Gymnastics Group of 4 balancesQuick View

Gymnastics Group of 4 balances

<p>This gymnastics group balances for groups of 4 reference sheet and task card set are perfect for your Primary or Secondary Gymnastics Lessons. This resource includes a set of Gymnastics group balances task cards for group balances and routines as well as a differentiated visual aid (with around 30 balances) students can use to copy the group balances from.</p> <p>The task cards contain 16 tasks on 13 pages. The tasks take students through how to match, mirror and complement individual balances as well as creating their own interpretations independently. They also included tasks that use the group of 4 balances resource sheet:</p> <ul> <li>Students select and practice</li> <li>Find ways of getting into and out of the balances</li> <li>Linking 2 group of 4 balances together</li> <li>Developing their own 4 person balances by matching and mirroring pairs balances, trio balances, top positions or base positions given</li> <li>Creating a short sequence</li> </ul> <p>Easiest to hardest: Green, Yellow, Red, Purple</p> <p>I would only suggest purple and red to those that are really competent gymnasts and have done some sports acro before - otherwise support would be required.</p> <p>Recommendations for use for the A4 resource card:</p> <ul> <li>Give each group a copy of the resource and they can self differentiate</li> <li>Give each group a copy and give them a colour to try based on their ability</li> <li>Ask students to pick a balance and change one of the positions to create a new balance and show the class</li> <li>Get students to adapt the balances for apparatus</li> </ul> <p>Need other gymnastics balances? <a href=";q=gymnastics%20balances&amp;shop=MissEHoney">Click here </a></p>
Gymnastics Pairs BalancesQuick View

Gymnastics Pairs Balances

<p>This gymanstics pair balances reference sheet and task card set are perfect for your Primary or Secondary Gymnastics Lessons. This resource includes a set of Gymnastics Pair Balances task cards for pairs balances and routines as well as an A4 differentiated visual aid (with around 50 balances) students can use to copy the paired balances from.</p> <p>The tasks take students through how to match and mirror individual balances and matching and mirroring independently. They also included tasks that use the pair balances resource sheet:</p> <ul> <li>Students select and practice</li> <li>Find ways of getting into and out of the balances</li> <li>Linking 2 pair balances together</li> <li>Developing their own balances from pair or base positions given</li> <li>Creating a short sequence</li> </ul> <p>The pair balances resource sheet includes balances that are differentiated by colour. Easiest to hardest: Green, Yellow, Red, Purple</p> <p>I would only suggest purple and red to those that are really competent gymnasts and have done some sports acro before - otherwise support would be required.</p> <p>If you want lesson plans for pair routines<a href=""> check out my SOW here!</a></p> <p>Recommendations for use:</p> <ul> <li>Give each group a copy of the resource and they can self differentiate</li> <li>Give each group a copy and give them a colour to try based on their ability</li> <li>Ask students to pick a balance and change one of the positions to create a new balance and show the class</li> <li>Get students to adapt the balances for apparatus</li> </ul> <p>Need other gymnastics balances? <a href=";q=gymnastics%20balances&amp;shop=MissEHoney">Click here </a></p>
Individual Gymnastics BalancesQuick View

Individual Gymnastics Balances

<p>A group of resource and task cards for individual gymnastics balances that students can use to select and accurately replicate balances for their routines. Useful in a secondary or primary PE lesson on balance or routines and great for independent work.</p> <p>This is used in my Scheme of work for individual routines available <a href="">here</a></p> <p>Included in this resource:</p> <ul> <li>A4 black and white page with approx 45 balances on for students to copy</li> <li>Differentiated by colour A4 page with approx 45 balances on (green - easy, yellow - medium, red- hard, purple -challenging</li> <li>An A4 page where the balances are grouped by difficulty</li> <li>An A4 page where the balances are grouped by height (good for compositional work with students to get them to see the different between heights)</li> <li>An A4 activity/task card with 7 different tasks students can work through independently - culminating in them creating a short sequence of their own.(editable and pdf versions)</li> <li></li> </ul> <p>Recommendations for the A4 page of 45 balances:</p> <ul> <li>Give each student a copy of the resource</li> <li>Give a group a copy and challenge them to match or mirror the balances</li> <li>Ask students to pick a balance and change one of the leg or arm positions to create a new balance and show the class</li> <li>Get students to adapt the balances for apparatus</li> </ul> <p>Need other gymnastics balances? <a href=";q=gymnastics%20balances&amp;shop=MissEHoney">Click here </a></p>
Gymnastics group balances 5+Quick View

