OCR A Level: Philosophy of Religion Learning MatsQuick View

OCR A Level: Philosophy of Religion Learning Mats

9 Resources
<p>These engaging and colourful learning mats are indented for independent study or revision for the topic of Philosophy of Religion, as part of the OCR AS/A Level specification, although it can be applied across specifications. Each learning mat is downloaded as an A3 Word document and an A4 PDF, for compatibility.</p> <p>Topics include:</p> <ol> <li>Ancient Philosophical Influences</li> <li>Soul, Mind and Body</li> <li>Arguments from Observation</li> <li>Arguments from Reason</li> <li>Religious experience</li> <li>Problem of Evil</li> <li>Nature of God</li> <li>Religious Language</li> <li>20th Century Perspectives</li> </ol> <p>Created with the OCR RS AS/A Level in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications.</p> <p>Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!</p>
Eduqas AS Philosophy of Religion - Summary of Every PhilosopherQuick View

Eduqas AS Philosophy of Religion - Summary of Every Philosopher

<p>A resource that summarises every named philosopher on the Eduqas specification for Philosophy of Religion AS Level. Designed to be used after teaching each unit to give students a clear and succinct overview of philosophical figures and their arguments.</p> <p>Includes criticisms of arguments named on specification and overviews of:</p> <ul> <li>Thomas Aquinas</li> <li>William Lane Craig</li> <li>William Paley</li> <li>F. R. Tennant</li> <li>David Hume</li> <li>Scientific theories including Darwin</li> <li>Anselm</li> <li>Descartes</li> <li>Norman Malcolm</li> <li>Gaunilo</li> <li>Immanuel Kant</li> <li>Epicurus</li> <li>J. L. Mackie</li> <li>William Rowe</li> <li>Gregory S. Paul</li> <li>Augustine</li> <li>Irenaeus</li> <li>Teresa of Avila</li> <li>William James</li> <li>Rudolf Otto</li> <li>Caroline Franks Davis</li> </ul>
Religious Language Philosophy of ReligionQuick View

Religious Language Philosophy of Religion

<p>Religious Language A-level Philosophy of Religion revision. A set of slides covering the Edexcel specification and others. It covers the following:</p> <p>Analogy &amp; Symbol<br /> Analogy<br /> Aristotle<br /> Aquinas<br /> Analogy of Attribution<br /> Analogy of Proportionality<br /> Strengths &amp; Weaknesses of Aquinas<br /> Via Negative / The Apophatic Argument<br /> Physical symbols<br /> Paul Tillich<br /> Weaknesses of Symbols<br /> Hick’s Criticism of Tillich<br /> Verification &amp; Falsification<br /> Categories of Statements<br /> The Vienna Circle &amp; Logical Positivism<br /> Ayer’s Verification Principle<br /> Criticisms of the Verification Principle<br /> Anti-Realist (Non-Cognitivist) &amp; Realist (Cognitivist) Language<br /> Eschatological Verification<br /> Flew’s Falsification Principle<br /> Hare’s Response to Flew<br /> Mitchell’s Response to Flew<br /> Flew’s Response to Hare &amp; Mitchell<br /> Language Games<br /> Miscommunication<br /> Ludwig Wittgenstein</p>
OCR A-Level Religious Studies: Religion and Ethics, Philosophy of Religion and Development in Christian ThoughtQuick View

OCR A-Level Religious Studies: Religion and Ethics, Philosophy of Religion and Development in Christian Thought

3 Resources
<p>OCR A-Level Religious Studies<br /> Religion and Ethics, Philosophy of Religion and Development in Christian Thought</p> <p>Summary/Revision A3 Sheets<br /> Based on the OCR H573 Specification<br /> Each A3 sheet refers to a topic found on specification</p> <p>Each sheet contains a summary of the topic with strengths and weaknesses of each argument including other scholars views and quotes.<br /> Notes made by me an undergraduate who completed the A-Level in 2019 with an A*.</p>
KS3 Philosophy & Religion Homework Booklet: Make Homework Planning Easy (1 year's worth of HW!)Quick View

KS3 Philosophy & Religion Homework Booklet: Make Homework Planning Easy (1 year's worth of HW!)

