Classroom Management: Executive Function Action Plan TrainingQuick View

Classroom Management: Executive Function Action Plan Training

One hall mark of ADHD is trouble with executive function. ADHD kids aren’t the best planners, organizers, or self-regulators. This can get very frustrating very quickly. This training presentation presents ten, simple steps can be followed to boost all seven executive functions and also help your child/student gain more independence. This presentation might be used in a professional learning community for growth in the area of ADHD and executive function, a school-wide focused faculty meeting, or even a district-wide professional development session with general education as well as special services teachers. Executive function has received much attention and research and is worth the investigation in that many, many students have difficulty with this and many times adults think it is instinctive! This might also be a training session implemented with parents who will benefit from the ten simple steps as well!
Positive Classroom Management In All Educational SettingsQuick View

Positive Classroom Management In All Educational Settings

<p>This is an ‘Off the shelf’ resource that has been used successfully many times to encourage and promote ‘Positive Management in Classrooms’ during my career as an educator and trainer in all educational settings. It can be used as an introduction to this critical area of school and classroom management for INSET and staff training. The emphasis is on positive classroom management by identifying and explaining areas of conflict through the ‘Conflict Spiral’ and then outlining ‘De-escalation’ techniques using the C.A.L.M. approach. The presentation is interactive and allows for group and collegiate discussion to build on a whole school approach to positive classroom management.<br /> <em><strong>N.B. ‘The Pepsi Challenge’ is the use of a bottle of Pepsi/Coca-Cola, shaken to illustrate how actions can often destabilise and escalate a sitution in a classroom setting.</strong></em></p>
Anger ManagementQuick View

Anger Management

One hour anger management lesson (Powerpoint, worksheets, well differentiated and engaging activities) to help students understand their anger and manage their emotions appropriately. Could be used as a PSHE lesson, Emotional Literacy session, in Tutor Time or by pastoral staff for smaller groups. <br /> This pack includes a 1 hour PowerPoint, worksheets and clips, all well differentiated. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each. <br /> You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: <a href="">EC_Resources<br /> Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :)</a>
Behaviour Management CPD Session!Quick View

Behaviour Management CPD Session!

This CPD session offers an engaging and original approach to improving behaviour management practices. Grounded in educational research, this CPD session is interactive, well-structured, and has been successfully tried and tested. The aim of the CPD session is to develop the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed in order to utilise behaviour management even more effectively in lessons, and it achieves this by embarking upon the following learning journey:<br /> <br /> 1. Fully understanding the various reasons for challenging behaviour;<br /> 2. Observing and analysing behaviour management practices through a Youtube video;<br /> 3. Evaluating the main behaviour concerns in the participants' school/classrooms<br /> 4. Gaining familiarity with a range of research and theory suggesting the best methods and strategies for a number of different challenging situations;<br /> 5, Planning effective behaviour management strategies to prevent and combat challenging behaviour in the participants' real-life classrooms.<br /> <br /> Included in this pack are: Full PowerPoint presentation, a hyperlinked video for analysis, cards fro the Diamond Nine activity, a top tips helpsheet, instructions for the main group task, and guidance for trainers/ presenters.<br /> <br /> All images and videos are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide.
Drama Design Scheme for a ClassroomQuick View

Drama Design Scheme for a Classroom

<p>Ideal for teaching in a traditional classroom rather than a studio.</p> <p>Six lesson scheme of work about Theatre Design.</p> <p>Each lesson focuses on one of four design elements - Lighting, Make-up, Costume and Set. Students are encouraged to draw, annotate and write about their design choices.</p> <p>There is a different play every lesson to encourage students to consider how different genres prompt the use of different techniques by designers.</p> <p>Lessons include:</p> <ul> <li>descriptions of 4 Theatre Design roles</li> <li>lists of key questions to consider when writing about design</li> <li>literacy puzzles to consolidate key subject language</li> <li>numeracy challenges inspired by managing a budget</li> <li>Summary of the ‘play of the day’</li> <li>short script extracts</li> <li>annotation tasks</li> <li>homework research task.</li> </ul>
Time Management PSHEQuick View

