Ticking Texts SeriesQuick View

Ticking Texts Series

3 Resources
<p>The 3 Ticking Texts books encourage early readers to understand texts. Book 1 is aimed at KS1 plus older pupils with literacy problems, whilst books 2 and 3 are more suitable for KS2 plus KS3 pupils struggling with literacy. Each book includes various types of short texts with a low reading level and a high interest level, and the format allows children with poor coordination/writing ability to concentrate solely on text comprehension skills. The sheets are useful for shared and guided reading and for homework and are also suitable for speaking and listening work. Discussion points and extension activities are included for each text. This is a useful resource for children who have ‘learnt to read’ and are now ‘reading to learn.’ Previously available through Easylearn.</p>


<p>The 3 Ticking Texts books encourage early readers to understand texts. Book 1 is aimed at KS1 plus older pupils with literacy problems. Each book includes various types of short texts with a low reading level and a high interest level, and the format allows children with poor coordination/writing ability to concentrate solely on text comprehension skills. The sheets are useful for shared and guided reading and for homework and are also suitable for speaking and listening work. Discussion points and extension activities are included for each text. This is a useful resource for children who have ‘learnt to read’ and are now ‘reading to learn.’ Previously available through Easylearn.</p>


<p>The 3 Ticking Texts books encourage early readers to understand texts. Book 2 is aimed at KS2 plus older pupils with literacy problems. Each book includes various types of short texts with a low reading level and a high interest level, and the format allows children with poor coordination/writing ability to concentrate solely on text comprehension skills. The sheets are useful for shared and guided reading and for homework and are also suitable for speaking and listening work. Discussion points and extension activities are included for each text. This is a useful resource for children who have ‘learnt to read’ and are now ‘reading to learn.’ Previously available through Easylearn.</p>


<p>The 3 Ticking Texts books encourage early readers to understand texts. Book 3 is aimed at KS2 plus KS3 pupils with literacy problems. Each book includes various types of short texts with a low reading level and a high interest level, and the format allows children with poor coordination/writing ability to concentrate solely on text comprehension skills. The sheets are useful for shared and guided reading and for homework and are also suitable for speaking and listening work. Discussion points and extension activities are included for each text. This is a useful resource for children who have ‘learnt to read’ and are now ‘reading to learn.’ Previously available through Easylearn.</p>
Functional Skills: Comparing TextsQuick View

Functional Skills: Comparing Texts

<p>This lesson has been designed for anyone studying Functional Skills English Level One and Level Two. The lesson goes through two different texts and helps learners to understand how to use quotations to make comparisons and respond to the higher value questions on the reading exam paper.</p> <p>If you enjoyed this lesson, then please check out our shop for more lessons and resources uploaded each week.</p>
Diary Example Text: Boy at the Back of the ClassQuick View