<p>This booklet is designed for years 7-9, once printed (preferably colour, double-sided) and given to a student - the teacher does not need to set homework tasks for the rest of the year, they are all contained within this booklet.</p> <p>It contains 60 pages and over 50 tasks, a year’s worth of homework.</p> <p>The tasks are differentiated, the format allows students to select the tasks that interest them each week/fortnight - the booklet instructs students to get their homework tasks signed by parents and the teacher.</p> <p>As a teacher, your only task is to check that students are completing the tasks.</p> <p>This one resource will save teachers of Philosophy and Religion countless hours of work, planning, and assessment.</p> <p>-It covers a variety of religions, philosophical issues, and ethical debates.<br /> -Features religious art, and high-level graphic design to encourage engagement.<br /> -Fosters independent research skills and allows students to choose topics that interest them<br /> -Features activities designed to prepare KS3 students for GCSE topics.<br /> -See the attached image for samples of tasks!</p> <p>Created over 3 years of teaching, and enjoyed very much by my students in YR 7-9!<br /> (Also impressed the leadership team no end!)</p> <p>Hope you enjoy, introductory price £5, which given the amount of hours of work you save is a no-brainer!</p>
KS3 Philosophy of religion - PlatoQuick View

KS3 Philosophy of religion - Plato

<p>This is the second lesson in a sequence of philosophy lessons for KS3 - specifically year 8 but can easily be used for year 9 with little adaption. This also works for a stand alone lesson which is not reliant on the sequence. I am currently working on this unit and it will soon be complete and all available as either singular lessons or as a unit bundle. This lesson focuses on Plato, his theory of Forms and the allegory of the cave.</p>
A Level Religious Studies Revision: Topics and Associated Philosophers for Philosophy of ReligionQuick View

A Level Religious Studies Revision: Topics and Associated Philosophers for Philosophy of Religion

<p>This is a 19-slide PowerPoint (pdf also included) covering the topics for the OCR unit on Philosophy of Religion.Each slide covers a topic or sub-topic and thinkers/philosophers who have a view on that particular topic/sub-topic, which students can learn for their exams. Can be used an an in-lesson resource or for independent study / revision.</p> <p>Slides are:</p> <ul> <li>Ancient Philosophy</li> <li>Knowledge / Reality</li> <li>Soul, Mind and Body</li> <li>Arguments based on observation</li> <li>Teleological Argument</li> <li>Cosmological Argument</li> <li>Arguments based on reason</li> <li>Ontological Argument</li> <li>Religious Experience</li> <li>William James on Religious Experience</li> <li>Problem of Evil</li> <li>OMnipotence</li> <li>Eternal God</li> <li>Omniscience</li> <li>Omnibenevolence</li> <li>Apophatic Way</li> <li>Cataphatic Way (Analogy)</li> <li>Cataphatic Way (Symbol)</li> <li>20th Century Perspectives</li> </ul> <p>My own students use this resource whilst writing and planning essays. I also find it useful when marking them - it is a reference/guide to who says what and gives a quick insight into what could be added/argued to make improvements to essays.</p> <p>Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!</p>
Exemplar essays for the 2018 Philosophy of Religion OCR H573Quick View

Exemplar essays for the 2018 Philosophy of Religion OCR H573

<p>Four exemplar essays to use with students to show one of the possible ways of answering the questions set in the 2018 exam for Philosophy of Religion. They were written in as close to exam conditions as possible and have a clear and logical structure.</p> <ol> <li>‘Corporate religious experiences are less reliable than individual religious experiences.’ Discuss (40 marks)</li> <li>‘The best approach to understanding religious language is through the cataphatic way’ discuss (40 marks)</li> <li>Assess Boethius’s view that divine eternity does not limit human freewill (40 marks)</li> <li>To what extent does Hume successfully argue that observation does not prove the existence of God? (40 marks)</li> </ol> <p>I have been teaching Religious Studies for 10 years and have recent examiner experience.</p>
Religious Experience Philosophy of Religion RevisionQuick View

Religious Experience Philosophy of Religion Revision

<p>Religious Experience A-Level Philosophy of Religion Revision. A set of slides for revision relating to the Edexcel specification and others. It covers the following:</p> <p>Definition<br /> Types of Religious Experience<br /> Propositional and Non-Propositional Revelation<br /> John Hick<br /> William James’ Features of a Mystical Experience<br /> Rudolph Otto<br /> Peter Vardy I<br /> Alternative Explanations - Freud<br /> Religious Experience - As Proof<br /> Inductive Reasoning<br /> Brian Davies on Inductive Arguments<br /> A Cumulative Argument<br /> Dawkins<br /> Dr Michael Persinger<br /> Dr Ramachandran<br /> Richard Swinburne - Principles of Testimony and Credulity<br /> Peter Vardy II</p>
Philosophy of  ReligionQuick View

