Headteacher's Report to Governors TemplateQuick View

Headteacher's Report to Governors Template

The headteacher’s report to governors is essential for providing the governing body with the necessary information about the school to make informed strategic decisions, ultimately enabling them to fulfil their responsibilities. Utilise our Headteacher’s Report to Governors to ensure you share the appropriate information each term to keep governors up to date. This fully editable word document template enables you to share information such as pupil numbers, staffing, attendance, SEND, safeguarding, behaviour, welfare, quality of education and more in an easy to read and digest format. Our full Ofsted Inspection Preparation pack includes this and so much more. Visit honeyguide-sls.co.uk for further information. Disclaimer: This resource is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as professional advice. The information provided herein is not tailored to your specific circumstances therefore we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.
Annual Safeguarding Report to Governors TemplateQuick View

Annual Safeguarding Report to Governors Template

An annual safeguarding report to governors has a dual function: It generates a report for the governing body, allowing them to monitor the school’s safeguarding practices and ensure adherence to the statutory guidance outlined in the KCSIE. It enables the governing body to verify that the school is fulfilling its safeguarding obligations and provides supporting evidence for Ofsted inspectors during assessments of safeguarding practice. Utilise our Annual Safeguarding Report to Governors to ensure you share a summary of appropriate safeguarding information each year to keep governors up to date. This fully editable word document template enables you to share information such as DSL, safer recruitment, staff training including prevent duty, information on new starters, volunteers and visitors, single central record (SCR), policies and procedures, curriculum and online safety, referrals and multi-agency work and more in an easy to read and digest format. Our full Ofsted Inspection Preparation pack includes this and so much more. Visit honeyguide-sls.co.uk for further information. Disclaimer: This resource is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as professional advice. The information provided herein is not tailored to your specific circumstances therefore we can not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the information provided is strictly at your own risk.
Governor monitoring visit form exampleQuick View

Governor monitoring visit form example

An example form to be filled in by Governors when they carry out their visits. This provides concrete written evidence towards school improvement for Ofsted etc. Preview shows top part of the document.
Safeguarding Questions for GovernorsQuick View

Safeguarding Questions for Governors

Asking the right safeguarding questions can be challenging for school govenors who want to ensure the school is upholding its statutory child protection duties. It can be difficult to know what safeguarding questions to ask, what safeguarding data should be gathered, how to present this information to the full governing board and how to support and challenge the school on safeguarding. This handy template supports this process by providing questions that safeguarding link governors can ask when they conduct safeguarding visits in school. This resource is available on our website for £2 on Honeyguide SLS
Governor VisitsQuick View

Governor Visits

A policy and process/report form that will guide governors through visits and ensure they are carried out in a professional, evaluative and sensitive manner. Designed to gather key strategic information that will contribute effectively to school self evaluation.
Board of GovernorsQuick View

Board of Governors

Speaking and Listening Lesson for KS4 Speaking and listening preparation. Students act as the board of governors for a school.
Spearing the GovernorQuick View

Spearing the Governor

In this video presentation from the Natural History Museum we see one of the most famous paintings from the early British colonization of Australia depicts a dramatic incident in which Governor Arthur Phillip, was wounded by a spear thrown by an Aboriginal Australian man.
Jimmy Governor HandoutQuick View

Jimmy Governor Handout

Jimmy Governor Handout Handout activities Include: Text Overview Student Questions Page Source Analysis Template – can be used for pictures or used to work with the overview text. 2 KWL Templates Scroll/Coin/Stamp and Book cover template pages Brain Break Activity Word Search Template Extension Task Template
Subject Leader Report to GovernorsQuick View

Subject Leader Report to Governors

Involving and reporting to governors is an important aspect of subject leadership. Keep link governors and the wider governing body informed and up to date on the work you have understaken in your subject area as subject lead with these helpful templates. More subject leadership resources can be found on our website - Honeyguide-sls.co.uk
Effectiveness of Governors AuditQuick View

Effectiveness of Governors Audit

Enabling governing bodies to identify and justify strengths as well as potential gaps in skill set. A document that can demonstrate leadership capacity in the current education climate.
Governors Induction HandbookQuick View

Governors Induction Handbook

A great editable guide for schools to use when developing procedures for new governors including getting them up to speed for your school priorities - fast!