Diary Example Text: Boy at the Back of the Class

<p>An example diary entry text for <em>The Boy at the Back of the Class</em> written from the point of view of Ahmet, the new boy at school, plus writing feature identification worksheet and answers. This exemplar recount text is perfect to use as a WAGOLL after reading Chapter 2 of Onjali Q. Raúf’s refugee novel <em>The Boy at the Back of the Class</em>.</p> <p>Resources provided:<br /> • Exemplar diary text<br /> • Feature find worksheet<br /> • Feature find answer sheet</p> <p>The diary text contains the following language, grammar and punctuation features:<br /> • Similes<br /> • Rule of three<br /> • Repetition for effect<br /> • Alliteration<br /> • Metaphors<br /> • Hyperbole<br /> • Personification<br /> • Show not tell emotions<br /> • Rhetorical questions<br /> • Fronted adverbials followed by a comma<br /> • Variety of nouns to avoid repetition<br /> • Noun phrases<br /> • Apostrophes for contraction<br /> • Apostrophes for singular possession<br /> • Apostrophes for plural possession<br /> • Hyphens<br /> • Dashes<br /> • Colons<br /> • Semi-colons<br /> • Brackets</p> <p>The resources are available as PDFs and editable Word documents.</p> <p>Pupils read the model diary text, identify the features and then write their own diary entry.</p> <p>If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, leave a review and receive another up to the value of this one for free. Just email <a href="mailto:helen-teach@outlook.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">helen-teach@outlook.com</a> with your username, the reviewed resource and the resource you would like for free.</p> <p>More <em>The Boy at the Back of the Class</em> themed resources:<br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12805483">Example Text Bundle</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12756283">Character Profile Text Pack</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12804925">Dialogue Writing Text Pack</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12805472">Differentiated Apostrophe Activities</a></p> <p>Other popular resources:<br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12723076">The Iron Man Unit of Work | Four Weeks | Year 3/4</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12919369">Stig of the Dump Unit of Work | Six Weeks | Year 3/4</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12983715">Moon Landing Diary Unit of Work | One Week | Year 3/4</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12724495">Journey: Example Writing BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12763497">How to Train Your Dragon BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12803382">The Boy Who Grew Dragons: Example Text BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12828718">The Firework-Maker’s Daughter: Example Text Pack BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12885352">Charlotte’s Web: WAGOLL Example Text Pack BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12956010">Beowulf: Example Texts &amp; Grammar BUNDLE</a><br /> ✦ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12939745">Varjak Paw WAGOLL Example Text Pack BUNDLE</a></p> <p>Visit <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/Helen-Teach">Helen-Teach’s Shop</a> for more resources.</p>
Newspaper article model text Charlie and the chocolate factory.Quick View

Newspaper article model text Charlie and the chocolate factory.

<p>I have written a model text to support newspaper report writing. This text is based on the story of Charlie and the chocolate factory by Roald Dahl.</p> <p>I really hope that you find this resource useful and I would love to see how you use it! Please share to my instagram @teaching.in.the.sun</p>
Instruction text example pack ks1Quick View

Instruction text example pack ks1

<p>4 examples of instruction texts aimed at lower key stage 2/year 2:<br /> How to make pancakes<br /> How to make fudgy brownies<br /> How to look after a dog<br /> How to plant a sunflower<br /> PGF format</p> <p>Coloured feature key for children to use to identify and highlight the key features. (word document to enabling editing)</p> <p>Marking grid/success criteria to use when writing instruction texts (word document to enable editing)</p>
GCSE English Edexcel 2.0- Contemporary TextsQuick View

GCSE English Edexcel 2.0- Contemporary Texts

<p>Complete lesson, 4 lessons including all Paper 2 skills for the contemporary texts paper of GCSE English Language Edexcel 2.0 exam. Theme of Surveillance using George Orwell’s 1984 and an extract from Edward Snowden’s biography.</p> <p>Lesson 1: Q1- Q4<br /> Writing skills: Q7 creative writing</p> <p>Lesson 2: Q5 &amp; Q6 comparison skills<br /> Writing skills: Q8 Creative Writing</p>
Comparing Texts: Question 13Quick View

Comparing Texts: Question 13

<p>This is a bundle of three comparing texts activities that can be used for Pearson Functional Skills English, particularly for the more challenging questions of the Level 2 Reading Exam, that is, Question 10 (identifying language features) and Question 13 (comparing texts). Although Level 1s can also benefit from these activities if adapted to suit Question 15 of the Level 1 Reading Exam.</p> <p>If adapted they can be used to support GCSE English Language (AQA) learners for Paper 2, Question 2 (the summary question).</p> <p>Topics include: dogs, vaping, hobbies and university (new!)</p> <p>Enjoy!</p> <p>T.</p>
Explanation Text Planning - Year 4 The Water CycleQuick View

Explanation Text Planning - Year 4 The Water Cycle

<p>8 Lesson unit plan for writing an explanation text about the water cycle for Year 4. The unit includes using 4 sentence types, and using causal and time conjunctions.<br /> This pack include SMART screens for each lesson (in one document) and other resources needed.<br /> Includes a SPaG lesson using 4 sentence types.<br /> Includes a SPaG lesson using causal and time conjunctions.</p>
The Monkey's Paw (Full Text with Activities)Quick View

The Monkey's Paw (Full Text with Activities)