Time Management PSHE

Time Management for students: e4ditable and detailed lesson with 1 hour PowerPoint, worksheets, clips, well differentiated. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each.<br /> <br /> You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: <a href="">EC_Resources&gt;<br /> Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :)</a><br /> Or you can check out some of our most popular PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources below:<br /> <a href="">Mental Health PSHE Bundle</a><br /> <a href="">1 Whole Year of PSHE Resources</a><br /> <a href="">British Values Citizenship Bundle</a><br /> <a href="">Careers, Employment and Enterprise Bundle</a><br /> <a href="">Islam Bundle</a><br /> <a href="">Sex and Relationships Education</a><br /> <a href="">GCSE CITIZENSHIP 9-1</a>
Classroom ManagerQuick View

Classroom Manager

<p>Create interactive seating plans and select students at random.<br /> If you like this free resource then check out some of my premium resources.<br /> Follow me on Twitter and Pinterest @hatchtag73.</p>
Editable Classroom Jobs DisplayQuick View

Editable Classroom Jobs Display

<p>Classroom Jobs display with editable rainbows to allocate different roles in a lovely pastel design. Including an editable word document for children’s names which when cut out fit perfectly in the clouds. I would recommended using velcro tape on the clouds and name tags so they are super simple to change weekly.</p> <p>Enjoy, littlemisstinkler x</p>
Zones of Regulation Classroom RemindersQuick View

Zones of Regulation Classroom Reminders

<p>Small posters for each of the Zones of Regulation which help children to identify which zone they are in and strategies to support them in each zone. There are also Widgits to support understanding.</p>
Conflict Management - Healthy Relationships PSHEQuick View

Conflict Management - Healthy Relationships PSHE

<p>Conflict Management and Resolution - 1 hour PowerPoint, worksheets, clips, well differentiated. Useful for PSHE / Citizenship or Life Skills. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each.</p> <p>You can find many more inexpensive and free PSHE, Citizenship and RE resources at my shop: <a href="">EC_Resources<br /> Leave me a review and pick any other resource for free :)</a></p>
Classroom managementQuick View

Classroom management

For most teachers of young learners, classroom management is a big issue. Our latest teaching tip with David Rixon looks more closely at this topic and offers practical advice on how best to manage classes of YL students.
Classroom Management - Brain BreaksQuick View

Classroom Management - Brain Breaks

<p>These 5 minute Brain Break Activity Cards will give your students a break! A break that some of them so often need!<br /> Give them 5/10 minutes to step away from ‘learning’. With these fun activity cards, students will ‘think’ they aren’t learning but having fun, of course, that isn’t true!<br /> Task cards are FUN and educational! Many cover lots of learning areas; self-control, speaking and listening, creative form and much, much more!</p> <p>These brain breaks are suitable for students of ALL ages.</p> <p>This resource is FANTASTIC for students with ASD/Aspergers/ADHD and other SEN.</p>
Classroom management strategiesQuick View

Classroom management strategies

This ebook from explains how to deal with the seven most common classroom behaviour problems... Please leave an honest comment/review. Thank you! :-)
Classroom Management Warning CardsQuick View

Classroom Management Warning Cards

Behavior Management Warning Cards. Classroom management tool.. Slip quietly on a desk and don't stop teaching! Be prepared for the beginning of the year or anytime you need a behavior plan. Explain to your students when they come back to school at the beginning of the year that you will expect them to follow your classroom expectations. Give them examples of positive and negative behaviors Tell them that once you give a verbal warning, you expect the behavior to stop. If it does not, and you have to address the issue again, they will quietly, without disrupting instruction, be given a behavior warning card. Just put it on their desk and don't stop teaching! They must sign it, date it, and write the behavior they are being warned about on the back and return it to you. You keep the card for documentation, which is useful for parent conferences or in the event of an office referral. Includes a plain set without name and date if you wish to use repeatedly without documentation. Includes cards with place for name and date, blank cards with a line to write on that you can customize, Last Chance cards, Stop! cards, and Oops! cards...which you can use as you choose. Enjoy! - HappyEdugator
Presentation on Classroom ManagementQuick View

