Edexcel A Level Politics Political Ideas Lessons 1-13 (Liberalism)
<p><strong>LIST OF LESSONS IN THIS RESOURCE</strong><br />
42a What are political ideas?<br />
42b What is liberalism and why has it been called ‘the end of history’?<br />
42c Why are liberals so optimistic about human nature and what does this mean for society and the economy?<br />
42de (2-hour lesson) What are the aims and features of a liberal state?<br />
43a What were the origins of classical liberalism?<br />
43b How did classical liberalism change in the 1800s?<br />
43cd (2-hour lesson) How does modern liberalism differ from classical liberalism?<br />
44a What are the tensions within liberalism?<br />
44b How have the key thinkers within liberalism disagreed?<br />
44c Knowledge test 9<br />
44d Assessment</p>
<p>Further to the 125 lessons I have created for the UK Politics components of the Edexcel A Level, I have also created 50 lessons for the Political Ideas element of the course (Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism). These lessons, designed to be taught over ten to twelve weeks, include:</p>
Between 2 and 4 substantial homeworks set per week (answers also provided);<br />
8 assessment opportunities (4 in class, 4 as homework – two per ideology);<br />
4 substantial knowledge tests, each out of 100 marks.<br />
Further reading integrated (although you will need to purchase the relevant books yourself).</p>
<p>The core textbook for students to use is Political Ideas for A-Level (the version that includes Feminism) by Neil McNaughton and Richard Kelly (Hodder Education). I recommend buying enough for all students.</p>
<p>Frequently, activities will reference the Pearson textbook. If you wish to do these activities, this book is Edexcel GCSE Politics AS and A-Level Student Book and eBook - worth snapping up a copy of this also.</p>
<p>I also make use in places of Political Ideologies: An Introduction (5th ed.) by Andrew Heywood, and when it is released in March 2021 I am hoping to also make use of The Penguin Book of Feminist Writing (edited by Hannah Dawson). These are easily found on Amazon.</p>