Space BundleQuick View

Space Bundle

6 Resources
<p>A range of some of my ‘must haves’ for your space topic…</p> <ul> <li>Domino Rockets</li> <li>Funky Planets</li> <li>Number Planets</li> <li>Planet Subitising</li> <li>Rocket Subitising</li> <li>Space Watercolour Painting</li> <li>Star Constellation Fine Motor</li> </ul> <p>Save 30% when purchasing the bundle</p>
Space (Activate KS3)Quick View

Space (Activate KS3)

4 Resources
<p>KS3 New for the Activate 1 resource.</p> <p>Full lessons ready to use straight ‘out of the box’. You’ll struggle to find a set of as many planned lessons this cheap and of similar quality.</p> <p>L1 The Night Sky available free here at the shop<br /> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Lessons meet the full criteria for this unit<br /> Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing<br /> Plenary sections for progress checking<br /> Clear learning objectives and outcomes<br /> Modern and engaging layout<br /> Little adaptation needed<br /> Each lesson covers at least an hour of lesson time</p> <p>LESSONS:</p> <p>L1 The Night Sky (FREE)<br /> L2 The Solar System<br /> L3 The Earth<br /> L4 The Moon</p> <p>Please leave constructive feedback :D</p>
Bundle: Space Physics TopicQuick View

Bundle: Space Physics Topic

4 Resources
<p><strong>Bundle of 4 complete No-Prep lessons</strong> with <strong>exam questions, tasks and answers</strong> on Space Physics for AQA GCSE Physics (9-1) , covering the complete topic.</p> <p>As a Secondary Science teacher, Deputy Headteacher, writer and examiner for many years I make high quality <strong>no-prep</strong> lessons so busy teachers can teach <strong>outstanding lessons without spending hours planning.</strong> These high quality lessons include explanations, different types of in-lesson assessment (all <strong>with answers</strong>) and <strong>unique exam questions</strong>.</p> <p>My lessons are <strong>ideal for non-Physicists</strong> - as a Biologist who retrained as a Physics teacher I know how to take learners on a journey that builds up their understanding step by step, while still going into a lot of depth. The <strong>preview videos</strong> show a representative sample of slides from each resource so that you get a good idea of what it includes before you buy.</p> <p><strong>What’s Included in each lesson:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Starter / Do Now Activity</li> <li>Explanation slides in “chunked” sections with <strong>animated diagrams</strong>.</li> <li>Multiple questions in different question styles and difficulties - no need for worksheets. Each “chunked” explanation section typically includes a set of “<strong>learning check / quick questions</strong>” followed by a set of <strong>in-depth questions</strong> on the learning from that “chunk” of the lesson. All questions have <strong>answers</strong>.</li> <li><strong>Exam-style questions</strong> on the whole lesson at the end of the lesson- these are unique, based on real exam questions but not just copied from exam boards.</li> <li>Stretch and challenge where applicable</li> <li><strong>Answers</strong> for all questions</li> <li>All easily editable to adapt to your teaching or to use in existing lessons.</li> <li>Slightly humorous, at points, if you like that sort of thing.</li> </ul> <p>The lessons were written for AQA GCSE Science / Physics but are very likely to be applicable to other exam specifications.</p> <p><strong>Please leave a rating / review and all other feedback gratefully received!</strong></p>
Earth and Space AssemblyQuick View

Earth and Space Assembly

<p>A great assembly all about space, aimed at ks2 or upper ks1.</p> <p>It contains 2 songs and a dance with youtube links. Printable S-P-A-C-E lettering for the children to hold up in assembly. There is also an optional powerpoint, just add pictures of your kids or their artwork of the planets.</p> <p>Enjoy, this is such a fun assembly which the kids and audience will LOVE!</p>
Space CVC StarsQuick View

Space CVC Stars

<p>Contains:<br /> 4 planet base mats<br /> 12 CVC star images<br /> Blank star templates for you to write own sounds<br /> Letter stars to represent CVC images</p>
Space, solar system, stars, galaxies.Quick View

Space, solar system, stars, galaxies.

<p>Space, solar system, stars, galaxies, moons, light years, gravity, the universe. Complete KS3 lesson. This is lesson 1 in a series of 6 high quality lessons that fully and expertly delivers all the points within BOTH the NEW KS3 Department for Education ‘Space Physics’ National Curriculum and the AQA KS3 specification / syllabus sections ‘3.7.2 Universe’ and ‘3.1.2 Gravity’. Updated and Improved 17th June 2019.</p> <p>Ready to use, no preparation required ! Project and go !! The powerpoint will lead you through every step.</p> <p>STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES - are given towards the bottom of this text.</p> <p>STARTER<br /> Pupils will start the lessons by thinking and working in pairs in a race to unscramble some of the key words in today’s lesson. After revealing the title and lesson outcomes students self assess against their current understanding of this topic.</p> <p>MAIN and MAIN and MAIN…<br /> This lesson is ‘chunked’ into discrete sections to support learning and engender positive behaviour by keeping students interested and focused. All points of the specification are addressed. There are various student activities such as gap fill, matching, reviewing a solar system model, words unscramble, literacy activity, questions and answers, think/pair/share, quiz, sort into size order, mnemonic, self-assessment, peer assessment etc.</p> <p>PLENARY<br /> In the plenary activity pupils complete a quiz and then peer assess it to uncover how much they have learnt during the lesson. They then self assess themselves against the lesson outcomes. Students who need further support set themselves additional homework to enhance learning of today’s lesson.</p> <p>EXTENSION ACTIVITIES<br /> These are provided just in case any group requires them.</p> <p>All resources are included in this excellent lesson, there is nothing for you to do but deliver it.</p> <p>OUTCOMES - STUDENTS LEARN TO:<br /> * Understand the structure of the solar system and be able to draw it with the planets in the correct order. * Explain what keeps the planets in place ‘orbiting’ the sun.<br /> * Understand what ‘stars’ and ‘galaxies’ and ‘light years’ are…<br /> * Use new literacy words such as ‘orbit’ and ‘light year’.<br /> * Comprehend the vast size of the Milky Way and the Universe.</p> <p>Thank you for looking, your positive feedback would be very much appreciated :)</p> <p>Lesson 1 in a series of 6:<br /> 1. Solar system, stars and galaxies and the universe.<br /> 2. Geocentric and heliocentric solar system models<br /> 3. Seasons.<br /> 4. Gravity, weight and mass.<br /> 5. Exploring and observing the universe.<br /> 6. The moon’s phases.</p> <p>For more lessons designed to meet the new KS3 and KS4 specifications please type Barclayfox into the tes resources search engine to see all my lessons.</p> <p>Happy teaching !<br /> Barclayfox.</p>
Living SpaceQuick View