Gymnastics group balances 5+

<p>An A4 differentiated gymnastics balance task card students can use in a gymnastics lesson on balances or routines to copy the group of 5+ balances from. Easiest to hardest: Green, Yellow, Red , Purple. There is at least one balance for groups of 5, 6, 7, and 8.</p> <p>I would only suggest purple to those that are really competent gymnasts and have done some sports acro before - otherwise lots of support would be required. I also would suggest support for those attempting red if they do not have a gymnastics background.</p> <p>Recommendations for use:</p> <ul> <li>Give each group a copy of the resource and they can self differentiate</li> <li>Give each group a copy and give them a colour to try based on their ability</li> <li>Ask students to pick a balance and change one of the positions to create a new balance and show the class</li> <li>Get students to adapt the balances for apparatus</li> </ul> <p>Need other gymnastics balances? <a href=";q=gymnastics%20balances&amp;shop=MissEHoney">Click here </a></p> <p>Please email me at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> if you would like a custom gymnastics balances product or bundle.</p>
Gymnastics Balance CardsQuick View

Gymnastics Balance Cards

<p>12 Balance Card activities, perfect for KS2 Gymnastics lessons!</p> <p>Set these up on different circuit stations for children to practise in pairs!</p>
Gymnastics balances - Differentiated  counter tension and counter balanceQuick View

Gymnastics balances - Differentiated counter tension and counter balance

<p>A comprehensive set of differentiated task card students can use to copy counter balance and counter tension balances from. This product includes:</p> <ul> <li>All the differentiated balances on A4 landscape</li> <li>Seperate A4 portrait versions of each of the 6 sections (could be used as differentiated stations)</li> </ul> <p>Please see <a href="">here </a>for a less comprehensive free resource on counter balance and counter tension.</p> <p>Some products you might like:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Individual balances</a></li> <li><a href="">Pair balances</a></li> <li><a href="">Trio balances</a></li> <li><a href="">Group of 4 balances</a></li> </ul> <p>Please email me on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> if you would like a custom gymnastics product.</p>
Gymnastics Trio balancesQuick View

Gymnastics Trio balances

<p>This gymnastics trio balances reference sheet and task card set are perfect for your Primary or Secondary Gymnastics Lessons. This Resources includes a set of Gymnastics group balances task cards for trio balances and routines as well as an A4 differentiated visual aid (with around 50 balances) students can use to copy the trio balances from.</p> <p>The tasks take students through how to match, mirror and complement individual balances as well as creating their own interpretations independently. They also included tasks that use the trio balances resource sheet:</p> <ul> <li>Students select and practice</li> <li>Find ways of getting into and out of the balances</li> <li>Linking 2 trio balances together</li> <li>Developing their own trio balances from pairs balances, top positions or base positions given</li> <li>Creating a short sequence</li> </ul> <p>Easiest to hardest: Green, Yellow, Red, Purple</p> <p>I would only suggest purple and red to those that are really competent gymnasts and have done some sports acro before - otherwise support would be required.</p> <p>Please note what you see in the previews is everything included.</p> <p>Recommendations for use for the A4 balances resource page:</p> <ul> <li>Give each group a copy of the resource and they can self differentiate</li> <li>Give each group a copy and give them a colour to try based on their ability</li> <li>Ask students to pick a balance and change one of the positions to create a new balance and show the class</li> <li>Get students to adapt the balances for apparatus</li> </ul> <p>Need other gymnastics balances? <a href=";q=gymnastics%20balances&amp;shop=MissEHoney">Click here </a></p>
Gymnastics balancesQuick View

Gymnastics balances

<p>Resource card with multiple gymnastics indiviudal and pair balances. Bronze, silver gold level pair balances. Perfect for reciprocal teaching/ guided discovery</p>
Dance Careers Display PackQuick View

Dance Careers Display Pack

<p>Dance display pack ready to print!</p> <p>Where can dance take you?</p> <p>21 unique careers, complete with average salary, hours &amp; qualifications needed.</p> <p>Download as an A3 PDF<br /> Professional quality resource!</p>
Gymnastics balances - Pair and Trio bundleQuick View

