GCSE Computer Science Python ProgrammingQuick View

GCSE Computer Science Python Programming

<p>An entire 70+ slide PowerPoint covering Python Programming topics as stated in the OCR GCSE J277 Computer Science Specification.</p> <p>This set of slides includes theory, examples, coding tasks and answers as well as starter activities for the following topics:</p> <ul> <li>Variables</li> <li>Comments</li> <li>Data Types</li> <li>Casting</li> <li>Operators</li> <li>User Input</li> <li>Strings</li> <li>String Methods</li> <li>Concatenation</li> <li>Booleans</li> <li>Built in functions</li> <li>Conditional Statements</li> <li>FOR and WHILE loops</li> <li>Lists</li> <li>2-D Arrays</li> <li>Functions and Procedures</li> </ul> <p><strong>Worksheet for strings and string methods included</strong><br /> WORKSHEET HAS NOW BEEN ADDED TO FILES.</p> <p>Table of contents is linked to relevant slides to save you as much time as possible!</p>
GCSE Computer Science Revision Paper 1Quick View

GCSE Computer Science Revision Paper 1

<p>GCSE Computer Science Paper 1 Revision Bundle. 5 PPTs for at least 5 lessons in total (over 100 slides).</p> <p>Includes a range of revision activities in each PPT, from quick quizzes to retrieval questions. Content includes animated demos for some key content. Answers are provided via animations on each of the slides.</p> <p>Content is aimed at OCR GCSE Computer Science but could be used for some other specs (please cross check the specifications you are using).</p> <p>Aimed at year 11 revision for the lessons leading upto the exam/mock exam.</p>
Computer Science Paper 2 Revision (3 lessons)Quick View

Computer Science Paper 2 Revision (3 lessons)

<p>3 PPTs that are fantastic for GCSE OCR Paper 2 Revision. Lots of past paper style exam questions, answers for each question perfectly animated onto the screen in a timely fashion.</p> <p>Lots of retrieval activities in between exam questions that help students recall key concepts. 60 slides in total covering a range of key topics on the paper 2 GCSE OCR exam.</p>
Computer science display periodic tableQuick View

Computer science display periodic table

<p>Computer Science periodic table wall display of key terms in programming.<br /> Wall display for ICT and Computer Science classroom.<br /> Key terms and keywords with definitions for programming in Python.<br /> Contains 32 key words used in programming with definitions under each one.<br /> Grouped together as publisher documents to easily print all 4 groups seperately.</p> <p><strong>PLEASE NOTE: You will recieve 8 documents with this download.<br /> 4 documents are the coloured version to be printed out on white paper.<br /> The other 4 are black images with transparent text created on Photoshop to allow you to print on coloured paper of your choice.<br /> All files are Publisher Documents ready to be printed.</strong></p>
Computer Science Escape RoomQuick View

Computer Science Escape Room

<p>Computer Science Team Building Escape Room - Virtual Escape Room run through PowerPoint by Cre8tive Resources! This lasts an hour or under depending on how quick the teams can solve each puzzle! Students love this style of lesson, great as an educational treat for your middle school or even high school class. Will your students be able to escape before time runs out?</p> <p>The escape room puzzles content will be tailored to the topic of this escape room.</p> <p><strong>Escape Room Product Contents:</strong><br /> ☞ Escape Room Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display<br /> ☞ Escape Room Puzzle Keys (Six Sets for Six Teams)<br /> ☞ Escape Room Team sheet - Record codes, answers clues as they progress through the 7 rooms<br /> ☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles involving numeracy, literacy and lateral thinking)<br /> ☞ Bonus Riddles with every puzzle.<br /> ☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - Quickly confirm to teams they have solved the puzzle correctly<br /> ☞ Teacher instructions of how to set up the escape room and what to print and top tips and shortcuts.<br /> ☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape too :) for any quick teams</p> <p>✿ The 7 Rooms include: The Garage, The Attic, The Nowhere, The Dungeon, The Entrance, The Rest Room and the Garden. (Each Puzzle has been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room (this one is very general and fun!) and is suitable for Middle School and High School students.</p> <p><strong>Our Philosophy</strong><br /> ✿ We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning.</p> <p>✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰</p> <p>Why not try out one of our other fantastic best selling Escape Rooms<br /> ⇨ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-escape-room-end-of-year-12151222">English and Language Digital Escape Room</a><br /> ⇨ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/dr-jekyll-and-mr-hyde-escape-room-12152748">Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Digital Escape Room</a><br /> ⇨ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/end-of-term-escape-room-12151235">Big Fun End of Term Digital Escape Room </a><br /> ⇨ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12151231">PSHE and Form Time Escape Room</a><br /> ⇨ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12151218">Careers Digital Escape Room </a><br /> ⇨ <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/drama-escape-room-end-of-term-12152257">Drama and Performance Digital Escape Room</a></p> <p><strong>JUST PRINT AND GO!</strong><br /> They can also be used to encourage a flipped learning environment.</p>
KS3 Computer Science: NetworksQuick View