Philosophy of Religion

<p>Revision notes on The Design Argument, The Cosmological Argument and The Ontological Argument for students studying Philosophy of Religion at AS/A2 Level.</p> <p>All notes introduces the main concept and forms of each argument and further looks more in detail of specific arguments for each topic. My notes are easy to understand and perfect for last minute revision. A past exam question with a model answer is also included within each topic to further help students apply these notes to write a top band level answer.</p>
Ancient Philosophical Influences - OCR A Level Philosophy of ReligionQuick View

Ancient Philosophical Influences - OCR A Level Philosophy of Religion

<p>Ancient Philosophical Influences for OCR A Level Religious Studies Philosophy of Religion.</p> <p>This is the full unit broken down into detailed individual lessons within two PowerPoint presentations, one being 3 lessons on Plato within 35 slides and one 4-5 lessons on Aristotle within 47 slides. Included are information worksheets on both philosophers and a series of tasks covering key themes including the Allegory of the Cave, Theory of the Forms, the Four Causes of Aristotle. Included is also an assessment essay guidance sheet used for a formal assessment of this unit’s learning. These resources cover the full unit in a circa 8 lesson scheme and include class, homework and assessment opportunities within.</p>
Alternative Religions + CultsQuick View

Alternative Religions + Cults

13 Resources
<p>A new unit all about new movements and alternative religions. Created to really engage and intrigue students in the wonderful subject of RE, before they go on to do the (slightly drier) GCSE courses in more mainstream religions.</p> <p><strong>Includes:<br /> An investigation into cult leaders vs religious leaders<br /> An Introduction to Scientology<br /> An introduction to Mormonism<br /> An introduction to Humanism<br /> An introduction to Jehovah’s Witnesses<br /> An introduction to the Amish<br /> An introduction to alternative Islam<br /> An introduction to the Illuminati<br /> An introduction to Atheism<br /> A introduction to Rastafarianism<br /> Special Christmas lesson on Paganism<br /> Assessment, mark scheme and feedback sheet<br /> Scheme of work</strong></p> <p>11 x 1 hour lessons:<br /> 11 x one hour PowerPoints dozens of worksheets, fully differentiated, clip links, activities, all you need for teaching the unit to students who don’t have much background info on the movements (with plenty to challenge those who do).</p> <p><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources">MORE RE RESOURCES</a></p> <p>You can also find us on facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ecteachresources/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.facebook.com/ecteachresources/</a><br /> Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/ec_publishing" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://twitter.com/ec_publishing</a><br /> and our website EC Publishing .com</p>


<p><strong>Revision for A-level Religious Studies (OCR)</strong></p> <p>Three pages</p> <p><strong>OMNIPOTENCE</strong></p> <p><strong>Divine power</strong><br /> • DESCARTES<br /> • AQUINAS + SWINBURNE<br /> • ANTHONY KENNY</p> <p><strong>Self-imposed limitation</strong><br /> • PETER VARDY<br /> • JOHN MACQUARRIE<br /> • ALVIN PLANTINGA<br /> • WILLIAM OF OCKHAM</p> <p><strong>OMNIBENEVOLENCE</strong></p> <p><strong>Divine benevolence</strong></p> <ul> <li>JOHN</li> <li>HOSEA</li> <li>EXODUS</li> <li>AMOS</li> <li>PSALMS</li> </ul> <p><strong>ETERNITY</strong></p> <p><strong>Divine eternity</strong></p> <ul> <li>Boethius</li> <li>Anselm</li> </ul> <p>o HARTSHORNE; KENNY<br /> • RICHARD SWINBURNE<br /> • FRIEDRICH SCHLEIRMACHER</p> <p><strong>FREE WILL (+ omniscience)</strong></p> <ul> <li>Romans</li> <li>Hebrews</li> <li>Key Issues</li> </ul>
GCSE Buddhism: Philosophy of ReligionQuick View

GCSE Buddhism: Philosophy of Religion

<p>A detailed summary of topics in Buddhist philosophy of religion GCSE. Designed for Edexcel B but broadly fits AQA The existence of God and revelation theme. Ideal for student revision where textbooks are not available, or as a resource to suppport planning and teaching. Contents include:</p> <ul> <li>Buddhism and God</li> <li>The realm of the gods<br /> *Enlightenment</li> <li>Miracles</li> <li>Visions</li> <li>Religious Experiences</li> <li>Prayers</li> <li>Religious upbringing<br /> Information on criticisms from atheism is included for miracles, visions and religious experiences.</li> </ul>
Religion and ScienceQuick View

