /> <a href="">Year 1 Addition and Subtraction within 10 Bundle</a></p>
Key Terms & Evidence Bank - Changing Family Patterns - Family & Households AQAQuick View

Key Terms & Evidence Bank - Changing Family Patterns - Family & Households AQA

<p>This document contains:</p> <p>**1. Key term and evidence bank for ‘Changing Family Patterns’ chapter within the AQA A-Level Sociology paper 2 topic of ‘Family &amp; Households’ **</p> <p>Compiled using the AQA specification, mark schemes and approved textbooks. I provide this document to students at the beginning of the topic, and they are expected to complete the definitions &amp; summary of key thinkers as we move through the topic. There are extra boxes for each, to allow the higher ability students room to add in knowledge that they gain through further reading.</p> <p><strong>2. Quiz of knowledge + teacher copy with answers</strong></p> <p>I give students a date to which all key term definitions &amp; key thinker summaries should be filled in. On this day students are allotted 10 minutes (in exam conditions) to complete the quiz. The quiz asks 10 ‘who said what?’ and 10 ‘which key term matches each definition?’ questions. We then go through the answers, which can be used to create a larger revision discussion on the related research etc.</p>
Spanish Family - Mi FamiliaQuick View

Spanish Family - Mi Familia

Basic family tree Worksheet with exercises. It’s good practice for Family, Vocabulary and Revision of Numbers (family members' age).
Family and relationship in FrenchQuick View

Family and relationship in French

<p>Starter: vocabulary test on family and relationships,<br /> Short listening task, audio included about family (lower ability)<br /> Differentiated outcomes<br /> Mini Whiteboard task: Practising keywords, key phrases about relationships , focusing on spellings<br /> Mini test to recap learning<br /> Self assessment</p>
French possessive adjectives -  familiesQuick View

French possessive adjectives - families

This was made for Year 9 top set, to recap/ introduce all possessive adjectives. I got pupils to use what they had learnt to write creatively about another famous family when they had completed all the exercises.
Family descriptionsQuick View

Family descriptions

Various mini activities to describe family and pets - originally used for Y9 revision but easily adapted for Y7 and 8.