KS3 Computer Science: Networks

<p>Computer Science: Introduction to Networks for KS3 students</p> <p>The aim of this unit of work is to introduce KS3 students to computer networks. Within this unit of work, students will learn the following:</p> <p><strong>What will you learn?</strong></p> <ul> <li>To understand what is meant by a Local Area Network (LAN). <ul> <li>Hardware required</li> <li>Methods of connection (WiFi &amp; Ethernet cable)</li> </ul> </li> <li>To understand what is meant by a Wide Area Network (WAN). <ul> <li>Methods to connect (GPRS, mobile, telephone cables &amp; satellite).</li> </ul> </li> <li>To understand how peripheral devices can connect to a computer system using a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN). <ul> <li>Methods to connect (Bluetooth).</li> </ul> </li> <li>Understand the following methods of keeping you computer secure on a computer network:<br /> - Firewall<br /> - Anti-malware<br /> - Passwords<br /> - Encryption</li> </ul> <p>This unit of work includes a range of information and activities to develop student knowledge and understanding of computer systems.</p> <p>Please note two practical activities require the use of rope to create a human networks!</p> <p>A final assessment is also included.</p> <p>Teacher answer PowerPoint also included.</p> <p>**Please leave a review!</p>
Computer science and computing web quest (webquest) packQuick View

Computer science and computing web quest (webquest) pack

<p>Students can discover more about famous computer scientists in a fun and interactive way.</p> <p>Zero preparation for the teacher!</p> <p>From Steve Jobs to Tim Berners-Lee there are many famous computer scientists. But how many do your students know?</p> <p>Students respond to open-ended questions in this nicely presented resource.</p> <p>Two suggestions for delivery:<br /> 1. Give all of the students the same computer scientist. Maximum 10 minutes for each. Who can go through the set fastest?<br /> 2. Give different groups different computer scientists. Then present.</p>
OCR Computer Science GCSE J277 Revison gridsQuick View

OCR Computer Science GCSE J277 Revison grids

<p>Computer Science OCR GCSE J277 revision grids for all topics of the course.</p> <p>Each sheet covers a different topic of the course and has a A3 template to print and give to students to fill in for their revision.</p> <p>Covers all topics for both Unit 1 and Unit 2.</p>
J277 Knowledge Organiser GCSE Computer Science Revision Guide (OCR)Quick View

J277 Knowledge Organiser GCSE Computer Science Revision Guide (OCR)

<p>Revision Guide / Knowledge Organiser for the entire OCR GCSE Computer Science Spec (J277)</p> <p>Colour coded, 21 pages.</p> <p>PDF suitable for printing and Powerpoint file incase you want to edit it.</p> <p>Each topic can be printed separately as a lesson resource/Do Now task/Revision Sheet/Homework/Flipped learning resource.</p> <p>Each topic has examples of exam questions which can be answered by students.<br /> Key vocabulary is highlighted.</p> <p>You are welcome to share with students on a password protected area of your website but please do not share publicly online.</p> <p>Please write a review if you find it useful :)</p>
OCR GCSE (J277) Computer Science Practice Workbook BUNDLEQuick View