Presentation on Classroom Management

<p>Comprehensive presentation on classroom management runnig to 60 pages and two hours of professional development for teachers, TAs and LSAs. Written by a qualified SENCO.</p>
Behaviour Management Strategies for the Classroom Quick View

Behaviour Management Strategies for the Classroom

Whether you are a new to teaching, need a new perspective or looking for something to use in your next behaviour management professional development this document is for you!<br /> <br /> The resource includes a 5 page outline on simple does and don’ts of classroom management that you can implement today. <br /> <br /> Please rate if you found it useful!<br /> <br /> Click on my display name to see my other excellent resources. <br />
Classroom Management PPT for Elementary TeachersQuick View

Classroom Management PPT for Elementary Teachers

<p>Create a well-managed, positive classroom environment with this <strong>Classroom Management Presentation for Teachers</strong>!</p> <p>This engaging presentation provides elementary educators with essential strategies for effective classroom management, including clear expectations, positive reinforcement, consistent routines, non-verbal cues, and calm behavior management techniques. This resource emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships and fostering self-regulation, helping teachers set a supportive foundation for student success.</p> <p>This bundle also includes two valuable, free resources:</p> <ul> <li>SEL Spin the Wheel Brain Breaks – 60 interactive activities to energize and refocus students during transitions.</li> <li>Morning Routine Classroom Cues – Visual cues to support a smooth start to the school day and encourage student independence.</li> </ul> <p>With a PDF version and an editable PowerPoint, you can easily adapt this presentation to meet the unique needs of your classroom or professional development sessions.</p>
End of year Oscars Classroom AwardsQuick View

End of year Oscars Classroom Awards

<p>Instead of buying class presents at the end of the year I set up an ‘Oscars’ awards ceremony with a little red carpet complete with childrens Hollywood handprints and give these awards out, the children love them and treasure them far more than anything else i could buy. We get dressed up in our best clothes and have a little party as well!</p> <p>Includes 33 different awards so something for everyone! Also a ticklist for you to keep track of what you have awarded and a template for creating the handprints. All fully editable.</p>
Classroom Behaviour Management ToolkitQuick View

Classroom Behaviour Management Toolkit

<p>This is a resource that has been designed and created to assist the management of behaviour in the classroom , it suggests ways in which teachers can support the learning of young people in the classroom by the use of classroom management strategies that have been tried and tested in the classroom .<br /> Included in the package is a suggested ‘Learning Contract’ , ‘Pupil Teacher Contract’ and ‘A checklist of conditions for effective learning’ . Please feel to edit the contract to your specific school needs.</p>
Classroom Management - Reward SystemQuick View

Classroom Management - Reward System

<ul> <li>Award stars for good behaviour with this adaptable and effective ‘Rewards’ chart.</li> <li>Each time a child achieves 33 stickers/stars from you, they receive a small prize.</li> <li>An effective and simple rewards system.</li> <li>Fully editable.</li> </ul>
Student classroom management - BehaviourQuick View

Student classroom management - Behaviour

<p>Powerful Student Classroom Management program</p> <p>This student attitude improvement tool is very powerful as it can turn even the most difficult and stubborn student into a more conscious and reflective listener and learner.</p> <p>Youtube link<br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p> <p>Students receive instant feedback on aspects like, behaviour, attitude to learning, punctuality etc via a student score which is reflected instantly on the live league table. Students can achieve bonus scores by gaining a reward in the classroom but can also lose scores by doing something unwanted within the classroom.</p> <p>Students and teachers love this as it brings out the students competitive edge. The tool is designed to allow for houses to be assigned to your students which in turn allows for houses to compete against each other. You can also send reports home to parents at the touch of a button.</p> <p>A student’s position on the live league table is determined by how each student is preforming based on the 4 different criteria which you choose. Watch the video for a more in depth understanding of how this tool can transform your students performance in your class.</p>