Gymnastics balances - Pair and Trio bundle

2 Resources
<p>This bundle contains gymnastics balances for pairs and trios. Each product contains around 40-50 gymnastics balances that are differentiated by colour - easiest to hardest: Green, Yellow, Red , Purple.</p> <p>I would recommend only those with a sports acrobatics gymnastics background attempt the purple one without support.</p> <p>Please email me at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> if you would like a custom gymnastics balances product or bundle.</p>
Year 7/ Year 8  Dance WorkbookQuick View

Year 7/ Year 8 Dance Workbook

<p>A Dance work booklet including a number of worksheets for students to complete either in lessons or as home learning.</p> <p>Requires pupils to complete the worksheets using their own knowledge/research. Contains links to their current learning and with GCSE Dance terminology/anthology.</p> <p>Example of contents:</p> <ul> <li>safe working practices / warm ups</li> <li>action space dynamic relationships sort</li> <li>word searches based on key terminology</li> <li>dance dictionary (to complete)</li> <li>motif development tasks</li> </ul> <p>Please feel free to review it - would be much appreciated! :)</p>
KS3 Dance - Year 7 - Intro to Dance  - 6 lesson SOL and ResourcesQuick View

KS3 Dance - Year 7 - Intro to Dance - 6 lesson SOL and Resources

<p>This ‘Intro to Dance’ 6 lesson SOL and delivery PowerPoint is for teachers teaching dance at the beginning of Year 7 (or whenever dance is first introduced in your school).</p> <p>Purpose:<br /> This SOL is to be taught right at the beginning of Year 7. Lesson 1 is designed to inform pupils of the dance studio rules and what to expect from their secondary school dance lessons. Throughout this SOL, pupils will gain and develop basic performance skills through working as a whole class to perform a teacher taught phrase that consists of the different dance body action. Working in small groups, students will gain and develop basic choreography skills through the creation of their own phrase using the knowledge gained through the performance task and will have the opportunity to view each other’s work and provide feedback to improve their own and other’s work. Throughout this SOL there is an emphasis on safety in the dance studio where pupils will develop knowledge and understanding of basic health and safety requirements for dance.</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>6 lesson (60 min per lesson) delivery PowerPoint with: ‘Enquiry questions’, ‘Do Now’ activities, ‘TIF (Take It Further) challenges’, YouTube clips and level descriptors.</li> <li>6 body actions dance tutorial</li> <li>STAR marking grid</li> <li>Mark sheet</li> <li>Theory task</li> <li>Cover work</li> <li>Dance feedback toolkit</li> </ul>
Gymnastics RollsQuick View

Gymnastics Rolls

<p>Resource that includes a variety of rolls with differentiated levels (the chillies). This means that the pupils can choose the rolls for the level they are currently working at.</p>
Gymnastics Balances and Rolls Posters (A3) The PE ProjectQuick View

Gymnastics Balances and Rolls Posters (A3) The PE Project

<p>Help students learn and remember <strong>Gymnastics Rolls</strong> and <strong>Balances</strong> <strong>(individual &amp; group)</strong> with our A3 posters. Great to use in class and will even brighten up your changing room or Gym walls!</p> <p>Simply download, print on A3 paper and laminate. Voila!</p> <p>This pack includes <strong>3</strong> posters: Individual Balances, Group Balances and Rolls.</p>
FREE: Gymnastics Pack SampleQuick View

FREE: Gymnastics Pack Sample

<p>Hello from the PE Project!</p> <p>This is a sample of our Gymnastics pack. This pack has been developed by highly-qualified and experienced PE teachers for specialists and non-specialists alike who want to deliver fun, engaging gymnastics lessons where students can make exceptional progress.</p> <p>In the Full Gymnastics Pack by the PE Project you will find:</p> <p>Gymnastics activities<br /> Skill Cards<br /> Progressions<br /> Assessment Criteria for Elementary and Middle-School<br /> Non-doer sheets<br /> Plus lots of additional extras like questions, teaching recommendations, differentiation strategies.<br /> We hope this SAMPLE pack will give you a small taste of what is in store in the Full Gymnastics Pack by the the PE Project!</p>
Gymnastics Jump CardsQuick View

Gymnastics Jump Cards

Like all displays and visual aid they really make a difference when children can see them. These are different types of jumps used in gym.