OCR GCSE (J277) Computer Science Practice Workbook BUNDLE

2 Resources
<p>Revision and practice are vital components to any GSCE Computer Science student’s preparation for their examinations. This workbook is filled with just that, a great resource to support learners with recall and to check their understanding of key GCSE Computer Science course content prior to their exams.</p> <p>This Bundle includes both GCSE OCR (J277) Paper 1 and Paper 2 Workbooks in PDF format which can be printed as an A4 or A5 booklet. The booklets includes recall tasks to support revision for the OCR GCSE Computer Science Paper 1 – Computer Systems and Paper 2 – Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming exam papers and includes exercises like True and False, Vocabulary matching and tick-box questions, among others.</p> <p><strong>This bundle offers a 20% discount for a limited time.</strong></p>
OCR GCSE (J277) Computer Science Practice Workbook - Paper 2Quick View

OCR GCSE (J277) Computer Science Practice Workbook - Paper 2

<p>Revision and practice are vital components to any GSCE Computer Science student’s preparation for their examinations. This workbook is filled with just that, a great resource to support learners with recall and to check their understanding of key OCR GCSE Computer Science course content prior to their exams.</p> <p>This resource downloads as one PDF file which includes 36 pages which can be printed as an A4 booklet over 9 A3 pages or an A5 booklet over 9 A4 pages. The booklet includes recall tasks to support revision for the OCR Computer Science Paper 2 – Computational thinking, algorithms and programming exam paper and includes exercises like True and False, Vocabulary matching and tick-box questions, among others.</p>
OCR GCSE (J277) Computer Science Practice Workbook - Paper 1Quick View

OCR GCSE (J277) Computer Science Practice Workbook - Paper 1

<p>Revision and practice are vital components to any GSCE Computer Science student’s preparation for their examinations. This workbook is filled with just that, a great resource to support learners with recall and to check their understanding of key OCR GCSE Computer Science course content prior to their exams.</p> <p>This resource downloads as one PDF file which includes 40 pages which can be printed as an A4 booklet over 10 A3 pages or an A5 booklet over 10 A4 pages. The printed booklet includes recall tasks to support revision for the OCR Computer Science Paper 1 – Computer Systems exam paper and includes exercises like True and False, Vocabulary matching and tick-box questions, among others.</p>
Computational Thinking GCSE Computer Science OCRQuick View

Computational Thinking GCSE Computer Science OCR

<p>5 Computational thinking lessons for GCSE. Each lesson includes three levels of differentiation by task rather than outcome.</p> <p>Each lesson has an engaging starter activity that students can get on with straight away.</p> <p>The lessons were originally written to be used with exercise books as well as some computer based work but could easily be adapted to make them 100% computer based.</p> <p>The lessons cover abstraction, decomposition and algorithmic thinking. Programming opportunities are included (python) as well as links to identifying programming errors and flowcharts.</p> <p>Lessons include literacy and reading opportunities.</p>
Exam Technique for GCSE Computer ScienceQuick View