Religion and Science

<p>A fully-resourced Religious Education lesson investigating whether religion and science really are incompatible. Students will examine case studies where religion and science have clashed throughout history and in the modern era before making their own minds up on the question through completion of a literacy and debate task. A number of religions and religious quotes will be examined throughout the lesson, with the most detailed focus on Christianity. Suitable for KS3 / KS4 and editable.</p> <p>The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, detailed information sheets, differentiated challenge activities and worksheets, clips tasks with questions and a literacy / debate focus task. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow.</p> <p>The lesson has been left editable and is filled with engaging, well differentiated and challenging activities. The PowerPoint is in the ZIP file as it is large. The images have been uploaded to show what is in the lesson :)</p> <p>Please visit my Tes store <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources">https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EC_Resources</a> for everything PSHE, RSE, RE and Citizenship.<br /> We still offer a free lesson of your choice for each time you leave a review! Just email <a href="mailto:info@ecpublishing.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">info@ecpublishing.co.uk</a></p> <p>Teaching Personal Social and Health Education, Religion Education, Whole School Tutor Time or Citizenship GCSE next year? Why not join our <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/2069848026578974/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Citizenship, RE and PSHE teachers Facebook group,</a> with 10,000 other teachers, for guidance, advice and resource sharing.</p>
Complete RE/Philosophy Classroom Display PackQuick View

Complete RE/Philosophy Classroom Display Pack

<p>Firstly, I’d like to say a HUGE thank you to the more than 1000 of you who have downloaded this display pack! I hope your classrooms look gorgeous!</p> <p>This is a complete 200+ page pack of a number of classroom displays that I have developed over the last couple of years to invigorate my department. Two updated booster packs have already been added.</p> <p>Original Display Pack:</p> <p>- Philosophers and Religious Figures Timeline (Over 40 thinkers with pictures, dates and outlines of their thinking).<br /> - Famous quote callouts to add along the timeline (one for almost every philosopher). Get students talking!<br /> - Custom-made colourful lettering for timeline eras.<br /> - Over 20 ethical and philosophical questions in colourful speech bubbles to inspire thinkers in your classroom (A great one for open-evenings or tutor time discussions!)<br /> - Steps/Levels display with optional number arrows. Department levels policy documents included.<br /> - ‘How to’ guides for all displays.</p> <p>Booster Pack 1:</p> <p>- Philosophical Language Literacy Display with sentence starters for knowledge/explanation and assessment/evaluation.<br /> - Agree --&gt; Disagree continuum signposts to make human bar charts in your classroom!<br /> - Blooms thinking guidance for teachers with question prompts. Great for shrinking and sticking on desks or displaying at the back of the room.</p> <p>Booster Pack 2:</p> <p>- A raft of additional thinkers to give greater flexibility to the Philosopher Timeline across exam boards.<br /> - Quotes for every new thinker of course!</p> <p>I’ve also added another high-quality display pack covering Logical Fallacies and Cognitive Biases. Find it here: <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/logical-fallacies-and-cognitive-biases-display-pack-philosophy-psychology-11925635">https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/logical-fallacies-and-cognitive-biases-display-pack-philosophy-psychology-11925635</a></p>
Edexcel A Level Philosophy Unit 6 - Influences & Developments - Religion & Science - TruthQuick View

Edexcel A Level Philosophy Unit 6 - Influences & Developments - Religion & Science - Truth

<p>Edexcel A Level Philosophy Unit 6 - Influences &amp; Developments - Religion &amp; Science Unit 6.3&amp;4<br /> Religion &amp; Science<br /> Lesson 1 - Truth<br /> (Lesson 1 of 8)</p> <p>Sensory / Empirical Evidence</p> <p>Truth and Thought<br /> Rationalism<br /> Realism<br /> Anti-Realism</p> <p>Descartes</p> <p>Plato</p> <p>Fully comprehensive lesson with spec break down, learning objectives, plenary and all information included</p>
Introduction to Philosophy of Religion IBQuick View

Introduction to Philosophy of Religion IB

<p>An introductory power-point for IB Philosophy of Religion, introducing expectations, the concept of God, perspectives of the ancient Greek philosophers and 4 types of argument for God (rationalism, empiricism, pragmatism, fideism). Good for 4-5 lessons, and contains a range of lesson activities.</p>
Ancient Greek Influences on Philosophy of ReligionQuick View

Ancient Greek Influences on Philosophy of Religion

Overview, self and teacher assessment, self-reflection document. I designed it to help me to keep a tight reign on the programme of study (I have a tendency to spend too long on this topic!) and to encourage my students to take more of an active role in their progress and learning. I'm hoping it will also help to encourage an open learning environment by encouraging the sharing of misconceptions etc.