Living Space

<p>Highly detailed annotations of Living Space by Imtiaz Dharker to support students with gaining a perceptive and thoughtful understanding of the Eduqas poetry anthology.</p>
Space - Living in SpaceQuick View

Space - Living in Space

A presentation suitable for KS4 looking at living in space. Presentation includes multi-choice questions to engage students and get them thinking about the subject throughout the presentation.<br /> <br /> Learning Objective(s):<br /> Explore the considerations and accommodations needed for space travel.<br /> <br /> Main Skills: Interpret written text and diagrams.<br /> <br /> Duration: Approximately 30 mins<br /> <br /> 23 slides covering:<br /> • Propulsion<br /> • Food<br /> • Drink<br /> • Waste Removal<br /> • On-board Power<br /> • Oxygen<br /> • Communication with Ground Control<br /> • Radiation Protection<br /> • Living Accommodation
DT / Vehicles/ Space BuggyQuick View

DT / Vehicles/ Space Buggy

<p>Worksheets based on DT Unit 2A / Vehicles where children design a space buggy, plan how they will make it and evaluate their finished work.</p> <p>The set includes:<br /> Information sheets and worksheets that can be to introduce the topic:<br /> • text about space buggies used during the moon exploration followed by a questionnaire<br /> • picture of a space buggy with names of parts followed by one that children can label</p> <p>Front cover sheet and targets (objectives) sheet</p> <p>Worksheets for DT activities:</p> <ol> <li>Think of ideas for making your space buggy (purpose)</li> <li>Draw how your space buggy will look like and label the parts (own design)</li> <li>Draw how you will make your space buggy move and label the parts (wheels and axels)</li> <li>Draw a logo for your space buggy, and tick what you will use to make your logo</li> <li>Write a list of materials and tools that you will need to make your space buggy</li> <li>Plan in which order you will make your own space buggy</li> <li>What do you think of your finished vehicle? (Evaluation)</li> </ol> <p>Worksheet for creative writing:<br /> Write an exciting short story for a newspaper report which includes a space buggy (newspaper template)</p> <p>For more useful Space activities and resources, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources.</p> <p>For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources<br /> Thanks for looking :)</p>
Space - SeasonsQuick View

Space - Seasons

<p>A powerpoint presentation explaining how the seasons occur in relation to the Space topic. The presentation is supported by differentiated worksheets to assess student understanding. Video links are incorporated into the presentation that will support the development of understanding in this topic.</p>
Space Assembly Script - EYFS/KS1Quick View

Space Assembly Script - EYFS/KS1

<p>An editable script for a space-themed assembly for younger pupils.</p> <p>Features two songs for children to sing and 30 separate speaking parts (though these are easily combined should you have children who do not wish to speak).</p> <p>The basic premise of the assembly is that two children in the class want to go on holiday to space and so listen to some facts about the eight planets to help make their decision. They don’t want to stay on planet Earth because it’s too messy!</p> <p>In the end they realise that the other planets would not be great holiday destinations because they’re too hot/too cold/too rocky/too smelly! They choose to stay on planet Earth but realise that they have to help to look after it to keep it a nice place to live.</p> <p>We had great success with this assembly in Reception last year - the children (and parents) loved it - and it’s easily edited to make it work for other classes.</p>
Space KS4 bundleQuick View

Space KS4 bundle

<p>Seven lessons on space made for a year 10 class.</p> <ol> <li>space</li> <li>Gravity</li> <li>Earth and Moon</li> <li>Life cycle of a star</li> <li>Red Shift</li> <li>Big bang</li> <li>Revision lesson (With A3 revision mat)</li> </ol>
Year 1 English Plan - Toys in SpaceQuick View

Year 1 English Plan - Toys in Space

<p>A 2 week English plan and resources based around the book Toys in Space by Mini Grey. Ideal for the Spring term for Year 1 but could be adapted for other terms/year groups.</p>
Physics Space Revision AQAQuick View

Physics Space Revision AQA

<p>Revision lesson to cover all of Space from the AQA specification. Starts with 5 recall questions followed up by recap slides from all of the topics with questions to test understanding.</p> <p>Designed to take 60 minutes.</p> <p>Can adapat to ask the questions first then decide which recap slides are appropriate for the class. Questions are taken from the specificaiton to cover all necessary learning objectives.</p> <p>Works great to send home/ set as cover with students to work through as part of revision.</p>
Space QuizQuick View

Space Quiz

<p>Very very easy space quiz with some fun question. uuseful as a starter or during tutor time.</p>
SpaceQuick View


Some designing activites to encourage the students to think about life in space.