OCR Classical Civilisation Roman City Life (9-1) Revision Guide
<p>Full revision guide for all of the culture section for the Homeric World (J199/22), covering Roman City Life.</p>
<p>The following revision guide has been designed for the OCR GCSE specification for Classical Civilisations:Roman City Life. It includes summaries of all topics covered in the four topics as condensed revision notes, with relevant prescribed sources. The 24-page long document provides revision notes for:</p>
<li>Roman Housing</li>
<li>The Roman Home and Family</li>
<li>Roman Society</li>
<li>Leisure and Entertainment</li>
<p>At the end of each section, there is a glossary of key terms. Towards the end,there is an overview of the question types found within the examination (Section A only)</p>