<p>This Halloween, get students reading The Monkey’s Paw, W.W.Jacobs. This 21 page booklet has mini comprehension questions to support students understanding of the story. This booklet also includes:</p> <ul> <li>My predictions</li> <li>Themes</li> <li>Quotation analysis</li> <li>Character summary sheets</li> </ul> <p>SO MUCH MORE!</p>
Text Types, Purposes of Texts, and AudiencesQuick View

Text Types, Purposes of Texts, and Audiences

<p>This Google Slide is meant to introduce purposes of texts for grades 5 - 9 students. The resource includes twenty-one slides with two activities. It is intended that you will have already reviewed the four main text types (e.g. informative, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive) with your students before using this.</p> <ul> <li> <p>Slides 1-9: The Slides include how we can take any topic and put it into all of the four types of texts and has the class do an example together, as well as students do this activity individually.</p> </li> <li> <p>Slides ten to twenty-one: The final ten slides have images and are meant to be used to stimulate class discussion regarding what the type of text shown is; its purpose; and the suggested audience. Answers are not included but should be obvious. Slide twenty-one includes a final task where students practice their ability to take any topic and write it in all four text types.</p> </li> </ul> <p>To SAVE yourself time, consider also buying my bundle, or my additional resource that complement these lesson plans on text types, purposes, and audiences, which include nineteen pages of worksheets, practice, and answer keys! Check out my Teachers Pay Teachers website under The Class of Mme Maxwell in French!</p> <p>Enjoy! :-)</p>
Edexcel IGCSE English Language Non-Fiction Texts (30 Lesson Plans)Quick View

Edexcel IGCSE English Language Non-Fiction Texts (30 Lesson Plans)

10 Resources
<p>This bundle consists of 30 thoroughly planned lessons that take students through every non-fiction text in the Edexcel IGCSE English Anthology. Lessons incorporate Paper 1-style question practice, guided analysis of each text, and some transactional writing practice (article writing and persuasive writing).</p> <p>List of non-fiction texts covered:</p> <ol> <li>‘The Danger of a Single Story’</li> <li>‘A Passage to Africa’</li> <li>‘The Explorer’s Daughter’</li> <li>‘Explorers or boys messing about? Either way, taxpayer gets rescue bill’</li> <li>‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place’</li> <li>‘Young and Dyslexic? You’ve got it going on’</li> <li>‘A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat’</li> <li>‘Beyond the Sky and the Earth: A Journey into Bhutan’</li> <li>‘H is for Hawk’</li> <li>‘Chinese Cinderella’</li> </ol>
Edexcel IGCSE English Language Poetry & Prose Texts (20 Lesson Plans)Quick View

Edexcel IGCSE English Language Poetry & Prose Texts (20 Lesson Plans)

10 Resources
<p>This bundle consists of 20 thoroughly planned lessons that take students through every poetry &amp; prose text in the Edexcel IGCSE English Anthology. Lessons incorporate Paper 2-style question practice and guided analysis of each text.</p> <p>List of poetry &amp; prose texts covered:</p> <ul> <li>‘Disabled’ by Wilfred Owen</li> <li>‘Out, Out-’ by Robert Frost</li> <li>‘An Unknown Girl’ by Moniza Alvi</li> <li>‘The Bright Lights of Sarajevo’ by Tony Harrison</li> <li>‘Still I Rise’ by Maya Angelou</li> <li>‘The Story of an Hour’ by Guy de Maupassant</li> <li>'Significant Cigarettes (from ‘The Road Home’) by Rose Tremain</li> <li>'Whistle and I’ll Come to You (from ‘The Woman in Black’) by Susan Hill</li> <li>‘Night’ by Alice Munro</li> </ul>
Unpacking a textQuick View

Unpacking a text

<p>Use this worksheet activity to support students to engage with 19th Century non-fiction texts.</p> <p>Students can complete it in pairs on alone, using the questions in corner boxes to explore this text in detail.</p> <p>This introductory resource was inspired by a Pearson training session for the new GCSE English Language 2.0 Lift.<br /> The text in the middle of the page is from a Pearson sample assessment material on exercise and healthy living but the questions are my own.</p>
Structural features in textQuick View

Structural features in text

Designed for the new AQA GCSE Paper 1 Question 3. This acronym could be used to help students tackle the structure in a extract of text.