Exam Technique for GCSE Computer Science

<p>Complete exam technique lesson to help GCSE computer science students boost their grades.</p> <p>Do you feel your students know their computer science theory but are worried they still need a little extra help on understanding how to answer the exam questions to get the highest marks possible?</p> <p>Fear not, help is at hand.</p> <p>This stand-alone lesson introduces your pupils to common exam terminology so they feel more prepared in understand exactly what type of answers the questions require to get the top marks available.</p> <p>It gives them plenty or practice in answering a variety of questions including a min exam paper you can set as a homework task or during a second lesson.<br /> Buy this resource now and give your students the opportunity of gaining a few more valuable points. This can mean the difference between getting the grades they need or possibly missing out just because they didn’t know how to answer one particular type of question.</p> <p><strong>What is included?</strong></p> <p>This complete lesson includes :</p> <ul> <li>a 29-slide PowerPoint presentation (editable)</li> <li>1-page PDF teacher’s lesson plan (not-editable)</li> <li>1-page PDF algorithms question handout (not-editable)</li> <li>2-page PDF mini exam paper (not-editable)<br /> .<br /> Please note: <em>This lesson was created specifically for the OCR GCSE Computer Science (J277) and AQA GCSE Computer Science (8525) exams and will help your pupils feel more prepared for their exams.</em></li> </ul> <p><strong>How can it be used?</strong></p> <p>The exam preparation PowerPoint presentation is best used during your computer science exam revision lessons. Use the PowerPoint presentation along with the class working through all the exam practice activities together.</p> <p>You can either set the mini exam paper as a homework task and mark it together the next lesson or even let them mark it themselves. Alternatively set the mini exam paper during a second dedicated lesson and mark it together in class.</p> <p>What are you waiting for? Grab your copy of this invaluable lesson now and give your pupils the boost they need to get a few extra marks in their computer science exams.</p> <p><strong>FREE BONUS PRODUCT INCLUDED</strong></p> <p>As a special thank you for purchasing this product I am pleased to be able to also include a surprise FREE bonus gift. This gift is one of our complete resources which we will usually charge full price for but is yours absolutely free when you purchase this product. Just our little way of saying thank you to our valued customers. I hope you enjoy it and get use out of it, with my compliments.</p> <p>Looking for computer science revision material? Check out these fabulous self-study workbooks that completely cover the exam specifications:<br /> <strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ocr-gcse-9-1-computer-science-j277-workbooks-12354935">Complete set of OCR Revision Workbooks</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/all-aqa-8525-workbooks-bundle-12363106">Complete set of AQA Revision Workbooks</a></strong></p>
KS3 Computer Science SUPER BUNDLE!Quick View

KS3 Computer Science SUPER BUNDLE!

17 Resources
<p>This huge bundle includes all my key stage 3 computer science units of work as well as knowledge organisers and revision sheets to help prepare your students for their final assessments (all included).</p> <p>Full solutions are also included.</p> <p>This bundle contains:</p> <ul> <li>Computer Systems - Year 7</li> <li>Computer Systems - Year 8</li> <li>KS3 Networks</li> <li>Computational Thinking for KS3</li> <li>Algorithm Design - Year 7</li> <li>Algorithm Design - Year 8</li> <li>Data Representation - Year 7</li> <li>Data Representation - Year 8</li> </ul> <p>Also includes knowledge organisers and revision sheets and starter activities!</p> <p>Purchase all these resources within this bundle and you will save over 25% individual resource price!</p>
A Level Computer Science Mega Revision BundleQuick View

A Level Computer Science Mega Revision Bundle

15 Resources
A wide range of A-Level computer science revision worksheets/booklets. Including<br /> <br /> Programming Techniques<br /> Logic Gates, Masks, Shifts<br /> Layers, OSI, TCP/IP<br /> Compilation (Lexical, Syntax, Code Gen, Optimization)<br /> Big O Notation<br /> Stacks & Queues<br /> Trees, Graphs<br /> CPU<br /> Entity Relationship Diagrams<br /> Binary, Hex, Floating Point, two's compliment<br /> Software Development<br /> Networks
Computer Science Murder Mystery ActivityQuick View

Computer Science Murder Mystery Activity

<p>Looking for a different style of GCSE computer science revision lesson? Want a fun, interactive, team-based challenge for the end of term for your KS3 computing classes? This activity is just what you are looking for.</p> <p>Easily adapted to be used for KS3 and GCSE classes, this computer science murder mystery will have your pupils answering computer science related questions in order to interview suspects and solve the case.</p> <p>This activity includes everything you need to run this exciting and immersive game which is sure to have your classes working together as they race to beat the other teams in identifying the murderer and the murder weapon used.</p> <p>With minimal setting up, this game makes that last lesson of term, or the last lesson with your GCSE classes before they start their exams, an enjoyable and memorable experience.</p> <p>ALL THIS IS FOR FREE!</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Clear teacher notes telling you how to prepare and run the activity</li> <li>An introduction PowerPoint presentation, to set the mood and tell the students what they need to do</li> <li>An interactive PowerPoint presentation, the teams use to solve the case</li> <li>A variety of handouts that are used through the game</li> </ul>
Computer Networks  - GCSE Computer ScienceQuick View

Computer Networks - GCSE Computer Science

Teach students about the basics of computer networks. Exploring different computer network types and the way in which they differ according to the type of user. <br /> <br /> Also a look at network hardware, security and policies.